General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get out of normal bracket

how to get out of normal bracket in General Discussion

    I'm sick of people afk auto attack, how can i get out of normal bracket?

    casual gamer

      by utterly destroying people

      2k indog monkey

        Outdraft (rip)
        Attitude (helps you alot if you simply can't outskill your opponents)

        2k indog monkey

          I'm also a trash, but these tricks helped me to increase my MMR although I haven't improved that much


            i dun want to raise mmr, im 4.1k atm...
            just played another unranked game with 3 people less than 2kmmr

            casual gamer

              man if ur 4k mmr jsut pick storm spirit 70 times and u will be vhs

              2k indog monkey

                Then don't play pub
                Shit is barely even dota there


                  Plis halp ive fallen and i cant get up. Mostly lose to slark spammers or pa who feed on my team (not to say i dont make mistakes but im smart enough not to feed pa). Usually i just dont notice how fed pa is then die to her thinking i can kill her but whatever

                  casual gamer

                    ^ look at they items friend


                      party and solo are seperated in ranked and unranked

                      so you're gonna need to do some grinding


                        my game is VH with unranked all pick, but i dun want to play all pick in unranked