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General DiscussionDota 2 tutoring for physics tutoring

Dota 2 tutoring for physics tutoring in General Discussion

    title says it all; i want to learn physics(collage first semester-example: Electrostatics(Coulomb's law))

    you can teach me physics, and i'll teach you dota2. i can guaranteed get you to at least 5-5.5k mmr

    possible preference: you're from bosnia/croatia/serbia so we can use our languages.

    but you don't have to be, i'm fine with talking on english.

    be warned, im terrible at physics, so you gotta teach me everything.

    p.s i also don't understand some of the math accompanying it, but i'm learning that right now.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      Out of curiosity, how does your classes work? Do you have like 1 hour 30 mins physics lecture and 3 hour physics lab?
      And I could send you some of my old physics 1-2-3 college notes


        notes wouldn't help as i don't understand the physics and accompanying math at all (well, the math isn't a problem, i'll learn that easily)

        for the collage, we have 3 hours of lectures, 2 hours of exercises(solving problems) and 2 hours of laboratory exercises.

        but i can't mentally follow it, because i don't have the knowledge to keep up with it.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          PTSD triggered


            Well, i would gladly do it, unfortunately our timezones are too far apart
            Anyways goodluck, and hope that your college prof. can actually teach you well

            Full Давай

              I'm studying in Japan right now but soon I'll relocate to Toronto and stay there for about 6 months.

              Not sure how European education systems work but if it's smth like NA college Phy maybe I can help.

              I'm CS major btw.

              ZioO rules

                Well, i would gladly do it, unfortunately our timezones are too far apart
                and my native language is Spanish, by the way I'm crossing 5 semester of college Engineering Systems


                  I'm not fussed about being coached but I'm happy to answer any questions you have if can.

                  Got a masters in theoretical physics.

                  Just add me in-game and I can give you an email address...

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    i don't really think it matters how the education system works. physics is same anywhere on the planet, and the universe(pun intended)

                    anyways, if you're interested you can just msg me on facebook or add me on steam and we'll talk.

                    since i have pretty shitty knowledge, it won't be hard to teach me anything since there's so much to teach XD.

                    @nox+ yea, it's hard with the language barriers.

                    @rocket i've sent a friend request on steam

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      rocket quick question: is holofractal quackery or is there something to wormholes being inevitable from entanglement?


                        I was hoping to stick to Coulomb's law :-p

                        As an aside, why would entanglement cause wormholes? I thought Bell's inequality proved there was no spooky action at a distance?


                          Cookie, actually sent you a message on fb seeing as I'm on my phone.


                            which books do you use?

                            < blank >



                                by means of a schwinger effected created pair of entangled quarks derived using holographic duality, where lambda is set as the wavefunction of the combined systems


                                  Still looking for the pun.


                                    Link me (HERE) what you don't know/understand and I'll explain it to you iin retarded language so that even a dumbass monkey can get an A


                                      Odakle si?


                                        @Kubalionzzale Bosna, tuzla

                                        everyone else; stop shitposting here please


                                          godspeed mate
                                          physics is fucking hard, i wish you the best.

                                          < blank >

                                            Don't tell me what to do


                                              well then hope you get an F you stupid fuck

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                              Big Daddy Pudge
                                                Yorum silindi

                                                  is it a thread about furries?



                                                      come on. . .

                                                      stop godamn shitposting


                                                        one criticism towards undergraduate and high school physics is there is too much emphasis on getting the problem mathematically correct on paper. this is more of systemic issue with the (NA) curriculum/administration obsession with grades/percentiles than it is inherent in the subject itself. besides, most of the established theorems are calculated by computers nowdays.

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          you say you are terrible at physics, cookie, but that may not be the case because of how understanding is assesed in education systems under socializing psychogenic modes. understanding physics intuitively can be enhanced with en loci visualization practices. i had to use this because my high school physics teacher was dry in his methods. failed all his exams and banged his daughter to see if it was genetic.

                                                          it wasn't.


                                                            great story dude truly nice la


                                                              3q may the bunnies be boppin' for you yung warrior nigga on this particular day


                                                                Which faculty did you take btw?

                                                                < blank >


                                                                    Didn't you take physics during your high school or something? Is the leap in knowledge required that much?
                                                                    @TripleSteal-,roflwaffle, K. Nice meme LUL


                                                                      If you attended prestigious high school with focus on natural sciences (mathematics, physics, biology etc) where you could choose "your path" then the leap isn't requied because you already know all basics and transition is smooth. But if you attended regular high school (or regular grammar school) or just didn't prepare... then you gonna have a hard time...

                                                                      From my classmates, almost half of them didn't make it to bachelor year (and all those who were abble to get bachelor got their master degree except for me - I had to pause my studies to get a job) and we all got jobs very quicky and well paid (even I, with only bachelor degree was abble to find good job in less than month)


                                                                        What is a good job?

                                                                        Showtime |

                                                                          you should change the topic to" arc warden tutoring for physics tutoring",cause you only know how to play this shitty op hero


                                                                            @Mokujin a job with above average salary for usual working time, with some social status and respect and last but not least it's job where you can do what you like and what you are dedicated to. That's a good job. For me it's CNCprogramming


                                                                              Arc is like my 4th most played hero.

                                                                              And, regardless of that im/was top 100 in him on multiple accs so far


                                                                                Oh shit fam I need some help in psychology, now that shit has me fucked up. I miss high school when you just showed up to class and you get good grades, was so easy then.

                                                                                Vem Comigo

                                                                                  i learned all the physics thing in school, but dont remember so much but i liked a lot, is the College same as university for you, i dont understand the english terms since in pt-br escola/colegio = normal school, them we go to univeristy


                                                                                    cookie get to 5.5k in eu before u talk

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