General Discussion

General Discussionput your best quote from (in)/famous people

put your best quote from (in)/famous people in General Discussion

    ,,To some extent i felt like the devil,to some extent i felt like God,,
    ,,Sometimes i feel like a vampire,,
    .....murder is not just a crime of lust or violence. It becomes possession. They are part of you … (the victim) becomes a part of you, and you (two) are forever one … and the grounds where you kill them or leave them become sacred to you, and you will always be drawn back to them,,


      ''fucker off, you are"

      -melissa 2016

      Father Jack from Marketing

        "I can fap to this"

        2hi - 1999 - 2016.


          "You are not gay, so stop acting like one." -me 2016


            "Xiz str söö givlomh trzstfrf. Loöö xpitdröbrd."

            - Spunki


              ayy lmao


                daba ka pesu

                High Fructose Corn Syrup

                  "Shut up u 2k pinoy monkey" -Puppey

                  yung griphook

                    "When game is going full retard, you can only go with it. If you start going against it, if you start going half retard, you're fucking done for." - N0tail

                    Dire Wolf



                      "Work is the curse of the drinking class"

                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

                        Livin' Real Good

                          " If you aren't playing on US West and US east servers when trying to get better at dota, then you're doing something wrong. "

                          - PPD after winning TI


                            5k EU< 3k SEA < 2K America
                            - Albert Einstein

                            Livin' Real Good
                              Yorum silindi

                                "You will not become a saint through other people's sins."
                                Anton Chekhov

                                Da Vinci

                                  "You adopted"
                                  - Mom & Dad


                                    The past is a gaping hole. You try to run from it, but the more you run, the deeper, more terrible it grows behind you, its edges yawning at your heels. Your only chance is to turn around and face it. But it's like looking down into the grave of your love, or kissing the mouth of a gun, a bullet trembling in its dark nest, ready to blow your head off.

                                    -Max Payne

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Not my proudest fap
                                      -Me 2015, when I watched A Serbian Film


                                        "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer" - Javik (Mass Effect)
                                        "In war, victory. In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice."- Motto of the grey wardens (dragonage origins)


                                          "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people". ~Barack Obama


                                            ''I'm here to blur the line between life and death'' - Gin Hammond


                                              "try harden"

                                              - try hard


                                                "Sane is boring." ~Jarlaxle

                                                Corvus Corax

                                                  "i am the king of the world, ruling one place at a time" jarlaxle


                                                    "I failed many times thats why i succeed" - Frost
                                                    "If the world shoves you around you've got to stand up and shove back!" - Roronoa

                                                    ARC WARDEN

                                                      "what doesnt kill me make me smaller"