General Discussion

General DiscussionDiffusal on terrorblade

Diffusal on terrorblade in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I was playing TB vs a wraith king and went diffusal and it seemed to work out ok. WK was their only right clicker too, well they had an abbadon too and that's it, so butterfly seemed a bit unnecessary. Diffusal has a ton of agility for illusions for a bit less, with manta I could empty WK's mana pretty easily, just using TB's built in illusions wasn't usually enough. But given the amount of agility on diffusal for the price is it a valid item for TB?

    I find myself becoming slot starved every game on TB and don't know what to build anymore now that he is more geared toward fighting and not just a rat. I love dominator on him for fighting, and aquila is one of the best early items too for stats and mana regen, and then dragon lance is a really nice early fighting item too. But they're all cheap, by the time I finished manta I am selling items around 25 minutes already. Last couple games I went brown boots into travels later around 25 minutes just cus of that issue. Last game I didn't even build lance cus I wanted dominator and bkb and didn't think I'd have room.

    A lot of games I'm finding bkb to be really necessary as well, running into a lot of tinkers and lions.

    So two builds I guess that might be possible, bots, satanic, bkb, skadi, hurricane pike, manta. This build emphasizes hp and surviving with skadi, bkb, satanic and hurricane pike but it's a tad lacking in dmg not having the big agility items in butter or diffusal. You could swap hurriance pike or manta for butterfly but dragon lance is so good early and so is yasha and it sucks to sell them rather than upgrade them.

    Alternate style if you can get away with no bkb would be pretty easy, just swap it for butter. Idk how many games you can get away without skadi. It's so much hp and agility for your illusions I feel like it's core.

    My alternate build I guess would be sans dragon lance and bkb and going bots, satanic, skadi, manta, diffusal, butterfly. Crit is pretty nice on TB too but I don't see a daedulus build as being better than any of those, you'd have to drop bkb or satanic or hurricane pike or something.

    These are my last two games.


      Diffu is situational imo (ofc you know when to get it la),
      The usual build of threads aquila lance manta then skadi is usually better most of the time


        difusal only if you need to purge something, or if mana burn is necessary.


          But dire is 3.6k you don't need to explain that :(

          M U R D E R

            yeah diffusal is really good on terrorblade (remember EE doing it lul), it's even better than butterfly for your illusions

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              @did not check lol my bad

              Dire Wolf

                omg someone insinuating 3ks are mouth breathers, what forum am I on?

                "yeah diffusal is really good on terrorblade (remember EE doing it lul), it's even better than butterfly for your illusions"

                It's not actually since illusions get the dodge from butterfly. Agility is the same and illusions do more dmg with mana break but having that dodge makes them very tanky vs right clickers. I'd say butterfly is usually better but diffusal is cheaper.


                  lol butter is the ultimate item for illusion-based agility carries wtf u doing comparing ith with diffusal man.

                  Diffusal has its own benefits, and can be good on TB, but I usually cant find a slot for it unless I really need it, I just rush dragon lance and skadi almost always and by then its too late for diffusal.

                  pretty sure tb can fucking own wk's ass even without a diffusal, u dont need to burn his mana when u can kill both his lives easily


                    I think making him only live once is for the sake of teamfight
                    Spending too much time hitting WK to death 2 times can be gamelosing if the rest of his team still deals alot of damage


                      Diffusal is very valuable as TB, if I don't desperately need hp I usually squeeze it in before skadi. The agility to cost ratio is absolutely insane on the item, it makes you farm extremely fast and purge is a very handy ability to have especially as you tend to attract lots of silences when you want to sunder.


                        ^^yes but tb can finish him in a few seconds. have u ever been hit by 3 butterfly meta TB's? even an AC wont save the poor sod. Im thinking 4 seconds per life max. so 8 seconds to kill an AC wk. I guess its a bit long, but remember ur investing a lot of gold just to mana burn if gng diffusal for that sole purpose

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          Good points
                          Diffu seems worth to get if multiple problems in the game can be solved with it
                          Example = shit tons of silences and a WK


                            true. but in my opinion the best feature of diffusal tb is casually harassing enemy supports with illusions while main tb sits back waiting for proper positioning/time to strike. Its unimaginably annoying getting ur mana burned by illusions who you cant even kill unless ur lion or some shit

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            casual gamer

                              retired you do realize that diffusal and bfly give the exact same illusion dps, except diffusal has manaburn and is half the price right

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                ^butter gives more EHP no? I dont know abt the dps. I was assuming butter gave more

                                M U R D E R

                                  you cant dodge cleave and radiance burn, all the spells, which are the primary ways of clearing illusions anyway. so diffusal can be considered better at times.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Diffusal 2 which has equal agility is not half the price, it's 3850 vs 5775, 1925 less or in other words butterfly is 50% more than diffusal (or diffusal is 33% cheaper than butterfly) but butterfly is not double, not even close to double.

