General Discussion

General Discussion7k+ match speed, vs 4.5k Match speed

7k+ match speed, vs 4.5k Match speed in General Discussion

    Assuming that 4.5k players have quite a decent understanding of the game, why is it that almost every game goes for 40-50X mins

    looking through 7k+ players, i find they have most games around 30odd mins or less.
    Is this due to them playing more efficiently in taking objectives? or is it due to the other team giving up in a lost cause (not delaying the enivitable)

    Idk, in my 5 thousand odd dota games, i've had my fair share of stomps and understand what it takes to win faster, however the consistency in comparison is rediculous how much shorter the matches are in the top tier over high tier

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      Assuming that 4.5k players have quite a decent understanding of the game,why is it that almost every game goes for 40-50X mins

      because they don't


        most 7k palyers are from eu where people just give up and afk or feed couriers easily no kappa

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          Because they only know how to farm , gratz some 5k also do that . At high mmr cap like 6k+ , tier 1 fall at 8 min and 4ks need 10 ~ 15 min to do it


            Is this due to them playing more efficiently in taking objectives?



              insane reflexes


                the difference between 4k and 7k is that the 4ks don't know how a match is constructed and how to push at every advantage.

                they know how to push maybe, but they don't know when/why to push

                they play on instinct


                  4ks just randomly run around map

                  Potato Marshal

                    4.5k players still have trouble communicating with their team and coordinating pushes. Even if they see the enemy team has much better late game and harder carries, they'll go afk jungling when they see their team isn't together.


                      fucking passive dota


                        7k players know everything about the game. at least most of them. They can take huge advantage from "little" things. or something that most of 4k don't notice. fog, last hitting, agro, animations.
                        Also suports in 4k has no idea what to do in the game. they are just messing around the map, They do not know when to gank mid, when they have to leave alone the carry, or pulling the creep wave. I mean, they know that they have to do those things, but not in a proper way.
                        As arin said sooo passive.


                          lul match speed lul
                          high mmr players fight till the end because mmr is their life.
                          how the fuck would they give up and do not delay the enivitable.
                          and theirs really no proof that most 7k+ games ended 30 odd mins or less!!

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                            agreed, in the weeks of playing at 6k mmr avg games, people tend to understand so much more than lower than 5k avg mmr games. people at this higher tier notice things like tps on cd, when the other team tped top we automatically td bottom t1, and other little things too that doesn't matter for 4k and less players.