General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve my support game

How to improve my support game in General Discussion
Boyet King

    ^ uhh that
    Mostly playing KotL because of the recent buffs to the hero


      think about buying sentry at the start, think about gank mid at night time, try safe harassement on the offlaner,reduce the xp that could be taken by the offalner, make double pulls or stack the small camp before u pull otherwise u push the lane and give the offlaner safer xp.carry a tp and look toward midlane, mybe your middler is getting ganked, if you think u cant save him, just tp mid they will back when they see someone is tpying. thats my suggestions about 'Pull & Gank' there is lot more to learn everyday dude, gl.

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      Boyet King

        I usually do those, but I want to have generally more impact, especially in mid and late game
        Also, do you have any replays for me to watch, just so I can see what I'm doing wrong??
        thanks :0


          If u want to have more impact in mid/late as a support, pick support that scales better than kotl. Eg. Warlock with scepter + refresher is a teamfight winner.

          Another exaples:
          - WD
          - shadow shaman
          - necro
          - venomancer
          - bounty hunter

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              from my experience, shadow shaman is fucking awful

              Boyet King

                Based on my experience, using KotL, he does actually have gank potential, especially early levels, when ur mid hits level 6, using Mana Leak.
                Also, I usually play as a dedicated support (5) so I don't necessarily have much items (usually only Agh's and Wind Lace in 20 - 30 mins)

                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                  warlock is so awful, especially if you play him as solo 5, I will never play him anything other than mid anymore
                  necro s not a support or at least is wasted on this slot. Like 5th mirinda. Better on any other pos.
                  Like idk putting these extremely farm&exp dependent heroes on pos like 4-5 is rly, rly bad, this is like support invoker
                  veno is always fun but idk if its going to win you the game
                  bounty huntard is a very good roamer
                  kotol can be OP in some hero combos

                  My advice is play disruptor or wd.

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