General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf or Remove Arc Warden

Nerf or Remove Arc Warden in General Discussion

    ^yeah dude just like that. Exactly same build almost every game. Even items order is same lol. And pretty high win rate. Just gege


      I was told that he was the only hero in the entire game that was completely ignored by the international?

      Execute Order 322

        Im talking about storm spirit, anti-mage, phantom assassin, invoker, PL. All of them are wrecking AW awfully when they have equal skill


          This hero is extremely strong right now, if he doesn't get nerfed before entering -cm I'll be very surprised. If you use spark wraiths correctly it is nearly impossible for half the heroes you guys have listed as 'counters' to jump him. Also he win/goes even in most mid matchups and with any rotations from support his flux becomes extremely oppressive.


            I'd rather get wrecked by an arc warden than by a shitty PA who got fed


              damm @Bazenbelkioysa you want Arc unti to had 120CD and only 5-6 duration that made him fucking useless ,right now he only had 16 duration so right now you telling An Arc play hard to be out with 30 CD and only 16 seccond duration it tooo much for you to handle then just quit dota2 man ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ P.S Sepctre can even kill you and Ck had longer duration and Ez to one shot you stupid ,even Arc see what happen when he goes up against this hero you just stupid at understanding new heroes and so you want neft
              @Triple yeah because those high win rate belong to few players that can acctually play Him.I said they earned those win if you said he is OP then you just Saying Invo Op too when it fucking hard and nobody can play those heroes at thier best stupid ZZZZZZZZ

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                ok i have never actually commented on here but seriously people need to learn shit in this game and quit complaining. arc warden is not overpowered there is just too many retards that dont know how to play around him. he is super gankable, tons of heroes directly counter him


                  Once again you think 16 seconds is a extremely short time and it take like 1 whole minute to die from a hero. The double is gone for 14 seconds it used to be around 30 or so. So how is dying to a hero in 16 seconds enough to quit dota


                    @Sir i don't know i am not complaning ask this guy Bazenbelkioysa
                    I totally cool with the ways Arc is right now i defending him not complaining about him just to be clear

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      They should remove Chen too. So OP!


                        @bukkake and how would you know?

                        Fee Too Pee

                          chaos knight , illusion heroes , blink heroes destroy arc warden.
                          PA , CK , AM


                            @Fee Too Pee and axe too if you don't had anything for that blademail he pretty much counter alll hitter and ty for reading my fact .

                            lm ao

                              Hey do you get a double set of wards using his ultimate?

                              Curious q hoping for an answer


                                @Hehehe 1st "q" ?
                                second NO he does not that would be hacking :P

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  any hero can be op if played right
                                  does anyone understand that?

                                  Professor Dog

                                    Let's just put a max limit of 150 games per hero 👌 then he can't be spammed


                                      @Drop dead i understand you bro agree here this community are all just fucking hater and complain all day instead if attually play Arc LOL


                                        @fG1f worst idea ever 150 game then you ban to play that hero wow what an idea

                                        nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                          Arc Warden op? How about remove urself from dota


                                            @Ayakami exactly dammmm finally someone realize that ty you man

                                            Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                              This thread is still alive? Can I make some points?
                                              1. If you are not competitive enough to figure out how to play against it, "YOU", yourself, go play it, then let's see how you do.
                                              2. Are you winning? If not, you don't have the right to say shit about him.
                                              3. Arc Warden gets fucked by 40% of the whole DoTA 2 hero pool. Now then, 10 heroes get banned, and that's only about 11%.
                                              4. Now to the people who have 60+% winrate on the hero, we deserve it, because enemies didn't know how to fuck him.


                                                Not exactly hard to have 60% winrate with arc warden. When you'll get 70%, you mb can start to call that you deserved it.

                                                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                  This kind of people are the reason why:
                                                  Huskar got nerfed since DoTA wc3 days so hard.
                                                  Techies is now a meme.
                                                  Leshrac is dead.


                                                    Inb4 arc is enabled in CM and becomes first pick material. Then you'll have everyone in dotabuff jerking off and calling it OP. I rarely get the hero in my shit tier games so can't comment.


                                                      I had found my people i was getting kick around by this thread early on but now i win :D


                                                        He got shit stats so anyoes who manage to win as him because they farm up thier item good then they earn those win


                                                          He got shit stats so anyones who manage to win as him because they farm up thier item good then they earn those win
                                                          P.s Farm fast because of the the people that call Arc OP feed him like hell , thinking hey this hero got shit stats ez kill ,when the player control him good and kill them they go here and said it is OP

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            Huskar got nerfed since DoTA wc3 days so hard.

