General Discussion

General Discussionim done with mmr

im done with mmr in General Discussion

    look my losting streak las night i dont have idea again with mmr im done pls report gaben



      A white cat. Modo silencio

        dude pls, mby it's not ranked but look at my history in last 3 weeks

        there was a moment i had like 30% winrate
        12 wins 32 looses

        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

          Do not play Carry or jungle, learn how to suport because you suck playing as carry.

          Legend 4/5 forever

            Arteezy in a nutshell

            MID OR ALL MID

              i dont want play like support role because its gambling to let trash carry lead -25


                ^this is the worst mentality u can have tbh


                  In low mmr if you get rekt people are flaming each other :D in higher mmr if you get rekt people try to help you to recover and only if ur really hopeless then they're gonna say shit like "ok fuck this I'm done ur fucking bad" xD


                    What if I told you that you can have big impact even on supportish hero? take for example this match (i didnt played it)

                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                      with that mentaility you always be a 2k player .. even with your signature Heroes (legion commander and antimage) has low KDA. Good suporting win games. In this meta suports have the most impact in the early / mid game.


                        Go play LoL

                        Speak English, Pick Stuns

                          There's nothing more depressing than playing support and having your carries be trash

                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                            Suports in 2k 3k and 4k has no idea how to do their jobs, so expect too much from the cores. They do not harrass the offlaner, do not stack, do not pull , do not gank mid, do not use smoke, do not place wards when it's needed. but at the end of the game they blame carry and mid.


                              Normal skill.

                              Swap Commends

                                NS smurf
                                Next plzzzzzzzzzzz

                                MID OR ALL MID

                                  i inform smoke no one care i ward no one gank i was try to be good support but always got trash core who feed enemy, what must i do omg

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    maybe stop playing ranked for a lit bit


                                      THAT'S ADORABLE

                                      MID OR ALL MID

                                        how to play 1v9 pls teach me

                                        ✪ BATSSS

                                          Pick a Solo Carry hero that can LH without an idiot taking your lasthit...

                                          MID OR ALL MID

                                            im not talking about LH rofl

                                            ✪ BATSSS

                                              Also bro.. In low MMR u cant expect your team to play like 6k players plus... You just cant... Try to play like an extremely skilled 1.6k mmr guy.. Instead of a low skilled 6K guy..
                                              Trust me... I know in my previous account... Expecting for smokes, ganks, mek and stuff is hard because people rarely care about the team... Its like a friend of mine.. Playing Sven... With a lion as lane supp... THE LION LASTHITS USING HIS Q!! he farmed the jungle... And each time he gets back to lane... The lion shows up and last hit... That lion had 200+ last hits... He was pissed but he got something like 20 kills?? Idk i am not sure


                                                I'm Indonesian, and this is very common in SEA server, I used to have this mentality too. I'm not much of a player, I'm 2.2k anyways, but seriously, try to trust your teammates and play well. Try to pick 3rd or 4th and if you dont have a support, pick one! Everyone wants to play carry, but of everyone does (like most of your games) you're definitely gonna get fucked up.

                                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                                  Read "losting streak"

                                                  Jammed my head into a mincing machine to ease the pain

                                                  MID OR ALL MID

                                                    no hope in SEA if mid feed we are alredy lose because enemy mid will roam to rape all my team even we have chance to make comeback enemy will smell that and rat and doing mega. that sea rule the rule hell 1.6K

                                                    ✪ BATSSS

                                                      SEA dota will be SEA Dota...
                                                      Lol... I am from indonesia and at times i cant comprehend people playing at SEA (Such as 2 Orbs, Dagon A Creep, Euls a Creep, And Scanning Roshpit)


                                                        Normal skill trash thinks he's the best medusa in another thread LUL

                                                        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                          Instead of fighting for "x" position pick what your team needs, don't go for junglers unless you're going to play Enigma, chen, enchantres(roaming suport). it is the better way to win .


