General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat should i do to hit VHS

What should i do to hit VHS in General Discussion

    what should i do to hit VHS pls give tips


      buy an acc like me


        Play dota for 2 years


          ^stupid answers


            You qustion is stupid as well 😊


              get 3.8k mmr


                ^what should i do to hit 3.8k mmr pls give tips


                  That winrate sucks tho


                    Get gud


                      ask the right questions

                      in order to get vhs, u need 3800 mmr
                      in order to get 3800 mmr, u need to win ranked matches
                      in order to win ranked matches, u need to git gud

                      how to get gud? look through the last 10-15 pages of this forum and you'll find hundreds of answers


                        guides, streams, self analysis and tracking ur mistakes, pma, diversified picks and builds, no ff, doing ur best every game


                          triple, why are you not online?


                            im nearly always using my ipad cz im not at home, and that's the case now. i can use browser if u want to talk about smthng.

                            13 years yung

                              play well


                                pretty much what tripple said


                                  install LoL


                                    Play until you became a 4k material.


                                      fyi vhs is on 3,7k not on 3,8 :))
                                      based on my calibration


                                        Set yourself item timings for your core items. Make sure you always get your orchid/dagger/mek... at a decent time to stay relevant. You cannot win every game but you can try to play consistently good. Also i can recommend playing roaming supports to learn how lanes work and how to use your time efficiently. Active and agressive play speeds up the learning process.

                                        Ступор Мозговины

                                          only way is to boost your skill
                                          do not feed
                                          buy core items on time
                                          boost your micro and macro skill
                                          even in VHS you can find feeders, "any hero" forest farmers, people who can't analyse situation at all, that use same item build in every game

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            there is a major difference between VHS normal and VHS ranked because unranked has 50x more account buyers who stopped playing ranked to hold onto their bought MMR

                                            Ступор Мозговины

                                              in unranked is easier to loss your VHS than in ranked
                                              if you buy 6k account, you have to lose about 80-90 games in streak to go down
                                              and if you play unranked few games are enough

                                              senior professional griefer

                                                there are several q'ing brackets for each skill domain. - NS, HS, VHS are rough estimates from source 1 which are not really relevant anymore in terms of calibration.

                                                however, there's something to abuse right now:

                                                fresh account, play ~10 unranked matches and track them on yasp, see to get in the 99% percentile. buy compendium then que international ranked (I did it with badge lvl9) and u should be able to calibrate at 5k if you are able to play on that level (i.e don't feed).

                                                I managed to get a quasi 5.4k average unranked game (99.45% on yasp) but I played like shit 2 games after and here I am back at mid 4k.


                                                  King of low prio must change hes name to "King of Noobs" . No account buyer of 5-6k can hold their unranked vhs bracket. He will easily dropped to 2-3 k potato bracket unranked. Lmao.:-)

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    You hold your ranked MMR by not playing ranked MMR. You 3rd world apes really need to invest in better schools.

