General Discussion

General Discussionquestion about positions

question about positions in General Discussion

    i know that pos 1 is carry, pos 2 is mid, 3 offlaner... but how does it change when you have a jungler? does mid fall down one?

    doc joferlyn simp

      1 carry 2 mid never replaceable in any circumstance

      i think 3 off becomes 3 jungler, team cant function without dedicating at least two heroes for support

      M U R D E R

        i guess it depends on your mid hero and on the jungler, i fail to see how qop farm would be more important than sven.


          1-5 position are farm priority not laning setup. rtz playing naga or lycan mid were examples of playing the 1 position from the mid lane.

          plus you can also put your offlaner in the safe lane and have an offensive trilane but that doesn't make the offlaner the '1' just because he's in the safe lane. supports that are close to and require a blink dagger can get increased farm priority until they get it.

          farm priority doesn't mean much in pubs anyway. you're still going to have lower priority heroes taking farm away from higher priority heroes.

          M U R D E R

            i mean (1) carry as the one who is being supported, but yeah i got what you mean - it depends more on heroes than on the lanes.

            i know it dosnt happen much in pubs but its still easier to win if you establish priority and follow it

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              Position #1 is not "one who is being supported". He is like an alpha dog, he can steal your creeps in lane or in jungle, it doesn't matter. When he comes to your farming spot, you must fuck-off.

              M U R D E R

                yeah yeah my bad sometimes you support offlaner if your carry has an easy lane already, whatever. position 1 is the carry hero anyway.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  position 1-5 system is a farm priority system.

                  pos 1-3 are ''cores'' and pos 4-5 are ''supports''

                  now this isn't set in stone that you need 2 supports and 3 cores, it's just the easiest way to execute a win.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    And again... Support is not the one who supports. Support is the one with lowest farm priority.


                      nope, supports are the ones who support as well as having low farm priority


                        ^Sheesh!... Go away!...


                          Unlike some random shit that people in the pro scene tend to do here is what I think of the positions in pubs.
                          1 - the main carry as in the main hero to focus your mid and late team fights around, protecting and giving him the best terms to farm is needed to win the game, if he is a dumbass you are more likely to lose the game then if a support hero is a dumbass, except maybe if the supp runs after the pos 1 player and takes all his farm + exp
                          2 - the second/semi carry who plays the role of the midder. personally I think more games are won by the pos 2 then by pos 1 in pubs, that is why solo mid is linked to the whole ego trip and you see a lot of smurfs targeting mid to "show all their skill". The pos 2 is mostly a hero that has high impact in all parts of the game, specially early and mid game, but pos 1 has higher dmg output in the mid + late game
                          3 - the tank and/or initiator, a hero that is level dependant but doesn't need as much farm during the whole game to be usefull, mainly because his ulty is extremely valuable
                          4 - the greedy support, basicly a support hero that needs a bit of farm to be usefull and doesn't sacrifice all his gold for the team to buy wards, dust and other supp items, his main role is to try to shut down the enemie carry and getting his items for better team fight ability asap
                          5 - the bitch of the team, a support that sacrifices all his exp and gold to help his team, his main role is zoning out the enemie offlaner, keeping the creeps equilibrium stable and tping to help his midder or offlaner if there are some ganks. He has to ensure map control with wards and true sight items and if needed sacrifice his life to safe a carry or higher rank player.

                          there are 3 main sorts of lineups to be played with the roles:
                          1 case:
                          2 1 2 where the carry is safelane with the pos 5, 2 is mid and 3 and 4 are offlane. the 3 and 4 work together to shut down the carry of the enemie team and to provide some farm for the 3. It is best to take a less farm dependent pos 4
                          2 case:
                          3 1 1 where the carry is safelane with pos 4 and 5, 2 is mid and 3 is offlane. 4 and 5 are zoning out the offlaner as good as they can to provide the best possible farm for the main carry, the 4 is there to pull and take some extra xp and last hits to get to his items sooner. 3 is trying his best to get as much xp as possible and a few last hits if he can and will try to fuck up the creep equilibrium for the enemie carry, if he can't stay in lane he goes jungle instead. If shit is going down for the mid or offlaner the pos 5 must have a tp to come in for help. Ideal would be both 4 and 5 to tp if shit is happening
                          3 case:
                          2 1 1 with a jungler where carry is with the pos 5 safelane, 2 is mid, 3 is offlane and the position 4 morphs into sth like a pos 3 and goes jungle. It doesn't get much more greedy then this lineup.
                          2 1 1 with a roamer where everything is the same as above but the jungler roams for ganks and possible kills.

                          Best heroes for all positions?
                          1 - AM, Jugger, Spectre, Drow, PA, Slark, Morphling
                          2 - Pudge, Voker, Sniper, Mirana
                          3 - Enigma, Void, Tide, Bristle, Weaver, Axe, SB
                          4 - Riki, CM, Necrophos, Lion, BH, ES
                          5 - Omni, Ogre, Dazzle, VS, AA

                          The nice thing about dota is that the roles are there just to profit your team, so if you can make a hero useful during the game basicly any hero can play any position in the game. Some are better then others in it and people tend to use patterns that others already showed. That doesn't mean that if a hero is great as a position 1 that you can't possibly play him as pos 4 and the other way around.
                          VP for example used a pos 4 PA on the last event. Kunkka was made a support by Lanm(I think it was him). There are a lot of heroes that can be used for more then one role and that is also one of the factors that win games.

                          Holy shit this post is long.

                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                            Hngggggggh long walls of text that even the chinese would claim for themselves for the glory of their heritage

                            Full Давай

                              1 - who needs items to deal most physical dmg in team fights
                              2 - who needs items to deal physical dmg + most utility in team fights
                              3 - who needs items to deal some dmg + some utility in team fights
                              4 - usually roams to help cores. need 1, 2 core items to provide dmg|utility
                              5 - whose spells are strong enough without items. protect cores early, sometimes gank with 4. ward dispenser


                                Trump is right about China, they steal US jobs and they will claim my wall of text.
                                Fuck China.

                                M U R D E R

                                  i know what positions mean... but say you hve a carry, mid, offlaner and support picked, and a guy picks a jungler. the position where jungler ends up depends on all heroes right?

                                  casual gamer

                                    alch mid should be pos 1

                                    ur pos 4 naga can end up leeching a shitton of farm from everyone else post-rad

                                    pos 3-4 with jungle comes down to playstyle, ur jungle lc might constantly gank or afk farm, ur offlane might be a nyx that goes and fights or a tidehunter that spends more time farming when ravage is down

                                    hell sometimes im offlane void with a mid puck/qop and i afk farm/push offlane a la weaver and end up with pos 1-2 farm


                                      Actually Position 5 is very rare in public. its more often like p6. Take 1 lh and Enjoy the hate.


                                        I play position 5 almost every game and I can tell you that nobody appreciates it others then maybe a carry that couldn't get a decent support for a higher amount of games in a row.

                                        That is why the jugger arcana is a loss for humanity.

                                        casual gamer

                                          i end up as pos 5 every time im support its not that bad

                                          i dont need people to suck my dick for doing my job adequately


                                            In my last game offlane Void told me at the end of the game: "thank you, Silencer, for great supporting".
                                            I was like o_O, because I did literally nothing as usual...