General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy people hate playing support?

Why people hate playing support? in General Discussion
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    It's my favorite role to play, i've played around 600 games, 590 i played as a support. But if i want to play another position (for fun, variety, and learning) no one even bothers to buy the courier. Last match, my team already picked jugger, WK, lone druid, ember, and what did the genius last picked... AM.

    Seriously, what's their problem with supporting, you don't have to be farming all the time, you can pull, stack, gank, harrass, and do a lot with very little. is it pride? is it the need to be the hero, the greatest one, the one who has the most kills? or is it the bad attack animations of most supports? the complexity of the role? do they feel like they don't do that much when supporting?


      Because when the team is losing, the carries wannabe will blame supp (especially if u meet the toxic one)


        For me the fun part in dota is the late Game... And i hate nothing more than being a sup in a 50mins+ game


          ^ and you don't get to win 20-30 min games in pubs

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            Because you'd need to have a HUGE amount of skills compared to 9 other players to win the game if the rest of your team is retarded
            Because retards are greedy and wants a fucking "yo ma nig got rampage" on their bulletin
            I don't think getting flamed is much of a trouble, retards will flame at their teammates no matter what their role is
            Supporting is very fun tho (compared to playing most carries rofl)

            casual gamer

              gets boring after a couple games in a row

              ?.Stock @zzo

                I guess it's because supports do something like a "dark job" to make things right and allow their team to win the game. People just don't see the concrete effects of vision, dewarding, pulling, babysitting, etc. They r more likely "Ehy, I had shit tons of farm, commend me, ez game".

                It's even harder to be support in my bracket, 'cause the average knowledge of the game is obviously lower and this makes the support life tougher.

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                M U R D E R

                  well you can just grab kills early, take farm whenver your carry/mid is not taking it, and get fat by endgame with a midas :D

                  otherwise ppl dont like supporting because its hard to win game if your carries are dogshit.

                  its not very true about long games though, just had a 23 min game as rasta with a drow strat

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                  Full Давай

                    'member when dota was wc3 custom game? 'member when hard carries bought ward, courier when they think they need it, rhasta going mid and nobody gave a fuck?


                      People don't hate to play support, they hate to play support in "normal skill".

                      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                        Support is the role i'm naturally actrated to due to my personality but supporting tumors really isn't pleasnt nor easy


                          First time playin dota (played throu wc3 lan party bot w/ friends) i pick CM... i didnt realize she is a supp and dont even know how to support before so i go buy boots, preseverance, crystalys, and double hyperstone. Instead of buying courier, wards, and force staff. Now i found that she is my waifu along with lina

                          Now being a supp is fun. u can cure cancer of enemy PA first pick by 3rd picking CM so PA cant ever fuck with me unless PA has lucky basher...


                            Because its hard. I dont know how to supp properly and always end up feeding the enemy. Sometime i play carry i met a good supp that can make me feel comfortable to farm. He can zone out the enemy sometime set a kill for me. Idk how the fck he does it. I tried to play supp but the carry always blame me for feeding. Also the observer ward always sold out, idk how to buy ward and keep the map not dark. I believe there is a way to ward properly if u know how, to avoid the map is dark and ward not out of stocks(timing for warding, not just buy all and put all the ward). So i stop playing supp and focus on playing offlane.


                              Just buy 2 yellow wards every 4 mins to take control the map so u wont out of stock


                                First time playin dota (played throu wc3 lan party bot w/ friends) i pick CM... i didnt realize she is a supp and dont even know how to support before so i go buy boots, preseverance, crystalys, and double hyperstone.

                                Yeah, I know how it feels...


                                Dire Wolf

                                  Because half the fun in dota is buying items and supports never have enough gold to buy lots of big items.

                                  There's other reasons too but that's the main one.

                                  Besn1q 3.0

                                    because most people are dogshit at the game.

                                    It's very simple, most people in low bracket want to be the hero and have kills, good stats etc. They want to be commended and want glory.
                                    In medium bracket people just want to carry because they were used to it and think supports have no impact on the game.
                                    In high bracket people realize they played core all the time and suck at supporting, so they are scared of ruining early game and lose mmr.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      I don't play support because I am mostly much better than my teammates, so supporting is game losing for me. Snipers who still build MoMs every game and go glass canon against spectre are terrible, so I will rather jungle legion if I can't get a lane, than supporting, and still have 65%+ ranked winrate with that strategy.

