General Discussion

General DiscussionProblem about LC jungle

Problem about LC jungle in General Discussion

    Can u pls guys tell me, what should i do when i have lc jungle in my team ? because i lose every game when i have that shit in my team

    pretty sure im maniacal

      Ban lc during the ban phase

        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
        Riguma Borusu

          if they have already picked that, and there's no way around it, tell them to at least watch efficient lc jungle streams/vids because it can be done right, but unfortunately a fuckton of people end up jungling for more than 7 minutes like some fucking retards

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          Dr. Banana

            Tell them to buy blink instead of SB and tell them to buy blademail.


              you rush rapier and walk down mid. Lc jungle is honestly the cancer of dota


                u say lc is cancer coz u nvr c a farming mira yet .... go hill > midas > scepter ... 20mins -1 teammate


                  idk ive had a jungle sniper before that went mom treads before


                    No one mentioning cliff farm qop? Fuck that trash.

                    Johnny Rico

                      block all camps, i did that one time best 800 gold spent.

                      Dr. Banana

                        @Hook and roll by wards?


                          you have a 48.5% winrate with a legion on your team(169 matches)

                          so no, you're bullshitting

                          Riguma Borusu

                            ^and that is pretty much avg for the hero anyway


                              The reason people complain about LC jungle is that it's usually a choice made without regard to team composition. LC jungle is shorthand for "person who picks a jungle core, farms jungle for 20 minutes, and doesn't participate until the game is already decided (most likely in the other team's favor because they played 5v4 and are snowballing out of control)"

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^even if you jungle LC you should help out your safelane or mid depending on what camps you're farming, also have an early TP for rotations and save up on mana, same thing with BS jungle, you need to be able to help if your teammates are getting dived, since they think your team has an immobile jungler


                                  gazorpazorp dude nice games with bs you'll get them next time with 3 lane creep skip with axe lane buddy


                                    Lc jungle is only good if u go talon, blink without boots and kill mid.


                                      Play around her
                                      The better player adapts
                                      The shit ones stagnates (first pick pudge ako na mid 2 tango pls then proceeds to feed and blames teammates)


                                        Ruined a pudge mid who went naked starting into blink with no boots. Then team feeds.


                                          You can ruin a pudge mid with any ganking hero with less resource than a 4th core like LC jungle


                                            I'm sure I have ruined alot of mid's life with bounty hunter xd


                                              Ye true.

                                              Riguma Borusu


                                                I have no fucking idea what you just said or what you were referring to.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  lc jungle is quite good people just mentally give up whenever they see it and blame whatever shtitiness they have in their lanes on the jungler


                                                    A lot of the time LC jungle is just some idiot who doesn't want to play support and rushes midas or SB or something retarded.

                                                    If you pick it in a game where your team is aware you are going to jungle and picks a support that can solo zone the offlane and lanes that don't need help early on, the enemy team doesn't have invis heroes or strong roamers and you roam out of the jungle as soon as you hit 6 and actually help your sidelanes and don't do spastic itembuilds like midas or sb rush then it is a pretty decent pick I think.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      LC jungle is good in the right hands
                                                      The thing is 90% of people who go jungle LC are dogshit players, and people give up easily when they see their LC goes to jungle because of it


                                                        LC jungle is good economically but the problem is most people playing that did it because they didn't want to support or help the team or do any actually useful things so they end up farming for way longer than they should and stay useless for the entire game (early game farming, mid game catching up but too late, late game can't even pick off).

                                                        Honestly even in 4k people who play LC jungle mostly suck. Except me (no kappa, I gank as soon as I get initiation item and not pick her when there are shit tons of heroes to fuck with my duels).


                                                          you cant get away with it every game, but the last game i played spirit breaker we had a jungle lc and the enemy had morph, i broke the linkens and he killed him in duel over and over.

                                                          jungle lc is not bad, its the people that play her every game in low brackets that are bad


                                                            U only lost with lc on your team like 50ish % why arent you talking about the times the lc actually made an impact and won you the game? It happen 50% as well. You heard of self fulfilling prophecy if you think the game is lost then the game will be lost. If you keep an open mind play your best you will win simple calculus ;p

                                                            ?.Stock @zzo

                                                              The problem IS lc jungle. Not about.


                                                                ? i like lc jungle on my team

                                                                it almost always guarantees me a solo offlane


                                                                  JUngle lc just needs to do what an lc in any other lane should do, get six and gank with duel as soon as you can. The problem comes when they just sit in the jungle and farm


                                                                    ^^ In most of the games you didn't push enough. My assumption: you might have been thinking that LC is the initiator and fighter so she needs to keep fighting. It is not true because her job is to get duel damage and then make use of it, not always trying to look for pickoffs when there can be hardly any if enemy team starts to group up. This is when you want to split push while having your team to fight them instead.

                                                                    Or it could be your item timing. With only Iron Talon and a set of tangoes Blink can be acquired usually by 6th min. Sure if you go Treads first it helps with the farming and ganks but it takes more time from your time having to endure the 4v5 situation.

                                                                    Team composition could be another issue. Getting blink dagger, naked or not, will make you rely on your teammates to deal the damage during the duel. Maybe you ganked a lane where your teammates are AA, Shadow Demon or anything else that can't provide you the nuke damage to kill your duel target.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      LC Jungle is a matter of farm efficiency.. Most people here complain of a jungle LC with sb.. I mostly do a sb lc.. And I've got nearly 70 percent win rate this patch.. It's one of my better cores.. One of the main reason I go lc jungle is coz.. The supports don't know how to Zone the offlaners..n theres always a mid spamming invoker.. Who first picks invo.. N goes on to lose the of the biggest mistakes that most lc players make.. Is that if the opponents group up they don't split push.. If you see almost all my lc games have nearly 10k tower damage.. The trick is.. Move around the map constantly tping on solo heroes n killing them.. That forces their carry into jungle.. Then watch the map.. If say 3 heroes are not.. Tp top.. Duel kill the carry n pressure lane.. They come back top.. Run away.. N rotate bot.. Rinse repeat until you have atleast 1 tier 2 down.. Then mid game as team fights happen.. Split as hard as you can with a desolater..get 1 set of megas... N just kill any solo hero who tps to Def... N push tier 4...their team tps back run away.. Until you get mega creeps.. Easy gg

                                                                      green brocolli

                                                                        Hey look I played axe jungle and made the most impact in the game

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          jungle lc is actually fine, but lc is a situational pick imo, used to counter certain heroes with escapes like am, slark, tinker, morph pre linkens. And most of the time someone picks lc then your team doesn't pick good enough lanes to do a jungler, plus no duel setups. That's the problem, it just doesn't fit into every team. But lc actually farms jungle plenty fast enough, unlike stupid bloodseeker and wraith king and lifestealer junglers.


                                                                            u need a good offlaner if u hv a junggler like lc ... if ur offlane lose bad , its almost gg if enemy carry is decent , free farm free kill ...