General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker level build

Tinker level build in General Discussion

    Which is the level progression u go for for the following different scenarios;

    1. Dominate/win mid lane and maximize last hits against a good ranged mid hero like viper sniper or invoker

    2. Shut down a greedy carry mid hero like jug or pl (remember both hav escapes/protection with q and w skills) while not sacrificing too much of ur own farm.

    Also, when do u maximize march first and how can u use march to farm BoTs at mid without pushing the lane.

    Also - can i just skip soul ring and instead go direct from null talisman into bottle into BoTs?

    And wat is a good BoTs timing?

    Can i also skip aether lens and go from blink directly to aghs into lategame items?

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      What i do at midd is this,and i am 450 tinkers games i think more dont count exactly.
      I get lvl 1 laser ofc and proceed to get like this
      max laser and march .(i never get rockets unless hero 1 hp running and i have to level new magic and i do so its very rare )
      when i get lvl 11 i insta get lvl 2 rearm i dont wait dagon blink i just get .
      i usually get travels 7 8 min on ranked cause i have max march .
      i dont buy sul ring before travels.
      when i have 300 400 gold left for travels i go jungle march 2 camps or go midd if its safe to killl or farm (but better just farm jungle that 200 300 gold)
      after i get blink (13 -18 min ) ( u see how fast i get my items cause of my march build ) i go for bloodstone .
      lyesterday i got bloodstone at 19 min in ranked!!! which is fucking awesome .
      with bloodstone at minute 20 u can stay in fight survive and drop like 3 times march rocket laser and its alot .
      i reccomend u go aether cause makes u far away from enemie (but i dont need aether cause im ok without it got used to tinker )
      when u go bloodstone u can go Dagon (i always go like that and stil have 75 winrate.)
      then go e blade and hex.
      gg ez


        i like going 2 2 0 to dominate mid and then get march

        generally having same amount of points in each skill is pretty alright i think


          can i just skip soul ring

          don't skip soul ring ever

          but um.. you're supposed to get it before or after bots, ive seen people going soul ring into bots when they're shut down on mid and have to skill rearm before bots to farm jungle creeps