General Discussion

General DiscussionThought on timber how to nerf him on 6.89

Thought on timber how to nerf him on 6.89 in General Discussion

    Is timber op that needs to be nerf? Or hes balance?


      He is really obnoxious when last picked into a lineup that can't deal with him, that being said for captains mode etc. he is fairly balanced as if you counterpick appropriately you can usually deal with timber unlike some stuff right now like Drow strats. In pubs this tends to exaggerate his strengths as you often get games where your dual melee safelane eats a last pick timber solo offlane which can be instantly gamelosing if timber knows what he's doing.

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        ^what drow strats do u mean? Why do u think u can't deal with drow strats?


          If u think u can deal with drow strats, the drow strat u played against were a bunch of fuckboys. U literally cant do shit against a good drow strat try to def die in less than 2 secs

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            ^ agreed. I always ban drow in ranked games.


              In pubs people have co-ordination issues. Drow strats are strong enough that they are basically first pick/ban status at TI6 where everyone is on the same page. In pubs as long as you get 3 idiots to pick ranged heroes and 1 frontliner like void/tide etc you have a functioning drow strat, meanwhile to play against it you need a lineup that can do OK in lanes despite drow aura damage, get on top of drow consistnently in fights and not be too greedy so you don't get run over by the deathhball.

              Even if you have this you still need lots of co-ordination and really crisp mechanical play to not get dumpstered in lane or lose key fights that lead to you losing all outer towers and roshan. There is a reason the hero has the second highest winrate in 5k+ games.

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