General Discussion

General DiscussionSomething that bothers me about low 4k supps

Something that bothers me about low 4k supps in General Discussion

    Is that when for example there's a solo huskar or clinkz offlane, as soon as we get first blood the supports think they've done their job and start to roam to other lanes and the poor carry (in this case me) is forced back because he can't 1v1 vs that offlaner. While if they stayed in lane the enemy would have an absolutely useless offlaner bcuz stuff like huskar and clinkz and timber can't farm the jungle if they're forced out of the lane. But they choose to roam after the first kill like idiots.
    I had 2 games like this in the past few hours. In one game I was sven and the enemy had clinkz offlane, they left the lane and I was forced into jungle but we still won bcuz sven is op duh. The second game I was jugg and enemy offlane was huskar, supports completely abandoned the lane after one kill and in the end the same solo offlane huskar came back to rape us and we eventually lost.


      ifuck ur 4k mother

        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

          Good offlaners can usually handle a dual lane and be well off anyways.
          But yes, sad that your pos. 5 supports are roaming that early. They still need a lane presence until you can farm the lanes and jungle without a problem.


            I'm not even talking about real offlaners, talking about free kill target solo offlaners like clinkz and huskar.

            yung griphook

              but how does a solo support zone a huskar? can't trade hits..


                if u get a kill in the lane as a safelane jugg u shouldnt even need help. huskars a walking sack of gold before level 5.


                  that being said most non-competitive support players have no clue what theyre doing as support. theres some on na that are almost 7k and still dont know how to play position 5 at a basic level (safelane mechanics, when to roam, etc). they just roam nonstop after they think the safelanes ok

                  i had some guy who just flat out abandoned safelane as an oracle yesterday and he was level 1 5 minutes in. sure the enemy offlane mirana was dumb and i got a free lane but if he sat top hed be level 4 at minute 5. most supports benefit a lot from basic early levels, especially a hero like oracle with linear scaling on his e. level 3 oracle can roam, level 1 cant, but ppl suck at support so thats life


                    that includes me though i think ive gotten a lot better in this regard


                      I had a Es support inlane vs a mirana and morph offlane. Es was in lane for 20 seconds then tpd to another lane to "gank" then spent all early game mid and offlane. People just don't understand how to support. Support in lane till you are positive your hard carry can solo, if you don't think he can you need to be there.