                                                            Rosh pit scan lol


                                                              Is that it? Me the other day: I've even lost 14 in a row 2 months ago..

                                                              You're 2k, you have no excuses

                                                              ASSESS Product


                                                                  Thanks for that I guess xd


                                                                    spam Faceless. Came.. Put. Killed. Gone. Just forget about team. Put chrono to escape even if it means trapping that dickhead teammate(s). But be sure to win the game, or else u yourself will become dickhead


                                                                      spam Faceless. Came.. Put. Killed. Gone. Just forget about team. Put chrono to escape even if it means trapping that dickhead teammate(s). But be sure to win the game, or else u yourself will become dickhead


                                                                        Play teamfight heroes. They win games ez

                                                                        ASSESS Product

                                                                          OP rarely play support. By supporting you actually can learn a lot from game mechanic compared when playing carry like pulling/prevent creep camp, harass enemy without aggro the creeps, tp everytime and help if one of your lane got ganked, rotating etc. Stop playing rank a while and try to learn how to support in unrank and practise what I just mention just now. But I admit to play supporter in below 2k game is hard (look at my rank, I lose a lot when im playing support compare when I pick core).

                                                                          TLDR: Go learn game mechanic first. I can confirm 1 year of experience is still not enough to fully understand the game.

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                          ASSESS Product

                                                                            Like my friend
                                                                            He calibrate at 1.3k and stop playing mmr. After 1k unrank match, he decide to start rank back and now he was 3k. So if he can why not you.


                                                                              coz he is not 3k

                                                                              ✪ BATSSS

                                                                                Cause he is not your friend

                                                                                ✪ BATSSS

                                                                                  Also... This is SEA where a single (well, 2 usually) accidental feed becomes 10 minutes of flaming...
                                                                                  After i got flamed i feed so we lose... Flamers deserve that... In SEA comeback is not so real...

                                                                                  MID OR ALL MID

                                                                                    maybe i can spam TA

                                                                                    Avida Dollars

                                                                                      NS bracket stomp. Printscreen your mmr dude.

                                                                                      Still on my 4 losing streak game play (on vacation). Play whats needed and dont flame others, it would just make it worse. Play support, they are the real carries. ( supports that carries the carries).


                                                                                        Don't give up man everyone has bad start and good end even Movies

                                                                                        ASSESS Product

                                                                                          Look at my friend this week or just check my profle in dotamax and look at his rank winrate. Dont make excuse SEA this, SEA that. If you cant stomp enemy that mean you actually deserve in that place. Just saying. Like myself I still climb from 2.1k to 2.4k and still have 100% wr in my solo rank past 2 months. I dont have toxic teammate? No. In my recent rank in 7 min we lose 1 mid tower and top tower.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                            Dude, you have two matches as TA. You can spam her if you want, but even if she was really strong or OP you don't know how to play any heroes really well right now at your skill level. BUT, spamming a hero is how you can have a skill that is above your MMR, since you will know the hero so well and be able to play well against that hero, so you're on the right path.

                                                                                            Avida Dollars

                                                                                              Watch dota heroes being played by pros. Thats how i learned how to play TA, EMBER and KUNKKA (on my old account)

                                                                                              MID OR ALL MID


                                                                                                it is my TA good? can i raise my MMR with this build or maybe u can give me advice how to make good GPM in my bracket sure


                                                                                                  good GPM XPM come from a good KDA :)
                                                                                                  your TA is pretty good you had your item.
                                                                                                  keep playing safe
                                                                                                  train last hit
                                                                                                  im sure you can do it :))

                                                                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                                    i dont want play like support role because its gambling to let trash carry lead -25

                                                                                                    Uh huh. Because you playing as carry has been working out.

                                                                                                    Play support, or get good, kid.


                                                                                                      git gud


                                                                                                        TBH the problem is yourself. You died many times as I can see on your match history. You also SUCK as carry mate.
                                                                                                        Play support to learn more map control and awareness.