General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy you're not VHS

Why you're not VHS in General Discussion

    0. Why am I not VHS?

    You're not VHS because relative to those who are VHS, you will lose the large majority of the time. Really simple. Improvement seems slow if not impossible because you can't see it instantly, this is where people get frustrated. Low skill players will think small actions don't matter but they really do make up a bigger whole, obviously if you haven't learned your lesson firsthand you have no way of easily knowing that. The road will take months maybe even years depending not only on how much you play, but how serious you are about deciding to improve, for me it took 2 months to go from 2.2k to 3k, and 5 months to go from 3k to 4k and I played at least 200 matches each month if not more.

    I didn't learn from replays very much, however that is a good practice, but after dying or losing I would wonder how I alone could have won that game, how a pro like Dendi surely wouldn't lose it so why am I?

    You're not going to make a new account and calibrate with extra hundreds or thousands of MMR and keep it because you somehow played perfectly those games, from tips people on the dotabuff forums have given you. It's not going to happen. Can I teach you nuclear physics in a few minutes? There's no fast forwarding something you have to learn, matches are classes and MMR is the score on your test. Even if you do somehow calibrate higher, you will drop, very fast. It's pointless. The only option is to improve.

    1. Blaming team for losses

    Cookie is around 6k and managed to get over 50+ matches a 97% winrate on his 3k smurf. Personally I smurfed a friends account starting at 200 to 2700 and it has a 85% winrate in 230 matches (he plays on it and it stays low). Yes, some games are unwinnable, sometimes people don't want to win and they throw. But the vast majority that are unwinnable are unwinnable because you're simply not good enough. If your team tried their best but they are simply bad, you just can't use them as an excuse. Yeah, team is super heavy sometimes, I get it. But if you can't climb it's you who is at fault. Stop making excuses. Look at what YOU can do to win a game, not how your team messed up. The higher your MMR, the heavier your team will be, the more consistent impact that will be required of you. High MMR players are just players who are very skilled at carrying severely heavy teams. No excuses.

    2. Bad farming

    I'm pretty sure if you know how to farm well you can just get to 4K straight up. I recognize all the good item timings of a hero, so if I see the 2k invoker has just a midas in 10 minutes, and I have a few items I can probably manfight him and kill him because I farmed competently.

    Safelane carries should get at least 50 cs in 10 minutes, any less and you really lost your lane. You can easily get 60 - 80 in low mmr, even vs dual lanes there's just a lot of space given, and enemy mechanics are bad, denies are not too common.

    Item timings are so important. A slark with a shadow blade in 12 minutes does much much more impact than a slark who gets his shadow blade in 15 - 16. Yeah, it's only a few minutes but it means the world. Low mmr players don't recognize such small details matter, but they do. Small things are everything. If your item timings are okay but not great, you're failing yourself. You should strive for competency, if you missed a bunch of free cs and delayed your items, you deserve to lose.

    I see lots of people ask "Why did I lose this NS/HS game?" and MORE OFTEN than not, they have around 6 - 7 cs/minute on a strong farmer like sven, when they should have 10+!

    3. No miss! Ty injo!! Reportan este injoker pls

    Stop. Please. When I smurf I see this often. It's not your team's job to look at the map for you, stop making excuses. In 4k there's literally no missing calls at all. It's your job to have the game sense to understand if a mid's gonna gank etc.

    4. Too scared to go on kill potential.

    Below 4k people are out of position so often, especially the low hp supports who are always underfarmed. I won't even pretend I have great positioning in 4k, but I'm saying below 4k there is so much opportunity to feed on the enemy team it's pretty ridiculous. And they never see the kill potential, there's clearly a huge issue in understanding "hey, can I kill this guy?" If you're not 4k you probably let the freest kills slide right by you, and you're entirely unaware of this.

    5. Almost like you're not actually playing Dota 2

    Oh man, where do I begin. I guess this goes hand in hand with "scared to go on kill potential."

    So, you're axe and it's 5v4. The enemy mid is dead, the rest of their team can't do anything vs your team and you've got a slark who can destroy them. An enemy comes up and for some reason you don't go on him, or maybe you do, seconds after slark tries to fight and pings you an insane amount of times. Why? Are you paying attention? This seems to be a common theme among <4k players. You don't take even advantageous fights. Kills and advantageous fights literally come to you, but you instead prioritize roshan or something, even though there is no reason to. It's an overly safe mentality with little thought put in.

