General Discussion

General DiscussionNew UpDate Square Brackets [hp bar]

New UpDate Square Brackets [hp bar] in General Discussion

    Please remove this shiet, its not Dota style ! its soo annoying
    10\10 remove


      And stop vaghanaliya with dota 2 interface! dont toch it please


        Did u know that volvo dont care at all of what their players think?


          Volvo just want gather newcomers and its going to be newb-friendly. More players more money if they buy some hats...


            Its really nice to see who is silenced in messy teamfight, but yeah dota getting easier with it


              Next patch we gonna have some big ass notification popping from smartphone Steam app for having our HP lower than a threshold, say, 90% while having 9 different audio set to 200% of whatever your maximum volume is to tell you "HEY YOU ARE POISONED" "HEY YOU ARE STUNNED BY LION" "HEY YOUR ITEM IS LONELY USE TREADS SWITCHING YOU FILTH" "HEY YOUR POSITIONING IS SHIT GET OUT OF THERE" "HEY GABEN WANTS YOUR MONEY OH SORRY TOO LATE WE JUST CHARGED YOU USD$322"


                I dont care about stun addons or silens just fucking remove sqaure brackets