General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa vs spectre.. How could I have won this match?

Medusa vs spectre.. How could I have won this match? in General Discussion
    Before you guys go shit talking.. This is a vhs match


      diffusal manta abyssal rushed spectre kinda rapes dusa so idk

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        i was about to shit talk but shit it's vhs


          Yea diffusal manta late game seems like spec will win any game.

          U probably needed, bkb rapier and end the game a little earlier

          Potato Marshal

            You needed more damage items, like mjollnir or daedalus, you didn't get your first real damage item until the 44 minute mark and even then it was only to counter the radiance miss chance. Also have no idea what your lanes were, it says that you were tri-laning with a Nyx and Batrider, while both LD and Invoker were mid.


              If u compare spec with medusa late game there is no hero which can give spec tough late game when she is 6 slotted unless she makes some mistake so i dont think u could make it maybe giving a try to bkb could do u some good...

              Super Speed Snail

                Any hero that has Diffu and manta already counter medusa hard.

                To have a chance to win? Maybe split push?


                  When the game was this long and u had chances of winning u should have even given a thought to rapier which completly get ursa and kotl useless against u which leaves spec against ur team..


                    Actually.. It was a pretty tilted game... Bat picked solo off.. Nyx went support.. Invoker had marked mid.. Had to go offlane.. Ld randomed and went mid.. Fed tinker.. Bat fed spectre.. Both had kill sprees at 4 min mark.. Spec n tinker I mean.. So bat rotated top.. Invoker became roamer.. While I kept trying to save myself from Chen kotl Ursa tinker combo.. I used manta to split push.. Late game.. Ld with all that farm tilted.. Went rat.. Died.. N got wrong items.. We could've won if ld had fought spec with me.. Instead of getting shit like refresher n stuff... N cherry on the cake was the 30 min Invoker abandon.. So we were almost geared for loss.. We could've killed spec with ld n Medusa teaming up.. But oh well..


                      Also mkb was mandatory.. Kotl spell.. Tinker spell... Radiance.. Too much miss


                        Ya this game already u wer playing on a disadvantage and thats why my advise always will be that when in such games u know ur loss is inevitable and its gonna be a do or die situation get a rapier instead coz it helps u win akward games if u play safe and meele heroes specially tend to get rekt with u skadi and high dps split shot :)
                        Just that ull have to be safer this time since one mistake from ur side and game ends there..


                          My question is, knowing everything u said, why didn't u just walk down mid like a man?


                            "Before you guys go shit talking.. This is a vhs match" lul


                              I wonder how a game can last 70 minutes without a Single bkb against tinker?


                                manta diffusal abyssal first rad if they had phys dmg dealers
                                should've picked an AM, hard farming with both but still a good counter ofc in VHS it's a different story (personal exp)


                                  What is the lone druid doing with a refresher?

                                  casual gamer

                                    replace manta with bkb

                                    not having bkb against tinker = throw

                                    not having bkb against diffumanta spec = throw

                                    if you farmed faster you could swap out linken for another bfly or bloodthorn and buy bkb instead of manta or replace manta with bkb


                                      nobody is going to mention min 50 dagger on bat?

                                      the M

                                        Dude, I think you're not taking into consideration every factor. Lemme explain what I think:

                                        - First off, Dota is NOT Dragonball. It's just not a 1v1 game. Looking at both lineups, instead, it's blatant that both teams have just the same lategame: both spectre and dusa are insane carries, and both invoker and tinker are like the best scaling mid heroes (or close to that).

                                        - Anyway, your invoker was just complete TRASH. So the entire game was on your shoulders.

                                        - Plus, they had Kotl, which is one of the worst supports Dusa can face. On the other hand, your nyx decided to go for a retarded itemization, which I suppose didn't allow him to scale as well as the Aghs build would have.

                                        - Summarize all of this and you'll probably have your own answer.

                                        Seriously, dota is not a 1v1 fighting game like Tekken or SoulCalibur or whatever. Both spectre and dusa are insane carries lategame, but the way each one carries a game is way different. There is no such thing as "hardest carry" or "completely unstoppable lategame". People who say this most likely have insufficient dota experience and have never run into a game as, say, Ember/Dusa/Spectre and still lost even though they managed to get 6slotted - which, trust me, CAN happen. Dota is unpredictable at a times.

