General Discussion

General Discussionif you want to get out of NS, just learn to watch the map and farm as...

if you want to get out of NS, just learn to watch the map and farm as fast as possible in General Discussion

    it's actually quite interesting how much do NS players tunnelvision(2.5k avg in this game)
    no one can pay attention to anything due to a lack of concentration,

    the TUNNELVISION in NS is beyond insane

    what do i mean: i was able to end this game by simply walking into enemy base and taking their towers while everyone else was fighting

    no one teleported, no one counterganked

    and when they actually did(when the fight was over) i already taken half their base.

    tldr: if you want to win almost every game in NS, learn to farm and watch the map(and learn to know where everyone is even without vision(wards))

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      COOKY, I am NS playr man I got 40 cs in 2 hour game, why I lose??? MY TEAM SO BADDDDDDDDDDDD FFS


        btw deus ex announcer pack is really cool.


          watching the map helped me a lot. i dont claim that i mastered it but i did improve at least a bit.

          a simple tp to a lane early getting dived is almost gamewinning

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            *if you want to get out of Every skill* learn how to farm, A kill might be worth 250 gold minus what they lose for the kill.
            In the early game, 2 waves of creeps > a kill

            Pushing lanes wins games


              wait i have to say in one game I was 18 min blink dagger, echo sabre sven but just cuss my team picked retard heros and enemy team was strong we lost.
              I mean wtf i could do against radiance wraith king, void, witch doctor.. mirana and a fucking abaddon. intersting shit as they didnt throw or didnt refuse to push. they was pushing like fuck. and thy took roshan too.
              sometimes u just have to accept the lose and move on.


                18 min blink + echo + dominator + treads is quite relatively slow (well for NS standarts it isn't) so you can still work on it. make it 23 min but juice in a bkb and you might just do it.

                however some games you really can't 1v9 (however sven is pretty dank 1v9 hero in ns)

                also sometimes people in NS play quite good in comparison simply cause they play a lot of unranked and when they get gud they go climb ranked. like in example i lost a game against min 20 linkens shotgun morph myself who just decimated my entire team (i didnt rotate fast enough tho).

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                  I guess time to learn rat now


                    also massive hero damage means alot nornal skill players dont know that all core heroes can make 30k hero damage if they want too but in the end they make 15 k and blame team


                      with learn to farm i mean have more than 15+ CS/ min almost every game

                      or 800 + AVG gpm

                      ex antimage: i dont mean NS standards finishing bfury at 30 min, i mean finish bfury + treads at 12 min

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                        cookie now boosting ns hs brackets to earn money and runing others game.


                          Thats actually how i got out of ns. Dumpstering enemy base


                            black amigo, quite no

                            you can splitpush, you can gank, you can pickoff, you can farm faster than them etc.

                            there's thousands of methods you can abuse to get more advantage and win that game

                            obviously if it were me in that game, i'd win.

                            like they said, 18 min dagger + echo is actually really slow

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                              dont give 2k 4k acc pls give them some high 3k max
                              and to 3k give flat 4k


                                banned free cookies this forum


                                  If you want to win a game Have to destroy enemies throne. 100% confirmed.

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                                    banned free cookies this forum


                                      Fucker off you are

                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                        To many 4k in matches play like 1k cause cookies . Calibrate my I'd to 4k ? That idea cookies want to help calibrated from 2k Mmr to 4k Mmr . Help but when u give your I'd , he do 4k n want charge money ! Now around 4k to many noob cause him ... he calibrated for what ? Want help ? Want money ? Or for fun ? People 2k help he went I talk about this but a real player 4k so annoying . 2k become 4k now . That idea cookies like a people buyer I'd ....


                                          also massive hero damage means alot nornal skill players dont know that all core heroes can make 30k hero damage if they want too but in the end they make 15 k and blame team

                                          this isn't ENTIRELY true, some heroes have lower base inflicted damage(the one that's recorded) but they amplify it a huge lot via armor reduction and stuff like that. I mean imagine slardar/weaver with deso and solar crest... he'll do 20k damage but it will feel like 30k or even more.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^if you amp somebody and deal 2400 damage to them instead of 1600, it will be recorded as 2400, but it is true that your team will deal more damage due to your contribution, and that damage won't be assigned to you

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                                              Consistently finishing BF+treads in 12 minutes on AM isn't realistic vs any pressure at all. I'd be happy with as late as 15 in many games if they dual offlane me and my other lanes are getting space.


                                                Fuk for the life of me I can't figure out how to get bf before 16 min consistently


                                                  ^if you amp somebody and deal 2400 damage to them instead of 1600, it will be recorded as 2400, but it is true that your team will deal more damage due to your contribution, and that damage won't be assigned to you

                                                  last time i checked (read somewhere in dotabuff) physical/magical resistance wasn't factored in the hero damage calculation
                                                  hence why pre-underlord the numbers all looked smaller (due to resist being taken into account)

                                                  so unless you have any actual evidence to back your claim i am not going to straight up believe you sorry

                                                  i shitstomped a 2k game with hard carry slardar 1v9 and it was only 15k hero damage if i recall correctly since i built a deso and ac (just 2 hit kill those trash with amp)

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                                                    1 in 50 games they actually put pressure on the carry that let's say an antimage cant finish 12-13 min bfury treads

                                                    so no, ns players dont know how to harass


                                                      just another day in 2k playing with the fog as a sup with Haffy lmfao


                                                        In normal skill enemy dual offlane is common, and so is being alone in safelane. Like 75% players can't play support, they just stand behind you in lane to get xp, can't harass/stack/pull/zone, so the enemy offlane couple gets more farm than you and you don't even get solo XP.

                                                        15-16 min battlefury good in NS.