    Smokes? They just don't happen. Smokes aren't used even in 3k, it seems. I have to constantly tell my team to smoke, instead of the support going "Hey guys let's smoke." And more often than not, it ends up in an easy fight. They never expect a smoke. It's like a low mmr cheat code.

    Supports ganking before 10 minutes? Doesn't happen. Grab a smoke, gank mid if your safelane is fine (have a tp handy) and use spells on the enemy mid. Stop sitting around, having 0 impact, sapping xp from your carry, watching the wind blow. That's useless. You're not an awesome support just because you buy wards.

    Sentries? Dust? Detection? 15 minutes in, after riki kills you after 5 times and you finally get the message! Seriously, buy detection instantly. If enemy team has a bh, get a sentry for your mid, buy a dust along with your sentry even. Have sentries at all times AND a dust, it increases your kill potential so much. Prepare for the roaming invis heroes, don't learn your lesson on the job. You failed if that's the case.

    Blocking pull camp in the offlane? Low mmr offlaners never do this. And it's even worse because the enemy support won't buy sentries to deward it, big mistake.

    Supports zoning out offlaner? Rarely. And if you feed him, you really deserve to lose. Around 3.7k I really noticed supports starting to wrap around and try to kill me in the offlane. Popping out from secret shop and surprising me (but not anymore).

    6. Why u no help me? (Delusional perspectives)

    Just yesterday, I was smurfing in 2k and I was met with a familiar theme: my LC would feed and then blame me.

    "Lifestealer I expected you to come help me kill PA. He was 5% hp..."

    Me: I was killing troll before you even fought PA (by yourself). And me and ogre killed troll and I was low hp and ran out of mana anyways.

    "He was 5% hp.."


    *LC fights PA*
    *I have no mana, I'm 400 hp, staying away since I'd just feed with him if I came and give full HP PA a double kill*
    "Lifestealer why didn't you help me? we coulda killed LC"
    *LC has no spells, is half hp half mana, I only have midas so I'm not even that strong*
    Me: I have no mana and I'm low hp, there's nothing I could've done...
    "Ok, I'm afk. I'm going to jungle now, good luck seeing me out of there."


    It seems as if low mmr players are often irrational and unreasonable. They want you to do stuff that seems to be "TEAM WORK," and they get mad when you do the right thing because they interpret it as it being selfish and a "solo player". It's much better for me to let you die, and go farm, than waste time and potentially die to a fight that doesn't seem at all advantageous for us. Own up to your own screw ups and think more logically and objectively.

    There seems to be almost no reasons for actions in low mmr decisions (even at 2.7k). I literally get flamed for playing very well and doing all the right things.

    7. Pushing

    If you're pushing enemy base and they buy back on 2 heroes and it's now 4v5, it's time to jet out and let them waste their buybacks instead of taking a bad fight for no reason. It seems low mmr go "ok, we're in fighting mode. we're going to fight." and the thought process ends there. Or maybe they hugely overestimate their power, one or the other.

    Know when to buyback. If enemy team is pushing in and you're dead but have buyback, you can make your buyback worth it by letting them think you don't have buyback. When they've been pushing for a little bit and your teammates get in position to start a fight, you basically can force a fight under your tower by buying back immediately and tping in. Instead I see low mmr players buyback before they have even entered, and then the enemy more often than not just get the hell out, and your buyback did nothing.

    8. Advantageous fights

    If you can't fight, you can't fight. You can create good fights by ratting, even with a support, you pressure their t1 or t2 and they tp, then you can just tp out to where they were pushing and fight 5v4. Instead, low mmr players just go and mindlessly clash "They're at our t2, time to fight." Or you could have traded, or forced tps!

    There's a whole lot of mindless fighting around the 2k bracket, not so much 3k, but people seem to just fight, there seems to be no patience for a good fight, just fighting to fight.

    9. You're toxic.

    When you're toxic, you make your teammates mad. When they're mad they play worse. The team starts typing and flaming, and afking, instead of focusing on the game.

