General Discussion

General DiscussionGlimpse is not balanced

Glimpse is not balanced in General Discussion
Player 215168758

    Disruptor's glimpse goes through invulnerable unit and dosent go through spell immunity.

    I cant dodge glimpse using eul where I should be invulnerable


      If disruptor keeps getting more popular they will definetly nerf it, the skill is pretty insane and you can only avoid it by using bkb or perfect manta timing. I guess it would be fair to make euls to purge it like kunka's X, however I hope it doestn happen cuz I appear to be one of the few dis pickers.


        It's balanced just fine, u mad bro?

        stupid fuck 2000

          It's balanced in disruptor's current state but if they do buff his other skills then glimpse should receive a slight nerf.

          Pale Mannie

            -1 cast range by OSfrog

            King of Low Prio

              glimpse is literally the only thing good about disruptor


                are u serious, his ulty + 3-rd is a great combo


                  since when eul "purge" x mark... you still have x mark on you if you eul too early...

                  King of Low Prio

                    If it wasn't for glimpse that combo would be a joke and glimpse in it's own right is good by itself.


                      insta cast aoe silence
                      bad spell



                        he's not saying it's a bad spell, he's saying it's a bad spell on it's own. which it is. a lot of abilities in this game are bad when you only consider the ability on it's own without synergy from the hero's other abilities. for example when you're playing ability draft (LUL)

                        if it weren't for glimpse setting up both abilities and field preventing the people leaving the aoe, static storm would be a slightly bigger riki cloud on a higher cd and no movement slow.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          you can dodge glimpse with puck orb too not that hard to pulloff

                          King of Low Prio

                            Androgynous summed it up pretty well too bad Arin is too slow to grasp nuance.


                              For puck, if the glipse brings you under a static field, you cant teleport to the orb cose you are silenced, so you can dodge with puck only if disruptor fails his spells.


                                Glimpse is not really OP because if you are a carry with BKB you are going to laugh as disruptor tries to run away from you and you kill him in a few hits.

                                I don't think Disruptors win rates indicate that he needs a nerf either


                                  U dont need synergy from UR (Disutpor) spells for glimpse to be fuckinbg good? What you mean its bad on its own.

                                  You're not playing 1v5


                                    Androgynous summed it up pretty well too bad Arin is too slow to grasp nuance.

                                    well at least i'm not black disregard I am a teapot

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      i bet you're the one who's coming up with "medusa=badgyro" "lycan=badbeastmaster" memes too

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        this weeb is making black jokes because he knows that this black guy made him look like a fool. I actual pity you having to live in the 3rd world and due to your mental issues you wont ever leave that shithole. It makes sense why you watch anime as your only escape from the hell you live in.

                                        PC bro Imma go pick up some overpriced coffee on my way to work try not to get shanked on the street for pennies on yours.


                                          this hero good for this skill , nerf it and he is done


                                            this weeb is making black jokes because he knows that this black guy made him look like a fool. I actual pity you having to live in the 3rd world and due to your mental issues you wont ever leave that shithole. It makes sense why you watch anime as your only escape from the hell you live in.

                                            PC bro Imma go pick up some overpriced coffee on my way to work try not to get shanked on the street for pennies on yours.

                                            i'm saving this into notepad under "definition of butthurt"
                                            nice try with those meaningless and wrong assumptions though

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              It can't be wrong and meaningless I feel bad for your 3rd world education.


                                                i can't pay attention to your posts for more than 5 seconds but even then i noticed that you just copied your previous one
                                                your "i'm not wrong because i say so" logic is fucking bulletproof i have to say
                                                but if you expect me to list all of my possible careers with my future "3rd world education" for some dindu then you're mistaken

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  'possible careers with my future'

                                                  HAHAHA you can join all the thousands of lawyers from my old psychology class.

                                                  and since you obviously are too stupid to understand English even if a assumption is wrong it still holds meaning hence why it cant be both meaningless and wrong. Being both a weeb and borderline illiterate is going to make that a pretty damn short list.


                                                    lul'd at psychology

                                                    i can't pay attention to your posts for more than 5 seconds

                                                    how are you always one step behind? you somehow manage to come up with something just after i post it, it seems like you're the illiterate one here

                                                    i'd blame your deso sny bh builds, probably that's where my brain started filtering 80% of your words

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      RIP English

                                                      I built s/y prior to meta shift when BH was still a offlane hero and I build deso if the team doesn't have one and we are pushing rax after I have all my core items. Keep trying kid you are just making a bigger fool of yourself.


                                                        I think Disruptor is great! You can do so much with him!! ;D i feed alot when i play it tho :P

                                                        D the Superior
                                                          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                            When shit actially happens in the forums...


                                                              You better use bkb before you are glimpsed back because once Disruptor gets aghs he mutes items as well. Not to mention a refresher.