General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchemist spam in 4K?

Alchemist spam in 4K? in General Discussion

    I feel like I see a lot of alchemist in 4K. Why is this? He loses mid most of the time and is easily ganked. Is it because he is forgiving towards losing mid because of his innate ability to get farm? Is it something else entirely?

    competitive tetris player

      Soul ring + max Q = Problem solved.


        it comes from hogher brackets
        the hero is just very good for solo q, and u r able to catch up no matter how bad ur start was

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          Because octarine manta shiva bm radiance is unkillable (credits:good support gud teammates)


            "He loses mid most of the time and is easily ganked."
            No its not like this ;-)


              What is bm? :d

              < blank >

                BladeMail, can also stand for Beastmaster or Broodmother

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                  Oh! thanks

                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                    guys I see a lot of alches in 6k, why is this, I know I'm not even close to 6k and everybody knows that, but saying that im 6k makes me feel better. Also I have no idea of what people play in 6k but I guess it is pretty much the same as my shitty bracket, so from now on every question I have to ask will be somehow related with the 6k bracket because the actual number is not important I have a 6k heart.

                    also check my last 4389428 losses my team always suck, how to carry 1v9 why 6k is so toxic
                    dont call me 6kaaboo

                    Spoiler alert, the above statements are satire

                    Is there word for someone who wants to have a certain amount of mmr but is not even close so he starts using 4k (or whatever amount of k he wants) after every single post he makes

                    "He loses mid most of the time and is easily ganked."

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                      "He loses mid most of the time and is easily ganked."
                      No its not like this ;-)

                      yes it is?

                      stupid fuck 2000

                        How does he lose mid unless he gets dual laned? The only mid heroes that can deal with alch mid are timbersaw, razor and dragon knight. Maybe i'm missing someone. Everyone else can't do shit because of the acid spray. About getting ganked easily, yeah that's true but it gets extremely hard after lvl 6.

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                        Professor Dog

                          How to be in 4k and normal skill at same time OP?

                          Livin' Real Good

                            You can play Alchemist in 4k because you typically don't get punished. Supports are absolute garbage, THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND, they can't COMPREHEND what exactly they're suppose to be doing to win the game. They almost never gank mid, but instead would rather just sit in safe lane pulling over and over, or stealing the carrys EXP playing passively not even harassing the offlaner. If you tell them ANYTHING they don't want to hear, they'll just rage and STOP supporting, or just ignore you. (if you can call that supporting though, so maybe even no support would be the same)

                            They don't understand that Alchemist becomes exponentially harder to kill the moment he hits level 6, but that works both ways, they don't understand how easy he is to kill BEFORE 6. Almost every Alchemist over extends because acid pushes the lane, and every Alchemist just walks too far across the river cause they know most mid laners won't dare step in the acid too long, they farm super cocky in front of you inside their acid. Everytime I gank mid before 6, I usually shit on Alchemist when i'm playing support, especially Vengeful Spirit, then my mid laner proceeds to do nothing with that advantage, farms all game, same with the rest of my team, then when i beg them to push cause the enemy team has like 4 cores, they say " were winning right now, it's fine, stop being negative cry baby or i'm gonna report you! " (Yeah, cause me speaking the truth and kindly warning them to end while we are winning is so toxic right? Despite my impact being the main reason were winning early game) Then we proceed to start losing, and I say " I told you... so.. "

                            They say " GG, fucking report this toxic Venge, noob venge. " rofl

                            Cough* anyways, always ban Alchemist.

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                              Thanks for the replies guys, the reason I made this thread with 4K in title is because I don't see much alch on this account but on other account I see him a ton more. I agree that alchemist just needs to be ganked level 6 and this is rare in lower brackets, hence why he is more successful. Thanks for the input and I will keep banning alch.


                                Meh at 6k+ I see him nearly every game too

                                muted all, it's just a ga...

                                  I guess becuase smurfs who wanted high GPM ends up in 4k where they spam alch


                                    Because he can catch up no matter how behind you are. If you do lose mid terribly though then you might be losing the game, but he's even viable as an offlaner with Acid Spray and bounty runes.


                                      Lmao,pick tinker , play how many u want,win alch . PROFIT


                                        I dont know if we are playing on same 4 k bracket. Like my last game i played alche on mid enemy supports rotated on me like 5 times or more..


                                          ^ 4k dont Support
                                          4k dont rotate.

                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            ^ LOL


                                            i'm not saying every game, but a majority of games people either don't support, or they don't support WELL.

                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                              That's cause you play on US servers. We all know 4k US is 1k EU. Kappa



                                                Yes they do.