    In my experience, the lower the MMR, the more toxic. If I feed first blood in 4k for example, I very rarely get a "Well played!", but it's not a rare occurrence in 2k. What you have to do is ignore mistakes. People make mistakes. Just move on. It's no big deal. The main limit is YOU, how your team fed really doesn't matter in most games.

    Also if you're toxic or abandon games, you lose a LOT of behavior score. This score ranges from 1 to 10,000 and is basically a behavior MMR, the lower it is, the more toxic the players in your games will be. You lose about 2,500 score for abandoning once.

    In console type:

    developer 1


    Being toxic is terrible. The guy you're flaming might be a smurf with thousands of mmr more than you, there's no good reason to flame--no one is perfect. Seriously, just shut it and keep it in your mind. When you're toxic, many people do not want to win sometimes, and will do it subliminally.

    10. You don't know when to be greedy

    I see lots of low mmr supports just go "Alright, I'm a support. Time to get mek and arcane boots. I'm a support. This is what we do."

    Sometimes it's fine to just go dagon. Really. Think for yourself. Don't worry about ksing carries, either. If you're solo supporting and stuff, pls ks. The right build is the winning build. Below 4k sometimes I'll get supports who try to not ks so hard that we end up not killing the enemy at all.

    11. Stop giving up

    It's pretty ridiculous that I have to explain that it's only 10 minutes in, no it's not GG, I'm farmed, we can win this. Even when I'm a 4k smurf in a 1k game, my team may give up early--this really says something. If you have a bounty hunter for example or a spectre, and you're giving up early, you clearly just don't understand how the game works. Tell your team why you can win this, speak only of positives, bring up team morale. Understand that low mmr players throw very consistently their leads. Low mmr players have a habit of making won games lost, so giving up is foolish. Never give up and never afk, both of these lower your behavior score anyways.

    12. Can't think for yourself

    Don't follow into stupidity. Listen to your instinct. Remember that your team is basically a group of delusional players with low skill. It's kinda like if you were the president and you had four 11 year old retarded kids as your advisers. Very often people in low mmr will tell you how to play the game but rarely is it good advice. It's just what they think is the truth, but if they knew how to play they wouldn't be low mmr. Thinking for yourself is really important.

    13. "My team is Peruvian and they don't communicate in English at all."

    Pings really are good enough. Your team speaking in Spanish isn't why you can't stop feeding. I can win vs 5 man stacks just because I'm better than them, even if I don't communicate at all. It's not a good excuse.

    14. You forget heroes even exist

    There's too much space to farm. Junglers should get smoke ganked by supports early, their camps blocked instantly.

    Same goes for carries who are farming with a battlefury in jungle, gank them.

    Low mmr players are way too comfortable and passive.

    15. You suck at warding

    Whenever I smurf in low mmr, and for example I'm playing a really aggressive hero like storm or slark, I have to ask for aggressive wards. And it's maybe placed down 10 minutes later, if I'm lucky. And more often than not, the support hears my request, goes in to ward aggressively while the entire enemy team is missing, only to die without even being smoked as a safety measure for that risky move.

    16. You don't understand the importance of small details, you don't prepare for the future or understand what you'll have trouble with

    Small choices are big.

    Your starting items, the items you purchase (quelling blade, pms), their exact order, is all important. If you think situationally about things in dota, it really pays off. Building the right item, even though it's something unheard of, can win you a game. Think, is shadow blade good here on slark? Would echo sabre first be better since they're 5 manning and pushing our towers 8 minutes in? Should I rush vanguard as my first item to win this game vs their cancerous brood and nyx lane?

    If you're vs a brood, upgrade to a PMS even if you're not an agility hero. If you're in a free farm lane, get a quelling blade. If you're vs bristle, usually you want to start with a stick. I know when i was 2k I struggled to understand why stout shield was worth it but I got it anyways. But now I know it REALLY matters, I just couldn't realize the importance. The small details matter very much, I think it's important to understand that.

    17. Supports don't bait enough

    Let's say slark is raping your team and you're disruptor, try to think like you're slark. He wants kills. If you yourself aren't giving him kills he should be fairly desperate. Follow your carries around, out of vision, but close enough to save them. Slark's probably going to expect your carry to be out of position and alone.. boom static field out of nowhere.

