If you put two points into reactive armor... ohhhh you can sustain the whole game in jungle it is amazing!
Not sure but I heard someone claim jungler timber not really bad if you max reactive armor frst and buy talon.
two points in reactive armor is enough, and u gotta have an iron talon. the main problem is that u still lack of damage, and jungle very slowly. its better than afking on ur lane wiout getting any exp tho, if the opposite team has good zoners.
going jungle lvl1 sucks.
after bs u can get anything u want, ur build was okay.
i dont like early euls tho, cz u can get a glimmer cape instead, and a lotus afterwards.
yeah i tried timber jungling. its really fast. u have lvl8 in 8 min and bs in 12-14 min. too bad i can't play timber..
start item is talon -> get stout shield first -> next item soul ring -> arcane boots -> and disemble it later for bloodstone
skills i used -> lvl 1 reactive armor, lvl 2,3 whirling death, lvl 4,5 reactive armor, lvl6 ulti and so on. if u want perma jungle with soulring usage u need 3 points in reactive armor i think.
mana from soulring is available for 15secs. whirling death cd is 6 secs -> u can use it 2 times
always stack camps if u cant kill it before the minute ends.
normal skill jungle timbersaw confirmed: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2419603552
do u max whirl or chains if u are jungliing? i thoght chains did better dmg so i did it for my game
it doesnt rly matter
like, chain has higher dps, but u do not care about dps, u should be concerned about damage per mana unit. chain and whirling are rather equal to each other.
like, on lvl1 chain is a bit better cz it costs 10 mana less (dmg is equal), on lvl2 whirling death deals 10 more dmg (mana cost is equal), lvl3 whirling death is better (both higher dmg and lower mana cost). the differences are minor.
at level 7 u rather enter fights with max chains or max whirl since both are relatively equal for jungle?
Chi Long qua has the funniest video of him jungling timbersaw and people crying about it, then he raped everyone.
It's a short video but holy shit is it a chi long qua classic
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I just had a pretty fun game. I watched a youtube video a while back where Baumi played timbersaw in jungle so i thought i would try it out while i was in LP and got timbersaw. The crazy thing is that i was actually able to keep up with the mid laner in farm and because of early ganks get a 17 min blood stone. My build was probably all out of whack but i went for euls right after bs to avoid silence and went for blademail and shivas because i was getting pretty tanky, then I got Aghs and was starting on octarine core. So what do you think about Timbersaw jungle, and what should you build after bs that is core?