General Discussion

General Discussionmagnus for president

magnus for president in General Discussion

    kill the weebs

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      Go for it furry boy

      I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

        You little piece of trash, I hope what you said about anime was a joke. You don't know anything, people do really believe this shit. That is every, sad. If you never watched anime, do not post things like this. Someone could turn into Yuno and kill you. You have been warned. I guess you think I am joking but when go out of your house. I will be behindert you. Have a nice day darling.

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            kuso gaki, you think u r kakkoi thinking like that? i cant ensure everything will be daijobu for you. go ahead and say sayonara to ur kawaii face while u still can, since u will be kowai soon. you know nothing, baka.

            *cringes in japanese*

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              Alice uwotm8 1v1 mi osu