    In this way, your carries can be stupid, but you can use that to make a good situation out of a bad one. Instead low mmr supports just whine that their carries are terrible.

    Similarly, supports (and carries alike) can be hesitant to sacrifice themselves. If you're crystal maiden and you can trade your life to kill a spectre, it's likely worth it. If you can get your carry a kill and die for it, it's likely worth it. If you're a beyond godlike ember and you can die for your team to win the game, it's probably the right decision. I run into this issue in low mmr too often, we can kill an important hero such as slark while I'm a carry, but my low mmr support is too scared to risk dying--as if he's holding 4 rapiers or something, when all he has to do is walk in, use his spells and probably die. It's OK to die sometimes, really. You can basically use yourself as bait, what truly matters is the end result, not the superficial act of death.

    18. No rotations, nothing to really be scared of

    I can get away with way too much even up to 3K. I don't even have to think about diving in low mmr's at this point, I just do it because the lack of rotations are so consistent and there is almost never a support just waiting there, baiting his low HP teammate. Instead the supports are like a statue in the safelane. A few times I've dived for a long time, only for an enemy support to tp clumsily after I've already killed the guy I was diving, there is a huge "delay" theme in these brackets if that makes sense.

    19. You lane wrong

    Dual laning vs heroes like slark or sven will actually greatly lower their farm, even if you die once or twice more often than not. If there's no reason to trilane and it's better to 2 - 1 - 2 then do it.

    20. You think the world owes you something.

    "Omg, LC woods. GG."

    Hey, sometimes LC jungle sounds like fun, so you'll pick it. "But.. I *insert excuse about solo supporting" -- NO ONE CARES. Learn to adapt, don't flame him, don't blame him if you lose. It's a low skill match, even a high MMR match is easily winnable with a jungler. Just get over it and accept this inevitable occurrence, embrace it and learn how to turn the seemingly negative situation into a win, that's what a high MMR support does. He makes his team look good. If you're incapable of doing that, too bad, you lose.

    "Omg, my -insert teammate here- sucks!"

    I, admittedly, just lost a match with Morphling in a 2.7k average game I was smurfing in. I'm a 4.5k - 5.0 player. I have an 85% winrate across 235+ matches on this account, but everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfectly consistent. Don't expect them to be. My team flamed me for going 8 - 6, when they all have extremely negative scores and low impact. Stop being a hypocrite, and look in the mirror. Sometimes you have to make up for your team's poor performance. It's just a game. Relax, stop flaming. Try your best and worry about yourself, everyone else is just another guy trying their best to win. No one guaranteed they'd carry you on their backs, only you can do this for yourself. Pretty ridiculous to be angry at a teammate for having a DECENT score, simply because they did not win the game for you, is it not? This is an issue across all MMR's, but it's a huge problem that needs to be mentioned regardless.

    21. Low quality pulling or none at all.

    Even as a carry you can pull if you're solo, shown here:

    But not only do supports pull rarely, if they do actually do it consistently, they more often than not will do it game-losingly--e.g. the creep wave is already at the tower and I'm a level 2 slark with 1 tango left, I'll suddenly have 2 enemy creep waves to deal with. And the support might even keep going.

    22. Self responsibility (Stop being toxic Part II)

    Mid losing hard isn't why you missed a bunch of important kills, or why you didn't gank or smoke gank or do next level smart strategy, or why you lost this game, and built the wrong items.

    Humble yourself and just relax, you need to learn how to play better. Not a big deal. So again, stop flaming, being toxic, and blaming. That stuff will just tilt your team and make them play at a lower skill level, no one wins this petty fight. The only good thing would be to reassure your team everything is alright, you can win etc.

    Sometimes people are just having a REALLY bad day and they shouldn't be on dota so they play badly. Maybe they're crying their eyes out and getting on dota to forget. Maybe their parents just died. You never know. If they're still trying to win, that's all you can expect from them. It's just a game after all so people should remember that. Only you can be the difference you want to see, it's pathetic that a good portion of the dota community flames people for not outright winning the game for them.

