General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with noobs who intentional feeds who ganks without any plan?

How to deal with noobs who intentional feeds who ganks without any plan? in General Discussion
Kill yourself in the name...

    this stupid spirit breaker keeps charging on enemies like an idiot and gets beaten up by 3 enemy teammates

    also this stupid spirit breaker has the perfect charge and cancels it and puts me in danger as qop.

    remind me not to play qop until she's buffed or not play her if the enemy team has Legion Commander or Slark.

    Kill yourself in the name... my smurf account i go smurf some more.

      Kill yourself in the name...

        nice one but i already did but i need to deal with this and move on. what i always do is trashtalk to them how bad they play at dota 2.

        Kill yourself in the name...

          bump kappa


            still better than your engrish

            Kill yourself in the name...

              still better than your small skinny penis.


                it's cold

                Mary Poppins


                  Nice stuff, 40min for linken look good for a second game on a smurf ...

                  Mary Poppins

                    I'm watching your AM game.

                    It's pretty funny.

                    you blink for dodge the death pulse (you know doto), you max the blink, you auto-Attack the creep, you write shit on the mini map, you miss 80% of your last hit alone on the lane without pressure, you have the blink but clockwerk stay alive by runing around his tower, you tp top because your mates ganking shadow deamon (useful AM don't need farm at all, he go gank with the mates).

                    16:45 for the battle fury (with 4 kills, humm i mean 4 ult on hero who have 10hp), it's not bad, it's terrible.

                    You have no idea how to use the BF for farming. You don't simply auto-Attack the same creep, you need to use the cleave so you don't waste damage.

                    And the best is: you report pudge because he hook an enemy and get the kill. You win the game because Axe & Pudge smurfing like you, if they was no here you probably lose.

                    (nice to use your ult 3 times on full mana guy, 0.5s is the time needed for check the mana).

                    So bascicly you suck pretty hard at doto. I'm 3k trash and i see 1000 mistakes in one game so ...


                      ^Analyze my game pls no kappa

                      Kill yourself in the name...

                        Wow talk to the loser who can't afford dotabuff plus i got linken sphere 25 mins.

                        Kill yourself in the name...

                          I hate envy people valve can someone ban.

                          Kill yourself in the name...

                            Straight outta Dota
                            nice stuff normal scrub 5.13 kills and 6.77 deaths very scrub.

                            next time think before you say something scrublet.


                              linkens sphere in 25 mins wow


                                you don't


                                  Op kys