I like going stunner morph. 4.25 stun every ten seconds from 900 units away at level 7. How is this still in the game?
Safelane is the most suited
Starting items: Ciclet, wraith band recipe, tango, salve, branch
finish wraith band, buy perseverance -> power treads -> aquila. buy stick if nec in lane, otherwise u can complete wand later.
at 15-16min your items should be Power Treads, Aquila, Wand, Linkens.
Your hero is still not online, but you can play way more aggressive now. Keep farming, push towers and ask your team mates for replicate so you are always safe.
Your next item is Ethereal blade, the item which make you "online". You can now encourage teamfights, but also splitpush way faster and stronger. Hit tower, whoever comes to defend you shotgun kill and replicate out. (if neccesary)
After Ethereal there's usually two options. BKB or Manta. If you don't need bkb, and enemies have no wave clear you can go manta and force highground. (Not nec. as team, you can keep splitpushing and force highground alone. You're always safe with linkens + replicate)
If you can play Morph good, it's probably the best hero to gain mmr, especially if you're low mmr. (The hero abuses bad players very hard with constant splitpush and shotgun, and morph ability ofc)
Remember you are most likely the strongest hero in the game lategame. Just remember to constantly hit creeps, and join fights with use of replicate. Often times games over once you have linkens+ethereal though.
WOw nice morph stats bro
teach us how to play the hero
u ask auestions, u get answers. if you believe i do not know what im talking about, why do u bother asking these questions.
u should not act like you know how to play the hero if u never played it
also i didn't ask, u replied saying that it's awful
it's like saying that drums on invo/od is a useless item because it dealys ur core items
Starting items: tangoes, salve, circlet and ring of protection
early game: wraith band->boots->ring of health/aquila->aquila/ring of health->magic wand(optional)->perseverance
therefore your core items would be: boots, magic wand, ring of aquila and perseverance. This should sustain your regen and stats
depending on how your style you would want to build into ultimate orb->linken's or go for ghost scepter into e-blade.
boots, aquila, magic wand, linkens, eblade should be enough. What you go next is up to you and are considered luxury items though a skadi or manta is amazing on him as your first luxury item. well, that's how I play him, you can tweak it
early bottle is also really good as u have very little hp and mana (via morph agi) and i like to go casual yasha after linkens because morph is so goddamn slow. Yasha gives her mobility and a bit extra damage. Then after yasha i go the normal eblade but since i got yasha already i can go manta straight afterwards.
What about not getting E-Blade? Is it possible perhaps to go wand aquila bottle dragon lance manta skadi?
@Reese I just looked at your last game which had a reasonable timing to buy dragon lance and not sell it.
Guys can 6-slot morph manfight 6-slotted PA?? Pa have bkb n abyssal btw ( + boT, AS, battlefry, Mkb)
what item should morph get to manfight him/her?? not EB + butter right?
Thanks guys for the response, I just tried two games with the builds above. But personally I'm not a fan of eblade, I prefer to use my ult to push on one side of the map, and me on the other. No idea if this playstyle is wrong or not.
tha fuck do you mean life steal is retarded? It's situational, but in some games it's insanelly good, u pretty much become unkillable with satanic. dragon lance is like the worst item u can get for him :D ur strong at split pushing and one shotting someone and ur actually dealing crazy dmg in fights + this hero is fucking slow as shit and it's hard to focus on someone cuz ur ms is garbage, so manta, skadi is like a must in pretty much every game and dragon lance offers u nothing for splitpush or fights u get useless 15 agi 15 strenght that 1900 gold is a waste. U better get ur manta and skadi faster and buying dragon lance later is a fucking joke and delaying these items is even bigger joke.
Mid / Safe lane
Item builds can go :
Power Treads / Linkens / Eblade / Manta / Skadi / Daedelus / MKB / Moon Shard ETC
Or Right Click Heavy
Power Treads / Sange n Yasha or Manta / Skadi / Daedelus / Moon Shards
Throw in BKB in the mix.
Life steal on morphling is extremely retarded until its time to build satanic. The truth is, morphling right now is a bad hero because he needs TOO many items to be useful. Helm of dominator pushes him back from the items he needs. Helm doesnt do shit in actual team fights when enemies are throwing spells at you. Sorry.
You can get helm of domiantor if you feel like your team has given you the SPACE to get it, and to be delayed in your item build
morph is pretty flexible, his main problems are lack of damaage out put without items, and lack of mana regen for his mana heavy spells.
OP just watch illidan replays and copy exactly what he do. Build/skill build
dont be stubborn and think ur ways are better, or u dislike how the best morphlnigs build. There is a reason they build as theyh do.
go mid, farm bottle, last hit well, get a few kills,get ghost scepter and rush ethereal blade, proceed to one shotting supports, farm more items, linkens, skadi,manta,(butterfly,mkb,satanic) depending on the situation. Morphling is played as a carry who nukes his opponent to low health, if he fails to do so and the enemy carry is stronger in a fight than him e.g tb, slark, ck, he can always escape with replicate or wave form. He is very strong especially in the late game and can only be killed if you have a harder carry than him and silences.
watch some of this guy's games if you want. He is the best morphling player i know has 89% winrate across 214 games with kda of 7.77.
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Which lane is he most suited for? Is lifesteal and dragon lance good on him?
My recent and only morphling games, I played them mid. (Bear in mind, it's in normal skill)