    It's important that you treat your team with respect. Your feeding bounty hunter might have just lost his kids in a car accident, and is trying to cope and forget with a match of dota. One flame and he might start feeding, or abandon due to his state of mind. Maybe he's usually a really nice guy. People expect to disrespect their teammates and not have it blow up in their face, but it easily could. A few negative, pointless words is enough to send someone over the edge. There's just no need for it. Really. If you want MMR so badly and take dota seriously, making people feel good instead of tilting them to be on-edge, anxious of being judged, subconsciously not wanting to win anymore or even taking the game seriously is one of the first steps.

    No one wants to play with a prick. RELAXXXXXXXX.


    I constantly add new things when I think of them.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      make a tl;dr and type "u less than 3.7k"



        Luis Miguel joven

          I have almost no kills and im still at vhs


            Hmm a good guide overall for ppl who dont wanna improve as in who dont accept thier mistakes :)
            Good guide must read :)


              How to block camp?obs or sentry?


                Both observers and sentries block a camp. But keep in mind sentries last 4 minutes as opposed to the 7 mins of an obs.


                  Ah thanks

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    still no tldr

                    Showtime |

                      Solid post

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        Behavior score would explain the streak of toxic players I have had a week ago.

                        BTW, how can I get console to run in-game? I have the hot key as '~' and I press it, and nothing happens.


                          There should be an option to turn console on in advanced options I believe. Some people say it's grayed out, so just add -console to launch options.

                          Forget me not

                            There is the setting at the advanced options, the lowest from the left if I'm right that will let you enable console, after you enable it quit and launch your dota 2 again.


                              No 10 lmao finally someone said it
                              I'm sick of those wannabe carries getting mad over fucking 300 gold kill while in reality a dead enemy means much more gold than that (free space yay)
                              Inb4 "u selfish fuck u always ks right"
                              Check my fucking kill amount as supports


                                Yeah it's amazing. Oh yeah, it's not like I just shut down the enemy invoker and won mid for you dude, you only got 150 AOE gold (instead of nothing) and I got 300. Yeah sorry, I'm solo supporting vs a riki too, but who cares about me? I'm just a support I don't need money for sentries. I'm just a dick kser noob who deserves to go to LP


                                  pretty sure i made a shorter version of this thread xD


                                    All the shit u hear in 1k is reflective of the mentality and the misconceptions predominant in those level of games.
                                    For example u always hear ppl bitch if u don't call missing. Because everyone's map awareness is bad they think it's their right to know. In their games calling missing can help save their life so they get angry about it since they are not self sufficient enough in this area.

                                    Same for crying about ks. It's reflective of their inability to farm well or their understanding of how the gold advantage works.

                                    Same for blaming u for taking the right objectives instead of say fighting. They just don't know what fights are good except that if they have more numbers, they usually win. They will get mad if u don't help because to them winning skirmishes and getting kills is the way to win dota

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Trust me I'm a 1k expert psychologist.


                                        Jacked pls add ☭ to your name
                                        Join the PMA russki SEA dotabuff club

                                        Espresso yoself.

                                          Win the offlane as a solo rubick because two people decided they wanted to jungle? No problem, but as soon as I try to build something besides brown boots and don't pull my punches on a gank? eff me right?

                                          Espresso yoself.

                                            The only thing I can point out is that I definitely climb faster when I'm playing carry, but I primarily play support. You simply will have a harder time winning games without an INCREDIBLE amount of early game impact as a support. As a carry even a slow start can be easy to come back from given enough time (low mmr has lots of time to catch back up usually.)


                                              Lol why are we russkis?


                                                Jacked I'm not even talking about 1k, I was talking about 2k. LUL


                                                  KIDS, GET GOOD.

                                                  MY SMURF EZILY VHS WITH 4K5K



                                                    Espresso yeah it's pretty hard to win games in 3k with a support I agree. The carries are as bad as 1/2k level at their worst, they're awful. But at their best they're like a drunk 4k, so it's easy to do your job well, support, make lots fo space, but your awful mid throws it.

                                                    So waht I do when I smurf in 3k and below is I get supports that can do a lot. When I was a 3k I was doing really well with visage pos 5, going godlike very often. And one time when I dropped to low 4k, not too long ago, I basically stomped the enemy by myself as a positon 5 visage.

