General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfing

Smurfing in General Discussion

    Not looking to smurf my way to 5-6 k . I've just fell into this hell hole and I can't get out . No matter how well I do as an individual , my teammates will start fighting , throwing , and sometimes just straight up running to their fountain . With people like this , I really have no other choice . How long does it take a new account to play ranked ?


      25+ games then calibration starts


        When you think youre teammates are the problem you got the wrong mindset, the only thing you can actually control in the game is your own performance. If your significantly better you will rise in mmr. Try to not Focus on your teammates Errors but Focus on your own instead. If theres a "hell hole" it's around 4k because thats where most account buyers are, but since your in normal skill you should be easily able to carry games 1v9.

        Tl;dr git gud.


          In SE-A it's different . People here don't play dota because they think it's fun , or it's a challenge , or even because they're motivated to do good in it . No , in SE-A , people play dota because they literally have nothing to do . And yeah I do win games , I don't really flame at all , I try to do my best . But sometimes , when your teammates have 3 force staffs just because they wanna force each other to die , you really start getting desperate ...


            SEA lul.


              ye, ofc; maths, probabilities and common sense work differently on other regions, sure thing


                Yeah look at it that way, your opponents got 5 players which can be retards/throwers/griefers, your team only 4 (expecting youre not one), so you got the better chances every single game.