General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut

Juggernaut in General Discussion

    So.... Since anyone with a brain knows that aghanim juggernaut is dogshit most of the time
    But when is the right time it is worth getting it?
    I think only when you play with a retarded faceless void who just can't chrono people in the edge of the chrono, but then again, I doubt that guy won't catch you inside his chrono anyway

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    doc joferlyn simp

      balling so hard your omnislash dmg cant still actually burst 2-3 ppl down


        I cant think a possibility where agh is good on jugg. I can only think of fighting huskar from behind 1 vs 1 where all of your slash goes to him

        M U R D E R

          well, in team with FV it could be good because omnislash will last the same time as chrono will. and only if you are highly skilled. otherwise, no idea.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            Thought that it could also be useful against tiny (alternative to BKB)


              2 ult orb > agh jug


                Probably when you're not the position 1 on your team and need to take advantage of the reduced cool down and constantly create space?

                Full Давай

                  When there's warlock in your team?


                    its never good. lol


                      u only get it when alch gifts it to u


                        ONLY WHEN ALCHEMIST GIVES IT TO YOU.

                        STE 8-1-8

                          When Alch gifts it to you (probably one of the last priority aghs) or you when are an offlane jugg and you are doing some cheesey fun strat with magnus :p

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Get it if u r normal skill. I've seen a lot of games turn because of ppl underestimating the aghs omni slash. Do u seriously think ppl know how to deal with it? It's not that easy. Get it if u r normal skill


                              Get it to increase survability cuz it give extra hp armor and longer invulnerability. Or when enemy has low mobility and no escape.
                              Don't get it if enemy can negate it easily eg. puck.


                                "Do u seriously think ppl know how to deal with it?"
                                I've played against 3 eul's before >:(

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  Omnislash is jugg's worst spell, and people will prioritize ghost scepters and euls as supports if they have a problem with jugg. Now, jugg can get diffusal, so it evens out...


                                    I think it can be pretty good as alchemist gift especially if you built dps items your ult gonna rock some people.

                                    Nervous Bakedown

                                      Aghs is good if you are doing stupidly well in your lanning stage. Generally speaking though you shouldn't get it. It's better to get something like an S&Y or something. A late BF can and will lose you games, but an earlyish one can be deviating.

                                      casual gamer

                                        aghs is NEVER GOOD ON JUG LOLZ

                                        if you really want to amp ur ult just buy a fucking desolator

                                        casual gamer

                                          ps: dont buy desolator


                                            "Get it to increase survability cuz it give extra hp armor and longer invulnerability"

                                            S&Y gives much better stats hp and armor than aghs and do u know how hard it is to omni good enemies? Stick with s&y or other items. Aghs is the ultimate retarded shit item for jug


                                              Only when alch gives it to you


                                                Lol you mean the games u play have supports? Wait they buy utility items? Lmao I must be in the trench


                                                  To name some reasons why not, ghost scepter, euls scepter, SD, oracle, are popular tho not in pubs, wyvern and pugna too, and the fact that ur right clicks will eventually do more DMG to the specific person u want to DMG. Do understand tho I am dogshit st dots but theoretically...


                                                    I used to build it along with refresher, super op shit xD

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      this isnt the max stats and rush mom era


                                                        Never, but if you really want it then build it one game where there are not naturally elusive heroes like slark, puck or whatever. They can still counter with ghost and euls, but u can get diffusal afterwards, and I believe you need MoM if you get aghs as it will give you isnane amount of atks during the longer omni.


                                                          @Jacked I've seen some supports that can actually play their role decently (1k standard ofc)
                                                          Hope you can get out of the trench fast fam


                                                            but anything works in NS
                                                            so many retard jugs with aghs are still stomping games lul