General Discussion

General DiscussionSven should forget SnY

Sven should forget SnY in General Discussion
Горилла мятная

    stop building this item for Sven ffs! Why dahell IceFraud made Echo Sabre?! Exactly for Sven


      u can go for echo sabre, but its not THAT good on sven. SnY is still the default itembuild for most scenarios.

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        sny > echo sabre

        Горилла мятная

          SnY = 4100
          Echo Sabre = 2650
          It's better 2650 + 2120 (Crystalys).
          u sold SnY = 2050 and left same gold
          u sold Echo Sabre = 1325 and left same gold.
          725 profit, cz Crystalys upgradable.


            N O R M A L S K I L L O P I N I O N S


              U need sny for the mobility, isn't it frustrating to see ur enemy keeping kiting till ur God strength runs out? Sny blink default build, echo saber is good but, it doesn't give mobility, Sven does enough damage, u just need to enable him.


                sange yasha give you movilty at early game, and slow. your sable is pretty useless against fast heroes

                Example if you have breaker with aura + drums you cant kill easily enemy heroes

                Sange yasha is great for sven, assault cuiras and bkb are core i think

                and then changes about dadaelus or abysal or mkb (depending of enemy)

                PD: sven is broken most broken carry in dota 2

                PD2: in your bracket normal skill whatever works, if you buy dagon at sven probly you will win

                pd3: triple steal lick my balls


                  sure m8, where can i find u to actaully do it? (yes homo)


                    I bought echo but selled later for sny
                    I think thats what you should do too


                    stupid fuck 2000

                      You need that movement speed fam.


                        echo is way better than sy on sven, even if it was also costing 4k

                        Muffin Man

                          That's the build atm.


                            Can u build both ?

                            Dire Wolf

                              You could go bot but you'll be slotted by like 25 mins and selling stuff. Treads, blink, hod, s&y, bkb, echo sabre. That leaves your only upgrade as satanic, and it's only about 16k of items. I think bkb, blink and hod are still core sven every game. And with build progression you are probably going treads, hod, echo, yasha, blink, sange, bkb, then selling something. You're selling s&y almost immediately after building it. I'm saying what I think most people do. Some might rush s&y after echo or build blink into bkb first but most that I've seen get yasha for the move speed then blink then sange.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                sabre is good with blink and reasonable timing

                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                  echo costs 2k gold and sny costs 4k, so sny is better.

                                  Muffin Man

                                    Build both of em.If it goes late game you can buy moonstone/eat it and sell echo for Daedalus/AC.Fastest 6 slot isnt problem at all.


                                      I know it depends on enemy line up but whats more core on Sven blink or bkb?

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        SnY is dumb.

                                        I just go for sabre/BoT, it really all depends on your team and the enemy team.

                                        Sabre is for early game and farming supah fast. You sell that shit if it gets to late game.
                                        BKB is a huge staple on Sven, always get it UNLESS the enemy has heroes like Encha, LC, Pudge, then you're going to waste time and money on that bkb, when you should go for Blademail/Tankiness.

                                        Sven is so versatile honestly, a ton of items work well with him, it's all situational. Shit, sometimes sb into se is necessary.

                                        I had a game where I fucked up, and we had a TA who hit fucking HARD, and I was busy and butthurt (pissed) making my own dps items when I should have been building tanky so help him out and just ult to hit hard.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        lm ao

                                          triple can we go fuck each other (yes homo)


                                            sven is my mmr booster i hv great win percentage with him.

                                            i think echo sabre must be paired with blink dagger.
                                            if u skip b.dagger, SnY and drum is good choice.
                                            situational look enemy and team composition.


                                              Even with sny u buy blink lol


                                                ^yes whats wrong with that


                                                  I say echo sabre is better than sny, as long as you get blink, and drums, then echo sabre or bkb, depending. then either ac or Daedalus.

                                                  This seems to work well for me, check my profile for proof, been playing a lot of sven recently


                                                    don't buy drums on this hero... blink core in most matches, echo and blink you can take fights with just those items. you usually need bkb right after tho. you'll replace echo by 30-35 mins probably, i dont think you want both s&y and echo.


                                                      Armlet+echo might be good, i'll need to try it sometime.


                                                        Armlet echo is pretty solid, and heart buff to make it 45 str is nice

                                                        Slot issues suck though