General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill level re-evaluation

Skill level re-evaluation in General Discussion
Rektdalf the White

    I'd just like to know opinions on the current system of 0–3,2K MMR normal skill, 3,2–3,7 high skill and 3,7+ VH skill. Dont you think that given the continuing rise of top mmr score, these lvls should be re-evaluated + high skill gap being 500 mmr seemed always kinda small compared to the other two(atleast to me). Don't you think that it should be changed for example to sth like: 0–3,6 normal, 3,6–4999 high, 5k+ vh skill ?


      It depends not solely on the numerical value (i.e.: MMR) which defines the skill bracket, but also the distribution of people within the said bracket, or range of MMR like what you have mentioned. To reevaluate this value is not an easy task because your statement of "the continuing rise of top mmr score" could have been countered for it potentially not relating to "continuing rise of AVERAGE mmr score", which will deserve to have some people adjusting the skill brackets.

      Keep in mind that these two factors do correlate, but for you to say that the MMR bracket should be adjusted higher just because Miracle hit 9k, there have to be justifications you might provide (I do assume the correlation of top MMR and average MMR will be the reason). But not many can come up with enough statistics not just of certain groups of people but the whole population, which is all DotA 2 players to justify reevaluation of current bracket categorization.


        vhs = top 90% hs is 70 or 75 i think and normal anything below that


          mechanically it doesnt correlate with mmr, the barreier is based on percentile of match, and the limits are fluctuating. these percentiles remain constant over time, and the mmr changes are accounted.


            The distribution is by far not equal. I started at 2800 MMR and I used to find matches by about 30 secs faster also when I queue with my friends on my even lower party MMR we find in like ~1 min so normal skill bracket actually has a way higher number of players also that is obvious from the heroes general winrate which tend to be closer to what it is like in the <2k MMR bracket.


              When Valve originally made the MMR system, this was the distribution of players:

              5% 1100
              10% 1500
              25% 2000
              50% 2250
              75% 2731
              90% 3200
              95% 3900
              99% 4100

              According to a Dotabuff employee a few months ago, this is the current distribution of matches (These are matches, not players. Typically higher skill players play more, so the percentage of high and very high skill players is actually smaller than these percentages):

              72.5% Normal
              15.5% High
              11.9% Very High

              To me, these distributions make sense. Maybe Very High should be raised a bit, but the percentages seem alright. If anything is changed, I'd like to see another skill bracket above Very High, just so shitty 4k players like me aren't in the same skill bracket as pros, but right now its not too bad.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                Lol I'm 99th percentile I dunno dota but fucking 99 just goes to show how shit this fucking game is.

                Eternal Meow

                  Make a bigger range for high skill.
                  Move very high skill starting mmr up.
                  Add low skill and very low skill brackets.