                                        casual gamer

                                          playing dusa is honestly like holding up a big sign saying "cc me please"


                                            I was going to swap linkens with bkb.. Bkb was not necessary vs tinker as nyx provided enough control to take tinker out.. The issue in the end became the 3 v 5 engagements.. So. How much more control can I actually bring to the table.. The diffusal also didn't do much when I used ult n just right clicked the fuck out of Ursa and spec.. I swapped pike with butterfly... About manta.. It was necessary to push waves out.. Without going in harms way..

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Manta is a waste unless you need to dispel something. The illusions hit like ants and it costs mana to activate costing you ehp. It's fine as a tinker counter for laser but you got mkb for kotl and radiance anyway. So you should've just gone yasha and sold it late for bkb imo.

                                              However I wouldn't feel that awful about this match, your team fed spec and he got a 19 min radiance. Pretty useless teammates, this was an uphill battle for sure. You do need another dmg item I feel but if you can't kite spec then you are going down. Idk if you have bkb you could probably drop linkens and get a daedulus or mjollnir instead.


                                                Omfg these "hur dur.... it this.... it that...." way of typing are triggering me

                                                casual gamer

                                                  bkb is a spectre counter


                                                    Silver Edge too
                                                    Medusa SE however is something report worthy

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      medusa se isnt bad i dont think?


                                                        You still won't kill spectre easily even with SE

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Good stats for the money, I don't see any issue with it really. Actually maybe I'll try a silver edge hurricane pike dusa game just to mix things up.

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            well yeah spectre has 3000 hp huge armor evasion 2-3 lives and shits out aoe pure damage when you go on her

                                                            i actually think spectre is uncontested the strongest lategame hero in the game, especially because the entire enemy team cannot use blink ever

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              I got a question that has been going on my head for awhile
                                                              If spec got butterfly, some nig hits her and his attack misses, does the attack still proc dispersion damage?
                                                              Never actually build butterfly because I'm sissy as fuck


                                                                Unlike centaur the dispersion on spec is hit orinted and will only deal damage once u deal her damage so a missed attack does not count however when some one else in the aoe of dispersion hits spec then u receive the damage misguiding u that it was from ur missed attack...


                                                                  Does dusa have a single chance against spectre? The answer is no

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    if ur teammate is some shit like lion + nyx + invoker and the enemy team has shitty scaling supports like UD im sure its possible

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      I don't really agree with strongest late game actually. Her dmg is mostly aoe with ult and desolate/radiance, she excels at killing off all the squishy supports during an ult, but her single target is not good and she can be bursted down with the right heroes. Like sven + bkb with right setup can just eliminate spec from a fight. Or any natural silver edge carrier with enough burst dmg. Ck probably. One of the strongest late but I don't think the strongest.


                                                                        You should have replaced Manta with BKB. Manta lets you push out waves with illusions and it stops Desolate. BKB stops all of tinker's disables, stops the KOTL's Mana-leak and blinding light and most importantly stops Desolate AND diffusal mana burn AND Dispersion and radiance. BKB would have made you a lot more powerful in fights. Although I understand you usually don't want to get BKB as medusa, this game you needed it.
                                                                        Regardless, Spectre is a pretty strong counter to medusa and should be able to win in the late game. Spec has roughly Equal Teamfight potential to Medusa, But superior manfighting potential and is a better split pusher due to Haunt letting her always come to a fight if needed.


                                                                          As someone who got almost 800 Medusa games now id say out of my Personal expereance you can ez win dusa vs spectre. Most important thing: stick together with your Team in fights and use Our own ulti to counter spectre ult. Illus will just die. And also you need shittons of dmg like rapier + deadalus to have a Chance kill spec in late.

                                                                          Shadow Wizard Money Gang

                                                                            You guys gave him space to farm, you didn't counter him properly. You hindered yourselves by sticking together and reducing your experience. He dealt twice as much damage as you did, you didn't build a bkb. I don't even understand what the point of buying a linkens even was. Literally doesn't counter anybody. You no longer defend yourself from global spells with it.

                                                                            Gonna guess you played defensive against against an offensive opponent. Also isn't wise.