General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion counter?

Legion counter? in General Discussion

    he's just pretty annoying when he gets dagger and bm

    rice cake



        lmao sorry she**

        (sub2k player asking the real question)

        Final Boss

          ursa warrior

          rice cake

            Duel kill is inevitable. If you never get dueled, somebody in your team will. Just go ded to her and accept your fate.

            sin blyadi

              wk, ursa, linkin

              Miku Plays



                  Dazzle OD disarm and hex and Eblade now work.


                    Sven build domi + PT... try use god strengh b4 he duel you
                    ez 1 vs 1
                    Match 2362355421

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    Professor Dog



                        dazzle ww omni linkin park medallion stuns 5 manning

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        Player 175043649

                          just pick legion and repick


                            Skywrath mage
                            Invoker with linken


                              A god strength sven loses a duel against a blademail lc i believe


                                Linken sphere and positioning. Hero pick does not really matter cause he will always do more damage to you than you ever do to her (bm and her passive)


                                  i love playing against LC.


                                    I hate it


                                      Imagine a game that LC face an Omni Knight and Winter Wyvern. If LC duel Omni, then WW cold embrace him. If LC duel WW, then Omni activate Guardian Angel. That LC is damn desperate..


                                        Every time I see lc on my team I tilt, every time I see lc on enemy team Ez +25

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Dazzle and oracle are great duel preventers as well, jut grave and false promise the person getting dueled and lc will not have any wins. Lc without duel wins is pretty pathetic.

                                          Mostly though it's about positioning. Don't give lc those easy wins between blink and blade mail, hopefully by the time she has blade mail shes not hitting that hard and you can end game in time. Also lc is damn squishy if not being hit by melee for her lifesteal, that's part of why she needs bkb and blade mail core. So blow her up when you get chances. High dmg ranged heroes who can avoid duels do pretty well like drow, clinkz, sf. But you have to have good vision and positioning.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            Chaos knight (with Ult)
                                            Razor (to steal dmg)
                                            Skywrath (Ult)
                                            And occasionally phantom lancer because she'll duel the illusion and you get to sit back and watch as your lancer illusions eat her
                                            And for razor if u feel like she's gonna duel u just static link before it's pretty easy to predict duels in fights .

                                            King of Low Prio



                                                Solar Crest


                                                  Linken, Eul from your support, teammate hv 1 radiance, harrass her at lane or jungle before she get dagger.

                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                    LC isn't insane. Just build linken's sphere, ghost scepter, eul's, pick shadow demon, illusion heroes, get heaven's halberd.

                                                    There are a lot of options.


                                                      truest counter to cancer hero is to pick cancer hero, no kappa


                                                        Linken cannot counter LC. Once LC get forcestaff you'll get rekt


                                                          Abaddon. Omni. Dazzle.

                                                          Be in the team fights. Heal/ save those she is dueling. She won't be winning any duels, and won't get far.


                                                            Basil you are crazy , lc is a counter for pl why would you suggest playing pl vs lc lol . Lc is decent vs ck as well. Horrible advice .


                                                              Don't listen to people who tell you to pick Ursa either. Chances are, she'll duel a low hp hero like CM or Dazzle or something like that when you are not around and use "Press The Attack!" on whoever you are hitting.

                                                              True counter is teamwork, which you can actually do in 2k if your team isn't too toxic.


                                                                deathball 5 man..
                                                                lc is only good when she can pick off someone, you can counter her by go as 5 and use heroes that can heal team mate such as necrophos, omniknight, dazzle.

                                                                you lose to lc if you dont go 5 man and try to farm, lc players love it when their opposing team tries to farm.

                                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                  Well, Awakened, you're right. Linkin's doesn't counter her, but it helps a shit load.

                                                                  I have been getting bullshit matches where my teammates (random people) playing lc get fucked and the other team has like 3 or 4 heroes with fucking Linken's. That's when she's fucked. I have been getting terrible teammates the past few days, but my performance has been shit too since I bother to help dumb players for some reason.

                                                                  That ends now! :D

                                                                  Ahem, but yeah honestly, AA is a great pick against all these buff'd STR heroes.


                                                                    ghost scepter will not make you invulnerable anymore once you activate it. it will disappear when LC starts dueling.

                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      One extra advice to aforesaid: any nukes in your team can counter her, and nukes are a must on the most team-compositions.