General Discussion

General DiscussionHow would you assign roles/postions to this

How would you assign roles/postions to this in General Discussion

    If you had 6k player,5k player, 4k player, 3k player, 2k player
    who would you assign to be the pos 1,2,3,4,5?
    Just curious what you guys would do, and tell why

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      2 - 6k
      1 - 5k
      4 - 4k
      3 - 3k
      5 - 2k


        6k and 5k play what they want, best if mid/carry unless they are dedicated offlane player or something, 4k plays core role left over, others play support. Do this because in games with big skill differentials games mid/carry are the best roles to win the game from, it's simple as that.

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          6k mid
          5k pos4
          2k pos5
          4k offlane
          3k drow


            1- 2k
            2- 6k
            3- 4k
            4- 5k
            5- 3k
            With good Support and if roaming hero does some space every monkey can Farm.


              6k picks arc warden and the rest grab popcorn


                With good Support and if roaming hero does some space every monkey can Farm.



                  ^^can't argue with that

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  casual gamer

                    i would argue some 4ks are good enough to take over a game solo if given complete space, but no lower + 4ks have a predisposition to bad items and throwing


                      6k mid
                      5k carry
                      4k offlane
                      3k supp 4
                      2k supp 5 aka omniknight/lich


                        Then 1k-1
                        Why 1k get position 1? Coz the 1k is me lol


                          6k mid
                          5k carry
                          4k offlane
                          3k pos 4
                          2k pos 5 slave to stay in the trees

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            2k player core
                            3k player offlane
                            4k roam/jungle/semi-supp
                            5k hard support
                            6k mid


                              im pretty sure a 2k player would just mess up the lane, may as well have them jungle or roam


                                6k carry/mid
                                5k carry/mid
                                4k offlane
                                3k pos 4
                                2k roaming ogre

                                No one can fuck up igniting and running at a guy...and if he does...just bloodlust everyone

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                                    I would like to see someone arrange a match where both teams are made up of 6 to 2k players.

                                    6k - pos 5
                                    5k - pos 4
                                    4k - pos 3
                                    3k - pos 1
                                    2k - pos 2

                                    Oh how glorious would be the spectacle


                                      If you had 6k player,5k player, 4k player, 3k player, 2k player
                                      who would you assign to be the pos 1,2,3,4,5?

                                      6k player or 5k player can go either position 1 or 2. The 6k player might not mid, or he might not play all heroes mid as well as the 5k would, so this is the best way.

                                      I'd put the 4k in the offlane becasue I don't want the 3k or 2k to feed the 4 - 6k players (they 100% would) -- at least the 4k offlaner has experience going vs 5, 6ks sometimes.

                                      Lowest mmr's supporting. 2k the super ward bitch, 3k position 4

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        People having the 2k support would have little to wards set up, or terrible ward locations.

                                        Support has much more impact on the overall game, and carry is the least important, and easiest role. So a 4k or 5k supporting a 2k player would be 1000x better since any monkey can last hit and farm.

                                        casual gamer


                                          ur literally reddit its beautiful

                                          appropriate mmr as well

                                          casual gamer

                                            if you can play carry as well as me just spam pa slark and get 5k yes? ez because any monkey can last hit



                                              6k- mid
                                              5k- carry
                                              4k- offlane
                                              3k- supp
                                              2k- supp

                                              carry give orders to supps all the time. Make them stay afk behind tw if its ez lane and they are not needed without even take xp. W/e its needed for the win depending on the game.


                                                Pa and slark dont even need lasthits they are heros for the less clever monkeys :D


                                                  Any monkey can get 5k.


                                                    1 2 3 4 5 same order

                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                      if you can play carry as well as me just spam pa slark and get 5k yes? ez because any monkey can last hit


                                                      I would love to do that, but people spam carry very often, and I would rather avoid 5 carry games and spam a supp, semi-supp, initiator role.

                                                      Initiation, imo, is the most important role overall.