General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the chances to random a hero, who happens to be your most pl...

What are the chances to random a hero, who happens to be your most played one AND the one with your highest winrate, 5 times in a row? in General Discussion

    So yeah, thanks to this guy having Db+ I noticed that he somehow managed to random Spirit Breaker in 5 games in a row.

    Is there a cheat for this? I mean, randoming a hero for the extra gold while always getting the hero you want? It doesn't seem much, since the dude is probably just mid 3k and playing unranked, but if someone much better, say a 6k dude, played all the time with the heroes he's good at (or just FOTM heroes) and started every game with extra gold...

    Have you seen something similar before?


      ye once on normal mm, idk when. i saw someone one my team wants to pick snip, the shadow shows snip pict. and then when the time reach 00:00 he chose random and got snip. i ask him how to do that and he just silence until the end. maybe just luck? whatever


        I'd say that he randomned and repicked.
        If not, then yes, it is a cheat. He has played 3 more games recently where it shows that he randomned, and had SB.


          ^seems logical, but my chase is real. maybe real luck


            you'd have to check replays to see if he repicked, because otherwise its a cheat. the odds of sb 5 times in a row are about 1/10,000,000,000 aka not gunna happen.


              I remember randoming dark seer three times in a row, but i repicked twice because I dont like the hero :(
              However 5 times in a row is insane


                I only took the time to download one replay, but he randomed and then repicked into sb. He started with 518 gold (must have lost a little due to a late pick as well as it should have been 525).

                Apparently he randoms almost every game and then repicks sb. Kinda dumb, but whatever.

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Pffffft lmao