General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy vlads for AM? Not domi.

Why vlads for AM? Not domi. in General Discussion

    Hey guys, i was wondering about why most people build vlads for AM. Why not domi instead? Domi gives lifesteal + stacking capability + armor. Also, you can upgrade it to satanic in late game to replace tarasque. So, is it a good idea to replace vlads with domi for AM?


      antimage has a passive that doesnt stack woth any sources of lifesteal except vlads, that is not a UAM



        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          You have 64 games with the hero and I have no idea how you won %50 of them without even knowing this.


            i would flame u if u were in my team

            saving private RTZ

              Dominator is an UAM. Doesn't work with mana burn.

              On another note guys, what is the build for Anti mage now? I've seen 3 variations:

              same old bfury Vlad manta
              Vanguard vlads manta(Miracle)
              bury vanguard manta( with vanguard bought before bfury i guess?)

              which and why?)

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                You kidding right?!


                  Why in the hell ppl build vlad on am
                  Its totally useless. He has around 1k hp for most of the game so bfury regen is enough and its delay manta too nuch
                  I buy bfury then manta then abyssal blade then butterfly then heart or mkb or daelus or Ac.


                    ^because u are normal skill

                    Mr. Furryhentai

                      bfury vanguard manta is the build now


                        Thats all you have to say? Scurb


                          vlads cz sustain, push, armor and mana regen

                          Hatsune Miku

                            you can get dominator, if you dont skill the mana burn ;)


                              Vlad is good when u dont buy bfury like miracle otherwise its useless




                                  Ok ok forget it
                                  Im out


                                    and im LITERALLY almost x5 higher mmr than you.
                                    for me its good enough to say correct or wrong to ur opinions regarding dota :salty:

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                                      because if AM wears a helm its hard for him to carry it. better vlads


                                        Just Kys pls


                                          :salty: normal skill :salty:


                                            Ure literally too stupid and ignorant to have discussion with.




                                                1 0 0 0 M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S
                                                but hao?


                                                  i know u can build am without vlads, i remember black^ used to do that everytime but metas change and vlads is a must-have item for am


                                                    @Antydote: Vlads gives you enough sustain that you never have to go back to base basically, just BF is not enough, you will take more dmg than you heal with BF's hp regen. So Vlads increases farming Speed because you have less down-time, gives you enough mana regen with BF to blink almost constantly, gives nice armour and dmg and is widely accepted as core item (both if you do the miracle build or the traditional BF build).
                                                    Also saying inx is ignorant is a bit hypocritical, given he's way higher mmr than you and therefore is way more experienced, skilled and also got more knowlegde about Dota than you do. It's like going to University as freshman and telling your professor he has no clue.

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                                                      Only thing matters is winning. Anything else is just ppl choise.
                                                      Just respect opinions.
                                                      Diferent players, diferent playstyle with their item build.
                                                      As a normal skill player if i go for vlad before manta its like a auto loss since team start flaming me and enemy got so fed. Other hand without vlad he come online sooner. My play style is not just farm for 30 min and let my team be 4. And i dont have dedicated support. Hell just like spectre that should always look for kills with ulti I do it with anti mage too. I think anti nage has a good mid game power that is so underrated. My plan is to be active in clashes and farm at same time and its so efficient.


                                                        dont skill mana break and get satanic >NEW META!


                                                          with vlads u come online like 1-2min later and it helps ur team as well and helps u push better
                                                          basically this item was made for am


                                                            blyadimirs offering


                                                              The issue with the helm of the dominator is that AM doesn't clear ancient stacks fast until much later in the game because he just doesn't have the HP or damage in the early part of the game to tank 3-4 ancient stacks while he farms them. And then of course by the time he can quickly clear ancient stacks he's already got enough farm to go fighting and can quickly clear a whole jungle in less than a minute.

                                                              This is different to a hero like Sven who can clear the stack with god's strength damage, or tidehunter who can clear it with anchor smash, or TA who can use refraction and meld strike damage or medusa who is able to stay far enough out of range that she doesn't get hit by the ancients too much etc. These heroes use ancient stacks early on to accelerate their farm (either to catch up with an enemy carry or outfarm them even more). And stacking a large normal camp isn't worth the time, most of the time an AM can clear the whole jungle in under a minute so you wouldn't be able to making any stacks anyway.


                                                                ^the issue is that if u wanna get domi u cant level mana break xD


                                                                  My bad, i didnt know that domi's lifesteal wont stack with AM's mana drain. Ty for the information.


                                                                    It doesnt stack with AM's mana drain. Unique attack modifier

                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                      Antydote, vlads helps at fighting too. A anti-mage with bfury vlads yasha at lets say 18-19 min is probably the strongest heroes on the map

                                                                      Professor Dog

                                                                        Don't skill mana break. I mean who needs the law? Am has no right to burn mana, calls himself anti mage and blink is one of the best spells in the game. Get Mask of Madness then if you want to weeaboo roleplay and follow the lore, get a diffusal blade. It will stack with your MoM, your Mj and your Skadi. All core items.


                                                                          but... you buy it on him?


                                                                            Just so you know, Eye of Skadi's Slow, Desolator and Diffusal Blade Manaburn don't stack with AM's Mana Break Either. (The first two are also Unique attack Modifiers and Diffusal doesn't stack because multiple manaburns don't stack)

                                                                            Corona FRIES

                                                                              @inx don't bother arguing with that normal skill player dude, he kept posting wrong information everywhere and kept trying to argue that his method is correct. you-just-cant-make-sense-of-1k-mentality dude

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                did someone call me?


                                                                                  @Packeyou I was actually doing it for my own entertainment. I was like full 4Head
                                                                                  BTW how can i post pictures? Or why can't i see images i post? when i post this -> i see nothing

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                                                    Make sure the link you want to post have jpg/gif format like this http:link.png

                                                                                    yung griphook

                                                                                      i've been seeing vanguard manta lately.. i can't bring myself to skip bf though


                                                                                        Once I tried to be new meta w am and went Dom s n y, and skadi. Then I realize they all don't work with am. Rofl


                                                                                          The answer is simple.

                                                                                          -> HoD lifesteal is a UAM so it doesn't stack w/ AM Mana Burn. *MOST IMPORTANT FACT*

                                                                                          -> Blyad's cyka too good for AM. Gives regen, armor, dmg, lifesteal, aura for creeps. Synergizes well with BF/Manta.
                                                                                          Cost efficient too.

                                                                                          HALIMAW MAGOVERTHINK

                                                                                            I think in this current meta AM players dont build vlad. Battlefury, Vanguard, Manta, Abyssal


                                                                                              It's simple, the aura it gives to allies makes a lot of difference in early/mid game team fights. Not unless you only care about yourself.


                                                                                                NotLikeThis x2




                                                                                                    Heart is the worst Item u could ever get on am. Even Blink is better.


                                                                                                      FailFish x4

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