General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone coach me on this game?

Can someone coach me on this game? in General Discussion
Party Hat Pirates

    This game I got completely outplayed hands down I want yall to be as mean, and harsh as you can possibly be.

    Heres the match:


      WW no healing and feeding.
      Low damage to towers...

      Not so much to say,
      Since min 13 the enemy start to have a big difference of gold, for sure you all was jungling/farming and they was destroying towers gg


        90 lh
        260 gpm
        1.3k TD

        You liteally did NOTHING FOR 40 MIN

        The creeps did 100x more than you

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          i thought that 6.3k was TD on first sight
          dear lord


            Winter wyvern has same damage as u now it cant get any more harsher than this sorry being a tropl WW has 6.1 dmg and u have no impact at all..
            As u see u r getting washed out just dominate a wolf with critcial aura and start ancinets and jungling dont commiet to fights and get some items such as bkb and sb then come in ganks...


              You will never amount to anything in life.

              Was I mean enough?