General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy some people have a deathmatch mentality?

Why some people have a deathmatch mentality? in General Discussion


    Président® Salted Butter

      You are playing in normal skill where people masturbate to kills. Get used to it.

      casual gamer

        it is encouraged by this retard patch giving 2000 gold per kill

        doc joferlyn simp

          wait isnt a pub match a normal match but the guy with the highest kills wins, regardless which ancient explodes???


            Ofc haffy
            After all, KDA is all that matters in pubs
            It can send u to VHS
            Which is the promised land that was promised to us by our savior Cookie


              As Mekarizishsmsbdum said before
              "5.5k below isn't dota
              It's a clownfest"


                I can't bear imagining myself being stuck in the "clownfest" bracket that you mentioned above so badly that I will never climb out of 5.5k mmr.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  .mmr is just number rip dendi


                    killing is fun


                      Anything below 9k isn't dota

                      - Miracle, 2018


                        5k players are tryhards, enjoy the shitshow while you can.