General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter lifestealer in low MMR games?

How to counter lifestealer in low MMR games? in General Discussion

    So his pick rate increased greatly, in low mmr games it is unlikely to counter jungle, thus he leaves jungle with at least armlet+phase+something else and after a few kills he strengthens the advantage in extreme way. What I can do to prevent him from getting nice farm besides BH counter jungle? What heroes can fight him even if he has some overfarm?


      Faceless void ez rape, I mean if you go carry build


        Force staff + ghost scepter

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            Ta, ck, void, items, magic piercing ulties eg bane, beastmaster

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            Dire Wolf

              Anyone with blade mail since it goes through his rage now.

              And he's still quite easy to kite, force staff away and right click him. If he isn't hitting people he's quite squishy. So ranged heroes with hurricane can do well. Viper can kite him easily. Troll and ursa can man fight him.


                Viper,focus ulting on him
                And ursa eats him alive


                  Thanks for responding, guys, I'll try viper, beastmaster and ursa in further games, I guess. Still I want to know if there's a counter jungle strategies besides bounty hunter and sentry-blocking spawns.


                    Necro armour + blademail build. Never ever ever build heart or tank against him, if you want tank build AC or shiva etc. I say necro cos he can cancel out armlet toggle, armour is super strong on him anyway cos of heal and sadist, plus he is strong early when life is weak and vulnerable to ganks, blademail goss through rage and adds you even more armour.

                    Johnny Rico

                      if he is to farmed, abyssal is the aswer, and if you have a pudge just ult him


                        blademail does fuck all to Lifestealer


                          Ez PA.


                            Just did, pick mobility hero.


                              Surely the lanes are not too strong if they have a jungler..


                                Don't pick my teddy bear he's nerfed


                                  slark, ursa.


                                    PL the be all end all of lifestealer


                                      all support : build force staff.
                                      carry :
                                      mobility heroes, like anti mage, pa.
                                      crazy damage, like ursa and sven.

                                      Venus, MBA

                                        Omni ult can block all the damage from his right click, and Lifestealers in low mmr usually won't build diffusal to counter you. Lifestealer has one slow which can be easily dispelled with spells like Abaddon's shield and legion commander's W.
                                        Force Staffs and ghost Scepters are also great kiting tools. So are any heroes with spammable escapes, preferably blinks.


                                          Sven i think is the best. But u will need to farm very good.


                                            Illusion heroes rekt him, strong phyisical damage and evasion. Coordinated teams using force staffs when needed, ghost scepters, anything to make him waste his rage.

                                            Pandamonium(You Died)

                                              Pick Spiritbreaker. Naix is in the jungle, so you are free to charge to at least 2 solo lanes, and 1 lane with 2 heroes in it. It is very hard not to win lanes like that, just buy a stick, shield, clarity and boots when you have gold. Keep charging every 20 seconds, try to get kills or make enemies leave the lane. Also if you need some levels/quick farm, stack and pull for your carry or try to pull offlane creeps to jungle camp. Once allies get level 3, should be ez lanes ez game.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                medusa, batrider, beastmaster, slardar, visage, faceless void, you get the pattern right



                                                  dont worry, 7ks dont know either

                                                  15-1 in solo now atm


                                                    Zenoth I assume you're going phase>armlet>deso>echo>daedalus right?

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      Bounty Hunter he can reck jungles and ruin weak lanes plus track makes him easy to kite

                                                      Magbalugtong Jr.

                                                        get force staff/gscepter/euls/ any item that can kite him. EZ all he can do is crawl crawl and crawl


                                                          Pick Abaddon? Easy remove wound..

                                                          Get phase, Oov , max skill 3. Keep hitting naix so he can't hit it teammates.

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                                                              just go for agility carries. most of them are pretty good against him


                                                                Lifestealer doesnt care about blademail, ur high af whoever said that


                                                                  he does, are you high

                                                                  rage doesnt block blademail

                                                                  lifestealer doesnt worry about agi carries either, high armour str cores are a bigger problem

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  Professor Dog

                                                                    Weaver SeemsGood


                                                                      viper can counter all hero have immunity

