General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for all Invoker players

Question for all Invoker players in General Discussion
Massive Dynamic

    How often do you find yourself buying bkb or linken's on Invoker in your matches?


      If you are trying to win, you should always pick up linkens as a 4th or 6th item on invoker. BKB depends on lineup, you can get bkb early as a third item after drums and bots, or very late into the late game.

      Ideally, you want to be able to play the game without bkb since nobody likes buying bkb, but you have no choice sometimes.

      Your invoker build will always be drums / euls (if they have vision advantage heroes or stuff like bh slardar spirit breaker) -> bots/aghanim depends if you need to fight / split push, then you get a defensive item if you want to win and play safe. If you think you're not being focused at all then you can get octarine, by this time you usually have no drum charges so what I usually do is I sell my drums pick up my ogre club for bkb and just finish the bkb. After aghs, you have many choices but these are usually you options; shiva is very good, you can finish your bots if you didn't finish already, bkb, or linkens. Super into the lategame you should have something like this I believe: aghs, linkens, bots lvl 2, moonshard eaten, octarine, refresher, sythe.


        Get linken's if there's game changing hard single target disables/bkb piercing skills like Doom, Primal roar, Fiend's grip, Reaper's scythe, Duel, Sunder, Nether swap, Abyssal, Mana void...

        Massive Dynamic

          Thank you both for your insight.


            The most important thing is not to worry much about build and items provided you get something decent as mentioned above. The most important thing about invoker is using the right spell at the right time and proper positioning. These are things you can't quickly implement and need to play lots of games like 50+ on invoker to learn.


              linkens pretty often i believe


                100 games 5k wtf