                                    Diffusal 2 is not exactly a cheap item, it's just cheaper than most big items, it's around same price as bkb, s&y, deso, halberd.

                                    casual gamer

                                      damn dude nice numbers

                                      thats the most effort i have ever seen someone put into completely missing the point

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        No I got the point, my counterpoint was people often say wow diffusal what amazing agility to cost ratio and might actually overvalue it stats wise. It's not that cheap and it has only agility (well some int too which is worthless on 90% of the heroes who build it).

                                        I think butter is often undervalued cus people think countering it is so easy. MKBS don't just grow on trees and are a huge deviation from most non agility carry builds.

                                        casual gamer

                                          the difference though is that diffusal buildup + cheapness of dif 1 in particular means you can go something like travels dlance manta diff skadi diff2, wheras you can't really afford to go bfly before skadi, and the awkward buildup makes things even worse

                                          and it gives you an additional way to dispel silence for sundering people

                                          bfly is more of a 4-6 slot luxury item that multiplies physical ehp and gives a weak escape (flutter) wheras diffusal is cheap dps with additional utility.

                                          casual gamer

                                            how do i not have a building gg


                                              Why are people comparing butterfly to diffusal, diffusal has nearly half the cost and double the utility. It's not as if you generally have issues dying to physical dps anyway.


                                                Im rather new but i feel like my understanding of the game is good enough for me to comment. I feel like HotD shud rlly only be purchased for stacking or if ur gonna use the active. Ur just wasting value if u just buy for lifesteal. Personally i dont see the need for lifesteal with his 10 armor, a pms is usually what i go for especially because the block is given to the illusions. Either that or a raindrop cuz of his vulnerability to magic dmg


                                                  Tbh diffusal is nice right? But butterfly offers a lot more (obviously it costs more). The only problem i have is squeezing it into the build between manta and skadi somewhere. After manta tb begs for some tankiness, and i feel the diffusal detour leaves him too squishy, unless they give u perfect sunders. After skadi u may as well go butter as it has a bigger inpact with the evasion making u almost impossible to kill

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    when tb illus took 300% dmg u could stack bflies and ur illusions had 2700 hp 40 armor and 50-60% evasion and if they didnt have lion it was basically gg


                                                      Dude, the person who said you are 3.6k are probably saying you are good/better, that's why there is no reason to explain it to you. I mean he is 1k.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I wouldn't skip lifesteal on tb ever. With aquila to keep his mana up he never has to go back to base, even after team fights, and you can manfight anyone with meta up. Without it I find I need to position a lot better, split push farm more, use illusions to tank jungle camps. Before his changes to sunder and reflection that was his playstyle so lifesteal was irrelevant but I think it's core now. Imagine how difficult it is to kill a TB with sunder and satanic. Depending on how well you kite with like skadi meta or reflection, you might be able to get low, satanic up, 35s cd only, get low and sunder, satanic might be up twice in a fight.


                                                          haha so that we think


                                                            You don't need lifesteal, you have 2 base hp regen, illusions to tank camps and insanely high base armour. Satanic is nice as a 6th item but if you are buying it before then you are playing the hero wrong.

                                                            Full Давай

                                                              refresher still better item than satanic

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                ^ if you can get a sunder off you can probably punch people and regain similar amounts of hp with satanic active, especially if you have BKB

                                                                satanic base stats are very good for TB, refresh is also useful for travels and meta cd but in straight up fights i think it is weaker, also refresh cd is 5x satanic cd

                                                                Full Давай

                                                                  I guess choosing utility of satanic/ref depends on enemy composition.

                                                                  If you know you can close game with team wipe + gg push ref would be better.

                                                                  If that's too risky tanking up & keep pressuring with satanic would be nice.


                                                                    I think refresher is better in your stash than on your hero, you farm fast as TB anyway so typically by the time you start considering RFO or satanic as an item you are 6 slotted anyway.


                                                                      How do u have kids and still have time for dota. Asking the important questions here.


                                                                        u hav kids?

                                                                        Full Давай

                                                                          I was diagnosed with penile cancer. just waiting till my bladder & immune system shuts down and got nothing better to do.

                                                                          Good thing no kids will miss me.