                                      Seriously, you can only support if you're on par with your teammates, if you're much better you should NEVER support. The only times I support is when playing with a few competent friends or when I play unranked VHS, where people are a tad bit less retarded.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                        Its too hilarious to consider crystalys as her core item because she is crystal maiden. Her weapon must be something crystal for sure XD

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Gazorpazorp is the problem with dota, so toxic, thinks he's the man and all his supports lose games for him. Dude supporting right is harder than playing carry. If supports make space any carry can win easily.


                                            I think most people how hate playing support have no idea how to support properly

                                            Then again its really frustrating when you lose and you've ended up having the most hero damage on your team with the least net worth


                                              its really frustrating when you lose and you've ended up having the most hero damage on your team with the least net worth

                                              I know this feeling too... Almost every Sniper game...


                                              And more... and more... and more...


                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                wow guys, youre actually saying support isnt fun? enjoy your clicking on creeps, that has to be fun. as a support you can do so much more in those 1st 10-15 minutes and pretty much decide the game... climbed from 4k to 5.5k in 7 months without abusing anything and since then i played mostly oracle, disruptor and ogre to 6.4k. so i climbed 2.4k in 14 months. so just stop bitching about your cores and git gud

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  If you don't want to play support just play Awesomenauts, it's like dota but without any clearly defined roles for farming

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Wow soultrap stop spamming support sniper, it's dog shit, stop building midas every game, I would report you every chance I got. Anyone can pick zeus or spectre and spam ults and have high hero dmg but no impact which is literally what you are doing with sniper and shrapnel. Hero damage is a very overrated stat without context.


                                                      @Dire Wolf
                                                      It's not me. It's change in meta I adapt to.

                                                      Sniper can spam his ult, because it has 7.5 seconds cooldown. Last time I checked Zeus and Spectre they had slightly longer cooldowns on their ultimates.


                                                        It's very hard to master supporting
                                                        People who say playing cores are harder to master obviously are short sighted

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          "Gazorpazorp is the problem with dota, so toxic, thinks he's the man and all his supports lose games for him. Dude supporting right is harder than playing carry. If supports make space any carry can win easily."

                                                          I am not toxic at all, it's the fact. Why would I support a retard who picks juggernaut, and feeds first blood, has 46% winrate in normal skill and can't last hit? Because that's the kind of people I might get if I choose to support. And that game just gets so much harder for no fucking reason, that's why I will only support when I feel somebody is competent. There's no toxicity here, my behavior score is over 9000 (literally) and I do not flame, I just say that I am never going to support unless I play VHS unranked or some shit, because in NS and HS I am going to be a better carry player than 95% players anyway.

                                                          I also don't think you read my post at all, I never said my supports lose games for me, if I play the carry role, I could not care less what the supports do, as long as we have at least some basic vision on the map we can play around. I know both carries and supports are going to be trash so I try to win games by myself if possible.

                                                          I mean, I try not to support people who have lower winrate than I do, because, guess what, they are worse at winning games. And those are the people who are STUCK in some bracket for an eternity. Why should I support somebody who is not keen on improving themselves?

                                                          I do not blame others for losses unless it's some obvious shit, because at the brackets I play at (3.7k unranked and 3.1k ranked) every game is winnable if you are good enough and if you farm, and that's why I have almost 56% winrate compared to someone who's been stuck with 46% winrate for years.

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            I only play support and I win as support because support are good for good players.

                                                            Stay in the back and rule the game this is all what I need.

                                                            Carries are my bitches and I pay them with wards.


                                                              People who say "i only know how to play carry, i dont know how to support" are usually people who will never improve in the game

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                ^Would you still actually play support if you play with 1-2k friends, or have mismatched solo/party ranked/unranked? Picking support in the situation where you are actually the best player in the game is detrimental to winning the game, even if you have 60% winrate by doing that, you could've had 75%+ instead.

                                                                I was once in a party with a guy who literally had 600 MMR (when I was 1.1k MMR ranked, but playing VHS in solo unranked) and he asked me to support him. He is the guy who thinks ranged creep is the "support creep" and that supports should autoattack to help carries get last hits.

