General Discussion

General DiscussionKitrak

Kitrak in General Discussion

    Is Kitrak banned from dotabuff or somthing ?

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
      one syllable anglo-saxon

        Kitrak banned himself LUL


          n, hes still posting sometimes, using another acc tho (kD or smthng like that, no profile pic, high frequency of the word "garbage" in posts - ez to recognize)

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Yep, also praising NA dota at every oppurtinity.


              ^just kitrak things

              < blank >

                If you want to bait him, create a topic with the title Bounty Hunter, Storm or 6k NA = 4k EU


                  I love Kitrak , i got a lot of MMR because of his thread on how to win games :P

                  kitrak if ur reading this make me ur student homie

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi



                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    ham strokers ejacula

                      LMAO "Yep, also praising NA dota at every oppurtinity." No NA team was invited though so.....

                      Also Kitrak much like many of us visit this forum a lot less and less I only come for the /b/ thread they have running.

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        No wonder, there isn't much to see on the forum outside of ayy lmao.


                          Teams To Watch NAdota Qualifiers
                          EG Bulba (Ritsu , Jubei , Yawar , Kitrak , Boris)


                            But he got banned so yeah, just check the worst hero this patch thread and you will see his responses in 2014 were remived a month ago