Normal skill SEA ASIA player wants to know how to get kills against farmer peasants.
A ordinary day in dotabuff
Normal Skill sub 50% winrate EU player thinks being white makes you superior over other players
chasing people just for the good score instead of doing something useful like pushing towers can be quite damaging to your own team
if u don't do shit with that advantage and they have good late game, it's just a matter of time until you start dying, giving away 1k gold every time and lose
can you kill the enemy without dying yourself with a high probability of success? if yes, go for the kill
if you die for the kill, is it a net benefit for your team in terms of space created/objectives gained/kills gained? if yes, go for the kill
Dagon. Duh does more damage than rapier and doesn't drop on death and is even core on supports.
You cant just learn from others something that depends on instinct, even the pros get tricked sometimes by their own instincts, so only time and many games will teach you that...
If a player is a shit stain and doesn't know that he's unsafe, you just fucking know, even baits are obvious. Try to dumpster people where the don't expect getting jumped.
If ur like normal skill, blink in the middle of fights and do as much damage as you can, best way to learn.
Kda might not matter. Depends on the role. Fight or flight situations are a great place to learn a thing or two. Blinking into the enemy team is a good idea if you think you're not pushing yourself hard enough.
+ clicking on ur teammates and the map so you dont miss out on free tp kills
along with taking note of cds + creeps + leveling so u can access whether you are strong enough to kill
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Share your opinions here guys - how do you smell kills? Like do you do calculated moves or do you command yourself with pure instinct?
Recently I am enjoying playing Puck, and one of my main issues had always been my reluctance to kills. Like I know kills dont win games, but I know there are some game where I couldve gone a sick 25-3-17 instead of a measly 16-1-7, knamsaying? Everyone come in here guys, I really want to learn from your opinions, especially from the higher skilled players. I know it isnt just simply calculating for damage-to-kill threshold guys...