                                                    Other good supports (or heroes that can be played as a support) that can do a lot of work are: bh, lina, arc warden, chaos knight, pudge, cm, earth spirit, kunkka, morphling, riki, sand king, treant, sand king, wyvern, sky, spirit breaker, oracle, pugna, magnus, night stalker, nyx, mirana, slardar, phoenix, naga, techies, beastmaster, puck, elder, etc.

                                                    Low mmr supports seem to love picking stuff like rubick, bane, disruptor, I've found that they have this mentality stuck in their head, they think they are so right, that it's too "Greedy" to pick stuff like arc warden as a support. But it's total bull sh*t -- tell me how it goes when you pick dazzle and you get all the right graves but your team is tooooo retarded to actually DO STUFF. You have space to be greedy in low mmr because the "gREEDY" (it's only greedy if it is, fool) heroes can make so much space, ALONE, by punishing people who are out of position, which low mmr players often are.

                                                    Thinking outside of the box is what separates a great player from an idiot that thinks he's smart. In the mind of the fool that doesn't even know he's a fool, they're following the rules and doing the "right thing", limiting themselves to support heroes such as dazzle, rubick, and venge to support their absolutely brainless carries that can't farm efficiently, see kill potential, or play dota competently in any way other than when they're literally spoonfed a free win.

                                                    This is me on bh in a 2k game. Imagine if I picked dazzle? It doesn't even compare in terms of impact. It's nice to be able to just, remove heroes from the map.. makes things so easy for your dumb team.

                                                    Real supports are ok in higher mmr, but even then it's kinda meh IMO. I mean considering qupe goes roaming/support pudge and has 8k, I doubt it gets any better than this -- picking 'unconventional' support heroes, that is.


                                                      Sol el jefe... maybe u should focus on your own poor performances lately on 4.5 k rather than writing post for 1-2 k players.

                                                      And its ez to play support on 3k eg. Lich, Warlock, Wd - those 3 deal massive dmg, and 3ks panic when golems drop on their heads.

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        1ks are very unknowlegable and afraid to go on obvious push and kill thats all u can say about them


                                                          Mentality is important
                                                          Last match I got some whiny shits spamming gg gg gg every teamwipe, blame the team for not backing them up (yeah let's fight on the enemy jungle 2v5 without vision, let's just blame our teammates who were playing the safe farm game because the enemy team has no decent farmer other than tinker and very snowball reliant) but I didn't care, I kept doing my best, because I know, I can't rely on these shitheads for +25, but I want that +25
                                                          So ye I won
                                                          Mentality boys

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            In my case, I am not VHS because I didn't play enough solo ranked to be able to grind to VHS at my skill level. There is also no indication that, if I reached VHS in ranked, I would stay there, and still go above that. Also, I have a bunch of VHS matches on my profile because I played a lot of VHS unranked because I only played unranked, but that's kinda irrelevant. All the points you've stated about 2ks actually apply in large part in 3k as well, of course, people's positioning and game sense, as well as farming capabilities are all a lot better, and people contest lanes a lot better, but being "a lot better" than dogshit doesn't mean anything, and I think this is where 3k people get their delusions from to begin with - they think that suddenly they should all be VHS just because they are MUCH BETTER than 2ks, which is not only not hard at all (since they get a free lane to farm and get only 30 cs rofl), but is also a retarded comparison because there's a huge skill gap between 3k and 4k, and it's not even funny.

                                                            When I played only unranked, I'd get to play against a lot of 4k, 5k and at some points even 6k players. While I was capable of being competitive against a lot of low 4k players, I could NEVER win against someone who's 5k or 6k (unless I had a couple on my team as well) because they'd just exploit every single fucking mistake I make, and there were a lot.

                                                            I cannot even grasp how people (with sub 50% winrate in 3k, no less) can say shit like they deserve VHS or 5k or something, it's delusional to the point where it's meaningless to argue at all.

                                                            If you lose any game bellow 4k, it's your fault for being bad, and blaming teammates doesn't help anybody. Sure you GET RETARDS ON YOUR TEAM, but that's because the games are 3k average. You can't expect anything better than that. You can win almost any game bellow 4k, as long as you are good enough, and I can't, because I am not. I would have to be a 6k+ skilled player to grind my way up to 4k with 95% winrate, and since I am dogshit, I can't do that so I will have to settle for the maximum of 60% winrate on my way there, which means it will take a while.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              Nice post
                                                              Btw those pub games man, holy shit you look like a casual pleb with those numbers


                                                                How many games does it take to erase one abandoned game cuz I was forced to abandon a game the other day due to wife botching , I've noticed I've had a bit more toxic teammates since then and lost a decent chunk of mmr .