                                                            and he's still a freewin under certain conditions

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                                late game arc warden is a disease and early game he's pretty good but without kills he farms like shit and doesn't come online for ages
                                                                his inability to farm efficiently without mjollnir+travels is something that makes him not the greatest carry but when he finally gets there,



                                                                  @mi "RESPECT" and i do know a guy name Capt.Retard want to meet him kid :3, please had respect for the guy don't just put his name up the thread like that not cool :P

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    normal skill


                                                                      Cought Cought high skill nothing compare to the Pro (not me)e.g Fear , Miracle fight them and acttually score something then you are high skill man this dotabuff ranking damm

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                                          shut the rfufk up retards. Arc warden is beyond broken.


                                                                            ^ Thank you.


                                                                              Why are people defending arc warden, lmao


                                                                                Fuck Arc Warden


                                                                                  Fuck Noob can't even defeat a clearly counterable hero LOL
                                                                                  mind as well QQ about teachies while you are at it

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    Nerf underlord ,buff arc warden. AW needs hp boost or atleast armor ez to kite him with int heroes.


                                                                                      @Act don't agree with neft vut you had a point arc can be ez kite with int heroes like Pa Ck Axe...................................


                                                                                        Really guys if u cant counter a hero like arc warden, i have some bad news for you


                                                                                          Arc Warden is even harder to deal with than meepo. He is a hero that is strong THE WHOLE GAME. There is barely any hero that can take him on at mid 1v1. Mango + salve = infinite sustain in lane. 4s purge and nuke for 80 mana?? In the hands of someone that plays him a lot, its almost impossible to win unless his teammates really suck.

                                                                                          There's a reason why he's banned in almost every game from 5k+ mmr onwards.

                                                                                          nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                                                                            Just nerfed bois tempest double give 140xp gold and reduce flux slow


                                                                                              @PERRYPARK Really you are the one who don't know how to fight him, he like riki you run from him you dead, i think that everytime he flux you you just ran right into the spakwraith that he placed and for infinite mana and heal you right but he needed that because if he got gank or jumb he can barely survine in lane against you midlanner and you harrass( he had nothing for harras except his auto attack which the animation is slow and fight aother hero they harras like carzy with thier spell and attack ) and do you want to waste 2 slot of item for that when you can just simply get bottle ,and Lc Am Axe Ck anyhero that can jump him killed him unless you are stupid and let him get ez kills and even then if you carry are smart they can still kill Arc quite ez , Remember his power lie at solo down enemy who are close to him if you got flux i advise stay down and fight then you may got a chance at winning but if he pro then you got kil then that because you are outplayed and even if you loss mid to arc, you teamate can still kill him WTF is this thing about impossible thier are hero who can 1vs1 him in mid like hero with creep totally dispell his combo or ember with flame guard ( want to know a trick when got flux stand down near a creep creep made is so hard for arc skill to be work and if he know when there isn't any creep near you and you got close to him then you timming are just bad and you just literally give him a shot as killing you ) but hero like SF or Sniper are not the best vs arc cause they had no escape and slow with no heath even just his basic attack can kill them if they don't had like a magic wand or any emergancy healing item or reduced magic damg like raindrop.

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                took you three days lmao

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  also, that's exactly the advantage that arc has right now. can easily self-sustain himself with a mango, salve, and an off cd ulti. which means even if your team has it all planned out that all of you will "jumb" on him, it's not a guaranteed kill unless you have like a riki smoke or an axe call or maybe an sd disruption into invo sunstrike, which wont happen everytime you have an enemy arc. not exclusive to that but serious burst damage is needed to bring him down. this means a surprise arc pick against a draft thats not really tailored to deal with arc is very good, youll have to wing so much shit.

                                                                                                  since he has hax on he can spam his flux on you with mangos from his ulti, and when your creepwave dies youre a good target to flux. even if you do take bottle to cope with the harass most likely the enemy arc will have spark wraiths waiting for you at the rune spot. and if you try to contest you'll most likely die in a 1v1 scenario vs arc.

                                                                                                  i guess the most effective option is to dedicate a hero to camp arc's mid, like bh or maybe riki. arc still needs his farm and he doesnt have any methods to flashfarm, so he needs uninterrupted farm which he obtains with flux and spark wraith spamming. a riki with lots of regen for trading hits with him might be the answer, but we cant rule out his supports so its not a guaranteed lane won.

                                                                                                  the only other hero i can think that's good in mid vs arc is pl and naga. both illusion heroes can scout out spark wraith stuff with illus, and flux will be rendered useless when around any other friendly unit ie, illusions. naga seems better though can contest arc's ratting with her own, maybe even wins the rat push game.

                                                                                                  take with a grain of salt lmao