General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a 5th

Looking for a 5th in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    out of desperation, a forum thread now.

    Me and 3 friends (me German, the other 3 British) have been playing together for quite a while. We play almost every day 2-3 games and have been looking for a 5th player, but have so far not found "the one" ;). (we are 3.5 - 4.5k).

    We were wondering, if there would be someone who was looking for a "team" to play with on a somewhat regular basis. We already have the supports and mid covered, our last player plays offlane or carry -

    therefore, if we could find a carry / offlaner, who enjoys the game, just let me know!


    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Aw, dude, cool!
      What server do you blokes play on?

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        P.S. dig the sunglasses on your default photo there.


          Haha, thanks man

          We play on EU West, given that we are all from around here - you?


            Would be interested to play with you guys a bit at 4.4k solo currently but have exam ina month so restricted play time till after then!
            Play support / offlane usually but as I said prob not an ideal time currently :P
            I am also british but work so around in evening / weekends usually.


              Hey man! I think I could be the one. I'm atm 3.7k and i'll start to raise my mmr soon. Imo i'm on a higher level than average 3-4k carry players, check my dotabuff.


                + I play on EU West as well since i'm from Finland

                Merry meister

                  I am 3.8k MMr party I always play carry and I am dutch. :)


                    Add me but I can only play at night. I can play the carry role. I'm decent at the offlane with a very few heroes.


                      Awesome, thanks for the reply guys. I text you tonight when i get off work ;)

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        I play on US West, let me know if I can join. My party mmr is low, and I play nothing like my party mmr so it could mean ez party mmr for all of us. Let me know


                          4.2K solo, add me if you're still searching for carry.


                            Yo i have 4.3k solo. I am also from germany and like playing pos 1/2. Add me if you want.

                            ximix ♉ ザ スタンピード

                              Add me if you want... Also if you find "the one" I'm always up to play some match with friendly ppl :D


                                thanks, added whoever i could find -

                                light, pm, can you guys add me?

                                Mocha Bloke - would your internet hold up? US west is quite far away :D


                                  Hey dudes, I'm 4k and British looking for team. I can play any role but used to play offlane at a high level. let me know :D


                                    Hey dudes, I'm 4k and British looking for team. I can play any role but used to play offlane at a high level. let me know :D


                                      @nylx I have a limited accout cant add you. But if you couldnt find me here is my friend ID: 244781264


                                        I might be up for that I'm around 4,8 atm solo. Add me if the offer stands.


                                          Hey guys, yeah, will let you know - thanks!

                                          Da Cosmonaut

                                            Hey guys. I am 5.1 k solo and available 5 times a week. I usually play at 7-11 pm gmt +1 so add me of any of u is interested