General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa help

Medusa help in General Discussion

    In most of my dusa games, I have way more assists than kills.
    Is this due to my itemization, playstyle or simply because I have teammates with that much higher dmg output than me?

    casual gamer

      the latter

      now I go linkens -> MJ pretty much every game, much more success with that than linkens manta skadi


        You're doing pretty good on Dusa , just unlucky , or just bad at last hitting heroes . Most important for the hero is last hits (creeps) and not dying , if u can do that , you're good .

        PMS Mantra

          Go for the 20 minute Rapier rush if you want ze reports kills.


            Always build Phase and get yasha b4 linkens it makes you Farm much faster. magic Wand is very stronk early lots of HP mana at begin.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              You can also go for the rapier rush build with MoM, PT / Phase, Aquila, BKB :D


                Yes and feed rapier at min 25 seems nice idea.