                                                                  @old man filthy, I think its 20 games, not so sure though. Yeah abandons do fuq up your behaviour score, hence why I lost 300 mmr due toxic teammates when I abandoned 3 games due to power outages.


                                                                    Filthy check your score and watch how it rises, it updates every 10 games after conduct summary.

                                                                    You get around 500 score/10 games for 0 reports. It slows down after about 7000 it seems.


                                                                      Sol el jefe... maybe u should focus on your own poor performances lately on 4.5 k rather than writing post for 1-2 k players.
                                                                      And its ez to play support on 3k eg. Lich, Warlock, Wd - those 3 deal massive dmg, and 3ks panic when golems drop on their heads.

                                                                      I don't understand the reasoning for you mentioning the first sentence.

                                                                      As for the lich, wd, yeah I agree. Lich offlane will rape heroes like slark, it's basically a semi-carry too. Wd is ok but meh, I don't like him

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        old man filthy lmfao


                                                                          Oh also, it can take weeks to rise your behavior score up back to where it was. An abandon is a serious hit to behavior score fam




                                                                              Nice to read sir..

                                                                              Well can you give tips to get good behaviors score..?

                                                                              Just abandon 2 games this week cause of electricity problem..
                                                                              It's hurt my behaviour score and I still tilted I think, can't play my best games these past few games..

                                                                              Dr. Banana

                                                                                I have oy ONE problem with my teammates: they don't know what pushing is. Hey, the enemy carry is dead, why not go and farm some camps? I'm not good myself but my last few games were winnable games if I had pushed. I try splitpushing but by then one enemy is enough to kill me :(

                                                                                So, how do I convince my teammates to push and end early?

                                                                                Dr. Banana

                                                                                  However sometimes I make the same mistake.

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    even if u trick the game into giving you VHS, VHS still isnt good

                                                                                    u need to improve if ur gonna get anywhere lol


                                                                                      Lol just saw this thread again guess I am old man filthy now .

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        not as old as grandpa lex though


                                                                                          Nice to read sir..
                                                                                          Well can you give tips to get good behaviors score..?

                                                                                          Ignore flamers. Mute flamers. Only talk to say positive things.

                                                                                          I have oy ONE problem with my teammates: they don't know what pushing is. Hey, the enemy carry is dead, why not go and farm some camps? I'm not good myself but my last few games were winnable games if I had pushed. I try splitpushing but by then one enemy is enough to kill me :(
                                                                                          So, how do I convince my teammates to push and end early?

                                                                                          I never found this to be a huge issue. As long as you maintain your lead, outfarm, etc. it shouldn't matter anyways. If you get aegis with your team they're more likely to push, that's one, and if you did good work early game your team should at least understand they can do stuff now. That's where consistency in early game really comes into play.

                                                                                          A lot of times in low mmr you're just not going to end early, it's not TI7. Your team might do stupid shit, so this is why a hero who is strong at all stages of the game is almost required. You simply have to do everything very very well, farm well, not die, get lots of kills, and pushing will come naturally.

                                                                                          You just gotta know when to splitpush and when not really. If there's a 30 kill riki running around, probably best to smoke with the team, or wait for him to fight your team (bait) then kill him. Sometimes you just can't split push unless everyone's showing on the map.

                                                                                          And hey, maybe your pick just sucked. Maybe get slardar instead of void vs riki. Regardless, your farm was around 3 cs/min so you didn't play that well I guess.


                                                                                            Dr.Banana there's more problems here than pushing. You don't wanna rush a linkens on offlane void. 37 minute diffusal? I don't play void much, but something is REALLY wrong here.

                                                                                            Dr. Banana

                                                                                              Well thanks guys but I really wasn't referring to the void match.

                                                                                              you really don't wanna rush a linkens on offlane void

                                                                                              They had bs so I thought it would be a good idea. What should I have bought instead?

                                                                                              I was referring to these matches:


                                                                                              Hey guys, let's get an early lead, and wait for the pa to get fat. I made mistakes that game, but seriously there were so many chances where we could've pushed mid.

