General Discussion

General DiscussionAlways wondered why heart winrate on

Always wondered why heart winrate on in General Discussion

    Slardar is so high .

    It's always been higher than it's been on other heros , I understand why it's so high on specter due to his passive . I guess slardar benefits from being able to stay alive applying his ult and bashing the shit out of people but it doesn't seem like he would pretty much have the highest winrate out of all heros with it. And before y'all start saying who cares it's just a dota buff statistic I know this I just find it interesting .

    dont be thrilled by this ...

      i guess usually u wont make ht on slard as a core item but only if u have lots of gold and you are 6 slotted. my point is those games are alrdy won before u make ht and its just a slot filling item and has little impact. so the w/r is high! so is on storm, silencer, od, ... u wont make ht on em as a core item but u can make it as an slot filler item in a won game.

      casual gamer

        Because slardar "players" usually buy useless shit like deso first so it's bought as a super luxury item

        also its not terrible on the hero. basically bloodthorn syndrome


          Well actually blood thorn has shitty winrate on all heros lol.
          And heart on silencer and storm is pretty much never built so it's just a Lol item we won on them or built by super noobs . It is built on slardar a fair amount to really wonder if it's a particularly good late game item on slardar .

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          casual gamer


              Because if slardar managed to get heart the game is already won basically, since slardar doesn't farm that fast