General Discussion

General DiscussionValve pls nerf Bloodseeker!!

Valve pls nerf Bloodseeker!! in General Discussion
Best Treant EU

    He is too strong. EZ wins all over again..


      nuke early. that's 40% increased damage received is making him really squishy

      ASSESS Product

        I thought you're they guy that build dagon+eblade on him

        Best Treant EU

          yeah i used the build long time ago. its fun, but not that reliable to win much.


            blade mail still a good item on him?

            stupid fuck 2000

              pretty sure he still sucks

              Best Treant EU

                bm is even better now since patch

                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                  because carrying tp is too mainstream

                  but yea he is becoming more and more viable


                    i wish the ags upgrade wasn't LuL-quality.

                    make it have infinite break distance so tp will kill them?

                    Best Treant EU

                      yeah aghs is useless unfortunate. would be awesome with 2 stacks of blood rite instead of rupture

                      Corvus Corax

                        i like it when a bs tries solo kill on pa or sven, puts them in rupture and tries to get close to finish the job then cant handle the damage and gets rekt


                          I think be needs to build something to stop tps maybe eul or basher pretty early


                            Eul is good as you can cancel tp, set up for blood rite, fix mana problems and give even more movespeed on a hero with no movespeed cap.


                              lol i saw your bloodseeker gameplays wth man very high skill and still win using bs lol your good at using that hero thats all

                              sin blyadi

                                There r many ppl who can win playing shit-heroes

                                Горилла мятная

                                  U'r good as bs. nothing to say any. Well done bro

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  Venus, MBA

                                    If you actually travel with your team all the time and have good vision on the map blood is worthless honestly. That's why he excels in un coordinated pubs.


                                      I had a 70% winrate on bloodseeker at the end of 6.84.

                                      I now have a 63% winrate on him.

                                      It took me 7 games of losses on him before I had my first post 6.84 win.

                                      Hero is pretty fucking shit atm.


                                        Bloodseeker is so fun to play, hes one of my favorites no matter if hes nerfed or buffed, you can always get your godlike streaks but losing them is what determine if you're a good bloodseeker or not.

                                        IMO after the buff in str gain + bm buffs + s&y buffs hes pretty good now. 9 wins and 2 losses this patch with him so far, and most of them as a jungler and the whole team blaming from the start.


                                          tried, such a powerful laner still

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            @Mulatschak: how you do play your bloodseeker?

                                            Laning: Where do you prefer/loves to lane? Jungling? Or is it much better in the safelane?

                                            Skillbuild: I think at lvl7, bloodseeker best build is 1/4/1/1. How bout you?

                                            Items: Buy SB first or Blademail? Maybe a midas or Rad? Whats the best approach?


                                              @Ayase, i know you didnt ask me but Ill answer to your skillbuild question because I think its horrible.. you should always max thirst first, if you are jungling you can get a second point in bloodrage early in order to jungle safer, but you can still jungle with 1 point in q.

                                              @Mulatschak, I see you build heart a lot on bs.. I play a lot of bs and many times I wondered if buying heart but I never really did because I feel skadi fits better on the hero, so my question is what value do you get from heart on bs? other than the regen, or is it just purely because of it?

                                              Best Treant EU

                                                a little late with the answers, but i lost the thread..

                                                @ayase, i always jungle with him -> he is on of the fastest junglers in the game. when i hit lvl 6 i go for ganks with rupture. skillbuild at 7 is 1/1/4/1. i tried ur skillbuild but it is only good for jungling, not for ganking early. items: first item phase boots -> second item depends on game -> if game is hard than i go blademail -> if game is easy yasha, bots and speedrun the map. midas is horrible on bs, because it delays ur snowballing.

                                                @leflash, i usuallly buy tanky items with bs for lategame. for me blademail is core, so u get more benefits out of it with tanky items. heart is good item for siege endgame when u hit and run at enemy. in my opinion 6 slotted bs should be like: bots, heart, skadi, sange and yasha, blademail, silver edge. it always buffle me how much players underestimate silver edge -> 50% dmg reduction on enemy carry seemse to be forgotten..
                                                and yeah the flame on jungling bs is real...

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                Best Treant EU

                                                  @adeptus astartes, pa is really a hard hero for bs, but if u know to handle him bs is in advantage -> first rupture, cast blood rage on pa and blood rite, run to him and hit him (optionally with silver edge if u have it already), when she hits back turn on blademail -> should be no problem if she is solo. with silver edge she is like a hexed creep :)