General Discussion

General Discussionseaaaaaa

seaaaaaa in General Discussion

    so sea 4k bracket seems full of account buyers. gg man *babyrage*


      looking at your last game

      i can see you and your whole team performed horribly.

      soo, from your logic i could call you an acc buyer as well?

      5TH POST

        Cheap 4kmmr on SEA. Because every 4-5,k guy make smurf and sell to 2k kids with high ego low mmr😂. Just enjoy doto. And learn to hover team/enemy profile ( if you had 1 account buyer, losses almost all his ranked games) advice that guy to pick support. If he pick carry, pick a support that can transition carry later.

        5TH POST

          Low 4k is not good enough. Those guys were just 3k tryhards. Try to climb above 4.5k.


            yea dota ranked is so fucked up i just got guy who plays only custom games 1 year and he playedcoulpe rankeds and lost all plus trashtalking and flamingand afk jungle
            what the fuck dota let this non interest players play ranked


              they should atleast remove their current mmr to 2k if dont play rankeds and destroy games


                Lel there are tons of account buyers at 5k too or they just got lucky and people carried them.


                  @cookie man i just trolled it up and went on jungle slardar i knew my carry was idiot darn it


                    Sea pro actually on 4.5 up but below 4.5 still like 3.5


                      Cause sea now have ppl selling 2k-3k mmr just for 150,very cheap alot going to 5k mmr gg sea mmr


                        @Testerv2 sorry but you're not a pro in SEA if you're 4.5k. The people I find it ok to play with are usually 5.3k and up. 4.5-5.2 is this shit tier where everyone thinks they are the best and won't listen to anyone else and will rage and blame non stop.