General Discussion

General DiscussionSUPPORTS ON VHS

SUPPORTS ON VHS in General Discussion

    How do supports stays in VHS when they have little LH, GPM, EXP?


      by winning games?

      Dick Trouser, MD

        Play well? Have a high impact? Pull at the times when its good for your lane, have good ganks when you can, zone if you can, countergank if you can, ward and deward based on your team's timings and what they naturally will want to do? I GUARENFUCKINGTEE you are not playing support very well if you're asking this question. Go research support guides. A good support actually solo wins games in these MMRs pretty often since games are so often won in the laning phase. Playing a good support is VERY hard and VERY much so about VERY exact timings with your movements. You pretty much can't have any wasted or wrongly used time in the first 5 minutes especially.
        You're welcome.

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          Playing well and having an impact. Pretty much it

          LH, GPM, EXP doesn't show how much vision you have, how successful your rotations are, how much vision you denied, how many couriers you killed, xp you denied through pulling etc


            in 4k+ games, supports win games.

            Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

              Who said those parameters are the only ones influencing your (hidden) MMR? Some people here treat them like sacred, it could very well be Valve is using more parameters which do not show up on the scoreboard.

              That being said, good supports actually win games in 4k+ since they ensure a carry gets farm, and most carries can properly last hit here, as well as winning the early game for the team. And people here generally throw less and know how to keep momentum, hence why most games do not exceed the 40 minute mark.


                ppd's guide is very helpful

                Al Bundy

                  By spending shit on items for yourself ganking when necesarry.
                  Running around with just boots the entire game if a big amount of sentries is needed.
                  Dying for your carry so he can farm and win the game.
                  Making sure no lane is going to bad.
                  You die 5 times in lane blocking them so your carry can escape but your carry dies 1 time.
                  Thats 1 time to many.
                  Never taking a kill your carry could have taken only if the enemy would have escaped otherwise.
                  Playing support isnt hard dude.
                  But of course you wont get that if you play support in normal skill where stealing kills is normal.
                  That might be the reason you are under 51 % winrate.
                  A big part of the game is teamwork which especially supports need.
                  Also you cant get better only playing carry.
                  Play support once in a while, Solo hard core support who buys all the wards and just trys to get his carry fed.
                  Learn pulling stacking and so on plenty of youtube guides there.
                  You cant be a really good carry in higher skill if you dont know how support works.

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                    I have the same question.
                    Will my hidden mmr go up if I win games with bad stats?
                    I thought of spaming support because that's my best role however I have pretty bad stats because i move around the map a lot.

                    I know that in the first few games it's more important to have good stats but what about later?
                    Does someone have experience with this?