General Discussion

General DiscussionTechie

Techie in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    Эй, ребята дружественный NS-плееры здесь. Прямо от переводчика.

    So guys I've never really experienced an insane Techies HG defense that with which i tried to break it, previously Techies pickers in the 1k> are absolute dogshit and/or have just randomed the hero.

    Today though the Techies I was up against was not completely dogshit, he actually had the foresight to color his whole base green with his barrels, anticipating my farmed AM's 5 man-push.

    In the end with the efforts of a perhaps a little less dogshit Invoker and a goal-oriented Broodmother, we lost the splitpush game. We were able to stage 3 dedicated pushes. First push I went in and boom blam all that shit! I was red-hp zone so I went back base. Team couldn't sustain push without me. Second try I send in illusions, pop pop pop pop. I'm happy I rush in green barrels explode. LC goes and gets raped by Riki + Broodma. Third try I send a single illusion in for mindtricks, Tech didn't give a shit. I was agitated so I jumped in and blinked behind the mid tower, I got it + rax. Attempted to repeat with bottom ones, turns out bombs were there so I exploded.

    We had no window to go Roshan they always took him first, if ever we were given an opportunity we didn't have time we needed to hustle since at most only 2 of the enemies stayed dead, others bought back.

    Any tips on how to successfully siege an enemy highground vs a Techies? Never really cared when he was called cancer, right now though I think he is, lmao

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

        Heart instead of MKB. Thats ur first mistake

        doc joferlyn simp

          well ill have you know mkb was my 3rd item after manta and vladmir, just sold it bcs i thought the better way was to tank up for the bombs and splitpush


            Your team was dogshit thats why you lost not because techies
            Ogre could've tanked the bombs for your or bought gem/sentry [yeah even in their base]

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            doc joferlyn simp

              is it worth it to buy refresher + bkb in order to just hit all the buildings real quick and get out?


                here's one thing u couldve done
                go to 7:30