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  You will stay low mmr until you learn the opposite of what you think is the truth in Dota.


                                                                    Supporting Is boring. U have to position so carefully. Supports like dazzle especially with no really interesting spells

                                                                    Riguma Borusu


                                                                      Um, you do not even have ranked matches on your profile since it is a new account, and do not consistently play in VHS. I've only started playing ranked again now and have over 60% winrate in ranked. I also do not smurf like a [cat deminutive]. This account contains my first matches I've ever played in this game. You'll stay shit as long as you continue smurfing and remain unable to consistently get VHS on a fresh smurf account, so it's pretty ironic you're telling me anything.

                                                                      If you are garbage yourself, do not tell me I will remain shit, solve the problems in your own house first.

                                                                      Also, I will only stay low MMR as long as I do not grind enough ranked. When I play ranked, I steadily rise anyway.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        You will stay low mmr until you learn the opposite of what you think is the truth in Dota.
                                                                        Your last answer is just a proof. Keep playing carries in low ranked until you grow up.

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          You will stay low mmr until you learn the opposite of what you think is the truth in Dota.
                                                                          Your last answer is just a proof. Keep playing 55% winrate supports in low unranked until you grow up.


                                                                            anyone who cant play support at a basic level needs to go learn it before they queue their next game of dota

                                                                            if u cant zone an offlaner, manage lane equilibrium, set up wards/dewards at start of games, pull correctly (understand timings, actually get xp out of pulls so that ur level is roughly equal to offlaners) and so on then u need to go learn how to do this.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                            Forget me not

                                                                              Supporting is fun and a good way for winning a game for me as long as the core know what they are doing, and didn't throw all the free farm they get after you zone the offlane, set up a ward and sentry, set up some nice kill for them in the early game.


                                                                                It's much easier to play support, than to play carry. This is why we tell newcomers to play something like Lich first.


                                                                                  @soultrap Agreed, but still, supporting has a higher skill cap compared to carrying
                                                                                  Everyone can buy and place wards, buy utilities and use them, use their skills and shit
                                                                                  But it's way harder to play supporting to it's fullest potential compared to playing carry to it's fullest potential


                                                                                    wow guys, youre actually saying support isnt fun? enjoy your clicking on creeps, that has to be fun. as a support you can do so much more in those 1st 10-15 minutes and pretty much decide the game... climbed from 4k to 5.5k in 7 months without abusing anything and since then i played mostly oracle, disruptor and ogre to 6.4k. so i climbed 2.4k in 14 months. so just stop bitching about your cores and git gud

                                                                                    Hajadlo H-god

                                                                                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                                        support works like this: you set your teammates up, and they follow and play on that.

                                                                                        aka, if your teammates are bad, then you're limited in what you can do.

                                                                                        it can be an amazing role in the higher brackets, in the low brackets it's pretty much useless.

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          H-God kreygasm feelsgoodman


                                                                                            Im Not playing Support cuz when i See my carry missing 3lh in First wave while there is noone else on the lane makes me want to uninstall.


                                                                                              Coz i like the sound of gold when i get a last hit


                                                                                                Actually when there are 4 cores already i pick Support and hope at least one of Them plays decent.

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  why dont people like sucking dick as much as i do?

                                                                                                  idk man maybe they want to suck something else whatever your cup of tea is

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    " because in NS and HS I am going to be a better carry player than 95% players anyway."

                                                                                                    Your matches are still normal skill dude. If you were really better than 95% of players you wouldn't be in normal skill, you'd be winning like 10 matches in a row and getting out of there.

                                                                                                    btw you're getting carried in at least half your ranked wins and your items choices are atrocious. Maybe you are better than 95% of players if you can win games with phase boots + medallion lc.

                                                                                                    Tu tayta

                                                                                                      Name's similar enough. I wonder if Gazorpazorp is the TA in the first clip of this WTF video.

                                                                                                      It'd certainly explain a lot.


                                                                                                        Why do people automatically assume that having a good carry is more important than a good support? A good support can solo win the game just as effectively as a good carry can in Normal Skill. Its probably easier because nobody there has experience playing against a good sup. Problem is most people don't actually know what a good support does. They think that supports are limited to buying courier and wards and occasionally pulling.

                                                                                                        Also learning to support will improve your carry gameplay as well. Its a two way street.