General Discussion

General DiscussionDragon Knight mid

Dragon Knight mid in General Discussion

    Can anyone teach me how to dragon Knight mid? I fucking suck so bad with this hero and I would like to know the general how tos and don't dos


      dragon knight mid isn't supposed to win his lane, he is supposed to pressure the towers when the enemy pushes, and go for early pushes. In lane, use Breathe Fire to harass the enemy, take cs, and reduce enemy damage at the same time. max breathe fire followed by dragon blood, with a value point in dragon tail in case you go for kills. When the enemy leaves the lane to gank, push as hard as you can, and get the towers if possible. you can rotate to other lanes to push their outer towers, and once all outer towers are down, rinse and repeat, this time going for the tier 2 towers. keep applying pressure, and don't give the enemy mid space to gank, unless they are willing to lose a tower.

      Items wise, treads is preferred choice of boots, helm to stack ancients, armlet because armlet is crazy good, and from there it's all situational. Skadi for maximum slow, Sange and Yasha OR Manta for movespeed and stats, deadalus for damage, mkb for evasion, blink for initiation, hurricane pike for style(and range increase), bkb because bkb, silver edge for breaking souls, AC for moar armour and attack speed, satanic for mega lifesteal, moon shard when you're 6-slotted, and maybe even bloodthorn because bloodthorn.


        It's relativity easy

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Go for 2-1-2 in skill build, maybe even 1-1-3 if you are getting harassed heavily. Increased damage on Breathe Fire is nice, but it won't really give you any more farm in the lane, which is exactly what you need, while Dragon Blood will.


            4.5k experience here

            starting items:
            qb tangoes branches. you want to buy one set of tangoes on your own, shared tangoes help even more. i usually dont buy stout shield.
            your goal = farm every creep on the lane
            your first items should be bottle wand treads
            i usually start with skilling passive. i dont really like skilling stun because im playing the hero more like pub oriented farming style
            now the reason for buying so many tangoes is to hold on until you get enough levels in passive to be unkillable by opposing mid laner.
            you usually need like 2 or 3 levels, you definitely need level 3 against heroes like qop (so you go 2 0 3 1)
            put your skill points into passive first but putting too many of them is damaging because you can get stuck with extra armor and regen that you dont need

            also 4th level of breathe fire isnt really worth it before maxing passive and before first level of stun because you need only 3 levels of Q to damage creep wave and have ranged creep on one hit -> you can't instakill ranged creep by lvl 4 breathe fire

            so your skill build on level 9 should be something like 3 1 4 1
            stack ancients too btw.

            i've tried number of builds, lot of people buy armlet but i skip the item (probably personal preference) and instead buy sny blink. then bkb usually

            then depends on the game
            i'll type more as i think of it

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            ☪ Burnajew ☭

              nice explanation


                its also important to decide which items do you want to buy because dk tends to have slot issues
                ideally you want to go for objectives and wreck people as soon as you get sny blink bkb but often you need to go lategame
                satanic mjollnir ac daedalus mkb are all viable options

                i have mixed feelings about ac since on one hand you have tons of armor, on the other hand you're far more squishier than you might think anywhere in mid-late game


                  Nice exactly what I was looking for I might try him again later today... But I might lose us the game lol. Is getting early hod for stacking worth?