General Discussion

General Discussioncores that counter meepo ?

cores that counter meepo ? in General Discussion



      Sven, Ember , Sniper

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        gank lineup counters meepo most.

        do not let him snowball.

        end game in 15-25 minutes.

        Potato Marshal

          Pretty obvious and self-explanatory, anybody with AOE that can clear groups easily, heroes like Sven, Ember, Timber, you can even go core Jakiro if you want.

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            par73 KB24 | GTUBE

              the ones who get bkb and supported by omni


                anything that has a lot of aoe stuns/dps

                especially if they're natural linkens heroes




                    meepo is countered by big aoe teamfight lineups


                      sven timber


                        Pa with 3 bf and 3 rapier


                          Sven and WInter Wyver are the eziest.

                          But u have to deny his early game farm. Farmed meepo can solo kill entire team even with counters in it. Treat him like spectre.


                            tell this story to EXECRATION.ABED lol


                              Think invoker is really good due to no bkb meepo and cold snap anti poof


                                LC with aghs.

                                bum farto

                                  everyone counters meepo /thread


                                    face with wraith king, do reincarnation then finish him


                                      Op ask for Cores people name WW and Timber


                                        Timber not a core?


                                          sniper really isnt a counter to meepo... meepo blink poof on sniper and sniper is dead.
                                          Ember, sven with bkb... pretty much if you can get a bkb meepo is almost usless till late game when he has crazy right click.


                                            What items would you get on lc plus ags?

                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                              No one can stop a Meepo when his teammate is great for baby sitting it.

                                              Look at Abed games at Meepo. That kid looks pretty unstoppable he even manfight Meepo worst predator imo: Ember Spirit and Warlock


                                                It's better to counter meepo with a support. There are so many supports that counter him: Warlock (FatalBond and Upheaval), Wyvern (Curse), EarthShaker (AOE stuns) ...


                                                  ember puts your game on a time limit and sven even more so. the rest are irritating but they are the only two that you can guarantee you'll lose if you don't end fast.

                                                  Magnus is a pain in the ass as well - Empower, RP and Skewer all nasty for meeps but he'll need backup.


                                                    I would also like to say that he is countered by early assault cuirass, force staff not bkb, and undeelord aura.


                                                      In theory winter wyvern would toatlly destroy meepo, but i've never really seen it in Action.

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                                                      stupid fuck 2000



                                                          Cos ww need lens, force staff and stay back the whole time. Just like earth Shaker - u counter initiation with blink-poof combo.

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            sven bro although meepo does have a way of kiting sven thru constant nets and maybe a hex if he's got the farm, bkb solves everything for sven and one storm hammer = 5 dead meepos

                                                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                              late game when he has crazy right click.

                                                              He already has ridiculous right click wth aghs and double dragon lance at 20-ish minutes


                                                                Windranger, easy shackle and ult one those little dudes down.


                                                                  just dont let him snowball


                                                                    seeing as meepo can have an eblade before windranger can scratch him, i wouldn't be too concerned about that matchup.


                                                                      Wr is a creep to meepo

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        I don't really understand why cleave aoe is good vs meepo cus you only need to kill one of them. So wouldn't burst dmg be just as good? Obviously on a hero like ember or sk +aghs or earthshaker or LC they do more dmg the more heroes around so that makes sense, but isn't sven just as good vs meepo cus of his insane burst as he is for his cleave? Or is it cus you need to get them all low so one can't just run away?

                                                                        I mean honestly PA seems pretty good vs meepo, deso, vlads, basher, bkb, jump on one, bash him, crit him to death and meepo can't do shit. Like I played against a meepo somewhat recently on luna who seems like a good counter but in reality all the meepos tanked the glaives and ult beams and spread the dmg and it wasn't that good. We still won for other reasons but luna's massive aoe didn't really help that much.

                                                                        Mode adiman

                                                                          Invoker is decent asw well since he doesnt need to be rly close to meepo and manages to kite and destroy all meepo clones rather easily with aghs ,BKB and probably shivas.




                                                                              Why people say that AOE is a counter to Meepo? You don't have to kill all Meepos, you only need to kill one. By this logic some kind of surgical damage is even better counter. For example: Lina with Aghanim and Refresher, Clinkz, PA, CK.




                                                                                  I havent played much against good meepo but Nyx or Riki might work. Even Bounty Hunter maybe if you need track to find him easier if he poofs away.

                                                                                  ah.... cores... well in normal skill those heroes can be core so works for OP

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    Big AoE damage or stuns are a real pain for Meepo.

                                                                                    Sven and Ember (Especially paired with Magnus) can destroy Meepo if they can survive the early-mid game. The AoE cleave means that it's harder to use high hp Meepos to save low HP ones.

                                                                                    PA can be effective due to evasion and the inability of Meepo to get MKB.

                                                                                    The "real" counter is just early pressure from the supports to stop Meepo getting out of control in the first place. If you let him get Aghs + Blink in 15-20 mins (at least at my shitty level) he can solo kill practically any other hero in the game and it just gets worse from there


                                                                                      It's really easy to save one low hp meepo considering you have nets and the other meepos geostriking for glory.

                                                                                      Get two or three meepo low and the micro is a lot trickier...

                                                                                      Sven is particularly nasty and pretty much designed as a meepo killing machine. Aoe stun, cleave, bonus damage and bonus armor do not a happy meepo make.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        ok well thanks for explanation. Still a lina with aghs can just 1 shot an unsuspecting meepo right? I mean pre like 22 minutes before he gets 4 dragon lances and skadi and heart and has a billion hp.

                                                                                        game is bad

                                                                                          Fuck cores. Get Wyvern. It doesn't matter how strong Meepo is, he will always die to Wyvern.

                                                                                          Herald Pride

                                                                                            lich with aghanim then chain frost at meepo, as a support i usually counter meepo with that


                                                                                              lich works if the meepo is bad and panics but there is actually plenty of time to split up and tp/poof back to base. you've also then got the problem that you've dedicated space for a lich to farm an aghs in a reasonable amount of time which is probably game losing in of itself


                                                                                                Burst > aoe against meepo
                                                                                                What's the point of cleaving the entire meepo army if he just pops the fuck out when he has 20% HP on each meepo


                                                                                                  its very hard to burst a meepo down in reality great as that theory sounds. if you haven't stopped meepo from turning into a beast then you beat him by making micro hard and having him fuck up. hence why aoe and cc is important.

                                                                                                  btw the other reason cleave is great is it makes it hard to have one meepo escape because he is still getting hit by cleave.

                                                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                                    Guys... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXE!!!!!!!!!


                                                                                                      omg as long as I played 400 games with meepo here and on smurf:

                                                                                                      - Sven and WW are n1 counters
                                                                                                      - Earthshaker is super annyoing, but u can counter him with schyte
                                                                                                      - Axe is pretty annoying to play against on safe lane, but if he jungles he;s a creep
                                                                                                      - Lich is a creep, sometimes annoying
                                                                                                      - PA is either a creep for meepo if not farmed, or she destroys meepo if farmed. Same goes for ember spirit.
                                                                                                      - Lina is a creep and any other single target hero, since u have freakin 3k hp on 25 min mark. U can ez get back with low hp meepo, which is focused so... Lina is no counter

                                                                                                      Nyx, Bounty Huner and Riki are also creeps to meepo since they cannot escape from the net. Only riki can but all he can do is run away.

                                                                                                      Meepo is also countered by aoe oriented line-ups. U just cannot fight, eg. jakiro with sven is super strong agaisnt meep

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