General Discussion

General DiscussionFaceless void 6.87

Faceless void 6.87 in General Discussion
ASSESS Product

    Time Walk cast range increased from 625 to 675
    Time Walk cast point increased from 0.2 to 0.3
    Time Dilation cooldown increased from 36/30/24/18 to 40/34/28/22
    Time Dilation slow rescaled from 7/8/9/10 to 8
    Time Lock no longer deals double damage inside Chronosphere
    Time Lock damage increased from 40/50/60/70 damage to 50/75/100/125
    Scepter no longer increases Chronosphere's duration

    Is he better carry or offlaner now?




        C A R R Y B O Y S
        V A N G U A R D
        N O B L I N K

        Swap Commends

          Good offlaner
          Good team fight utilizer.
          Just fast aghs & then you can turn him into whatever team needs.

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            I think aghs needs to give him 10 armor and shoot pudge hooks from 360 chorno.


              That miracle rampage against newbee with void was pretty epic lads

              ASSESS Product

                I just fcked up that last match. Maybe I shouldnt pick him if ogre in game? Man that ogre sure have high luck that time.