                                                                                              2. will admit this wasn't much of a pushing problem, but if iirc, there was a time when the enemy drow, of and sf were did. I got an early lead on this game too.

                                                                                              We had this game in the bag. Look at how much early game power we got. I understand SB maybe new to the game, but he should know when to teamfight and stuff. I actually learnt something from this game, whatever you do, just farm those to boots and necronomicon, even if it means not helping your team.

                                                                                              Now I made a lot of mistakes across those games, especially slow farming. But imagine that we could have won those if we had clicked on the enemy towers.


                                                                                                Yeah you basically just farmed slow and had low impact early game there. I don't see how you're struggling to rat vs these super low mmr players. I'm guessing you're in the 500 - 1000 range?

                                                                                                If your team takes a stupid fight, you can easily get a few towers off of it, and eventually a racks.

                                                                                                In none of the matches is your farm game-winning. It's just okay. You only win if you display a superior performance, really. There's no skullbasher, just plain ol necronomicon bkb, not even an AC or anything.

                                                                                                As for the void thing, just don't rush linkens tbh. You can't kill shit alone with a linkens. It's OK as a 3rd item or something, but straight up rushing it? EHH.. you should probably rush a morbid mask or vlads or even vanguard into radiance vs BS so that you're not low hp early. Your last hits as void sucked.

                                                                                                Remember, in low MMR your team almost isn't playing dota. Neither is the enemy team. So items like radiance do wonders because you can just farm the map like crazy. YOur team ends the game weak, with like a measly 100 cs in an hour. Sometimes YOU Have to take advantage of this and become a 1v9 monster who is fat with lots of items. If your team isn't farming the map no one is, so you're making a mistake by not being the one to take it. In higher mmr, people aren't potatoes like this so going offlane vanguard radiance void could be pretty stupid.. but in 500 mmr? 1k? 2k? It should be fine.. anyways waga even does radiance void in his 8k account, maybe he goes safelane with it? But regardless my point stands.

                                                                                                In short.. you're not thinking outside of the box here. Low mmr pubs are not pro games. You play too regularly instead of being next level.

                                                                                                Kill yourself in the name...

                                                                                                  Soy el jefe de los jefes
                                                                                                  press delete content joke.

                                                                                                  I can't read.


                                                                                                    Oh and really a manta is enough to confuse the enemy into going "which is the real void? im not using my spells on that.. too risky! I'll use it on his team instead"

                                                                                                    The thing about diffusal it's not a late game item. It's great early. Pairs with manta well as we all know. But 40 minutes in man? Rush the diffusal, if anything! YOu basically itemized backwards! You basically made yourself into a pseudo bristleback who just got static linked by razor for all his damage with your build. That's useless. A manta rush would give you stats, would confuse enemy team, purge silence, make you faster, helps you farm. Not saying manta rush was the exact build, maybe diffusal was, but even manta rush would be 10x better than a linkens. Honestly even a battlefury would be better.. you had 5cs/min and no one on your team was farmed.


                                                                                                      Could you please give me tips to improve on any of my games..?


                                                                                                        I mean, you're 3.8k, I'm not too much MMR ahead of you but there is a huge noticeable difference between the 3.8 - 4.3 range for sure, which people think I'm crazy for saying but it is what it is..

                                                                                                        In that MMR the supports are really awful and don't do stuff like e.g. lane ward for me unless I ask vs a bloodseeker when I'm slark. The supports always suck and are out of position, and it's like 3.8ks aren't really paying attention and they're scared to get free kills like a 2k etc. It's hard to understand how a 3.8k player always seems like a clueless bot with 500 ping but it's so damn true. Maybe players here don't understand their heroes well?

                                                                                                        I'd say at your mmr people are still pretty bad at the game but they can mostly farm and stuff so it's not like they're super super bad, but honestly it can be hard to tell the difference between a low 3k player and a high 3k player sometimes. When I climbed out of 3.8 to 4k and played party games I was shocked at how much I'd improved in just 200 mmr or so. Stomping 3ks with heroes I don't even play. There must be some fundamental issues with high 3k players, but it's really hard to say exactly what. You probably just need to improve at everything in general..