General Discussion

General Discussionwhy isnt sven being picked as a utility support

why isnt sven being picked as a utility support in General Discussion

    Ive only tried doing this once ever but I think he has a good kit for this.

    I tried it with a team full of carry type heros that were picked after me. I maxed stun and armor boost.

    I built mana boots after basilus bracer because we didnt have any.

    I planned in making drum to boost our team fight which helped alot also helped with my movespeed and overall stats and gave me a bigger mana pool for my skills.

    I planned to make a vlads after but I saw lycan had one so made mekanism which also improved our team fights.

    I never really had any mana problems.

    After I made a aghanims sceptor which also improved our team fight alot.

    All of this made it easy for our team to give lycan space to split push while we were clashing and taking other towers.

    I know that Im only 1k and I did this only once almost 1.5 years ago but why couldnt this be a thing now?

    Dire Wolf

      I think it actually is quite legit, just like how bh and spirit breaker were once carries and now exclusively supports, and how some people roll with support morph (which is pretty bad tbh) and support wraith king. But you need the right team, it has to be right clickers to benefit much from aghs and vlads, and people just see the cleave and think farming carry.

      I once faced a team who dual offlaned sven and wk and it was a nightmare. Impossible to kill either, double stuns, vamp aura, they trashed us. I wouldn't say sven was the support, more like the both just offlaned together, neither was designated support and it worked fine.


        The only problem with support Sven is that you need some plan for the first 10 minutes of the game to not be useless.


          So how come I never see this? Also like you can trick the enemy to think sven is ur hard carry then like take some stuffs to counter the stuffs they picked to counter the sven?


            you could just harass them with ur stun and do some camp pulls or something. or do some ganks?

            his first and third skill isnt useless at level one maybebthebproblem early would be mana but u could get a mango or s

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            Dire Wolf

              Because pubs are very narrow minded. Necro is a better carry than support in my opinion but I have never seen anyone play safelane carry necro aside from myself. Same with pugna.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                Bro, I like your way of thinking. =)))


                  thanks :)

                  Dire Wolf

                    "you could just harass them with ur stun and do some camp pulls or something. or do some ganks?"

                    I think ideally you'd have either a second stunner like wraith king or slardar, but in that case wouldn't sven be the carry? With a lane like that though you could be super aggressive from minute 1. Or you'd have a ranged hero so you let the ranged carry harass and you take care of denies and just sit there to baby sit and prevent them from being dived. Like sniper + sven or medusa + sven.

                    Oh silencer safe lane, another legit carry you will never see in a pub. Mid maybe, never safelane.


                      @direwolf i think both heros are versatile in their roles. but idk about the pugna being carry

                      also i like that idea of those combos and how u would play with it. and with those combos u can also easily force them out the lane or get the carry kills. while u get mana boots and stuff.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        I can think only about roaming duo Sven+Tusk, but I guess something more boring like Sven+Mirana may be strong too.


                          hes not picked cz he sucks

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            he has 1 stun, which can be disjointed.

                            he's slow, his stun takes too much mana

                            he's melee

                            he can't contribute without farm, because he's gonna be kited by anyone with a brain


                              but his stun is aoe. he gives the heros around him armor and speed buff plus if u have drum and mana boots u give team some regen and movespeed attack speed.

                              if they r kiting u.. im assuming this means hitting him with ranged heros from places he cant get 2? u can pop ulti so u can take more damage while ur team mates attack the enemy


                                we can assume any situation in which some X hero will work

                                but every hero is situational, and in those situations he's perfectly situational, so he's a free win no matter what you do.

                                im talking about in general majority of games, not just one situation.

                                aka he's shit in the majority

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  yea i see what u mean

                                  so like this could be a thing situationally? also going into lategame he would do better then alot of other supports? like u have greaves aghs ac vlads damage item moonshard. thats huge armor an damage right? plus team armor and stuff?

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    I got cancer reading this @sniper guy


                                      like i said, anything situational given the perfect situation is a free win no matter what you do

                                      ex if you pick brood vs 5 squishy no aoe enemies

                                      no matter what you do, you'll always win.

                                      but sadly, if wee talk about hte majority of the games and majority of hte heroes have aoe damage.


                                        why u get cancer. thats not good dude hope u get better...

                                        but seriously whats so bad about it?

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          I think the biggest problem with it is that he's just so much better as a carry. yes it can be done and if you can get the farm you need then he can have an impact but he will most of the time do more for you as a carry.


                                            Sven's not legit at it. Even wraith king cann't do it nowadays, while he is much more suitted at it.


                                              ok I still want to try it tho :D


                                                mediocre stun and some armor

                                                not good.

                                                Full Давай

                                                  Singsing once played support sven with gorc tinker. you might want to check it out.


                                                    Well this is like 20% legit and 80% shit.
                                                    Super situational.
                                                    Stun is can be disjointed. Armor only lasts a few seconds. Needs vlads and aghs (too much farm) to be actually relevant.
                                                    I mean, why settle for Sven, when there are much more efficient supports.

                                                    Actually, PA is a better support than SVEN. Kappa

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